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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. Enjoyed the video A bit late , but I got some shots that night near Bury st Eds, just before the clouds arrived.
  2. 03.10 BST Pixel 4a Astro mode PXL_20230925_015721092.NIGHT~2.mp4
  3. 21.30 had clear skies so picked up the Aurora just outside town. Clouded up by 22.30, by then the Aurora level had dropped to weak. 15 seconds ISO 3200
  4. Was hoping for Aurora, but there was too much mist and moonlight. Jupiter is in the tree (not literally) Phone shot
  5. Hi Leo There seems to be one or Persieids still around , I haven't set my camera up lately. On space weather gallery there is a bright Cappa-Cygnid from yesterday. https://spaceweathergallery2.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=198935
  6. What is also eating into rural dark skies is the expansion of towns. Noticeable is that what were once small lanes with less light pollution a mile or two from town, have become engulfed into new housing/industrial estates.
  7. Was just checking outside and with no moon it seemed quite dark for a suburban area. Looked up light pollution maps and found this. I thought the timeline on the light pollution map was running backwards. This is quite a basic map, but seems to show a reduction in LP over the last 30 yrs. Although locally I have found skyglow worse than it was 20yrs ago, because of new buildings and houses near the town centre. Quite a few estates on the outskirts of town turn most of the streetlights off at 23.30. https://www.hillarys.co.uk/skyglow/
  8. Two great captures Leo On the cloudy nights I was using 10 sec exp. ISO 2000 f3.2 with Tamron 17-50 f2.8 On the clear night 15 sec exp. same ISO f stop. As you know If a really bright fireball comes through, you would only need about ISO 400.... Should be some clear skies during in the next few days
  9. Despite a lot of cloud , I captured a few Persieids. The brightest meteor I saw was on Sunday 6th August, it was out of shot though. These are from early hours of the 13th This was 3am on the 15th
  10. Perfect conditions tonight obviously two days late 🤗 Sat outside 00.40 - 01.30 saw one sporadic. The Cygnus region is faintly visible with the naked eye (urban garden) Edit Managed to capture one Persied about 03.05 BST
  11. Ok , what is BCE ? Also I was thinking tonight is forecast clear for the southeast. Would it be worth having a short session of meteor spotting? Or are the Persieds out of range now? I think after the peak that number of meteors is tiny. I suppose it's always worth a look for some sporadics. Edit I see now 68 BCE is quite a while ago, it's fascinating how they know the exact date of this, although in the larger picture that is not long.
  12. This says Persied numbers have decreased over the last few decades. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2021/08/03/its-not-just-you-the-perseids-really-are-getting-weaker/?sh=87149f513d7d 23.30 14-8- 23 Went outside to check the sky, there were some gaps and I could see the summer triangle. Saw two Persieds within three minutes, but the cloud is back for tonight.
  13. Mostly cloudy until 2am then a clearer spell from 02.50 - 03.50. Nine meteors seen in that time, six were between 03.30-03.50 Friday night was forecast as clear, when it remained cloudy. Saturday night was forecast cloudy, but did get an hour of mostly clear sky.
  14. Was this between midnight and one am? A lot of cloud around in the south and midlands now. The north east may have been better, the Aurora was photographed from east Yorkshire.
  15. Had a look 2-3 am into Friday 11th ,saw four meteors, one bright going through Cygnus. Clouded up after 3am. Should be a few tonight, but it's still cloudy may not clear until 2am around London. Or not at all....
  16. As it was clear I had a look from 01.30-03.30. I saw six meteors , one was not a Persied, as it tracked from south-north parallel to the horizon at about 40 degrees. It was an ideal night for meteor spotting, the weather doesn't look as favourable for the peak.
  17. While out trying to pickup the Aurora (no luck this time), I saw a bright meteor in the north above the plough. It was heading from North east to South west. From about 70 degrees fading out at around 30 degrees. It was white and fading to orange and left a brief trail. Time was 01.22 , I think it was a Persied. The moon and Jupiter looked nice together , and the Pleiades nearby.
  18. Noctilucent Clouds June 16th 03.00 Pentax K70 Tamron 17-50 @f3.5 processed on pixel phone
  19. Noctilucent Clouds From 5/6th July 2023 Pixel 4a phone 23.25 5th July 02.20 July 6th
  20. 22.40 Moon, Mars , Venus, Castor and Pollox Also saw a moderately bright meteor through The Plough heading North-West. Possibly a Camelopardalis
  21. Just seen two not very bright meteors heading SE from near the Plough.
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