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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. I wondered why I couldn't see anything, lol 👀
  2. Thanks Sunshine, yeah, just loving the dome now it's all set up inside and polar aligned. Five mins and away imaging.
  3. Orion and Mars over the dome. An unexpected Mars session this evening, or should I say early morning, lol. Lovely though until the cloud's rolled in.
  4. I stand corrected, I'll butt out cus my knowledge is limited.
  5. I'm new to this planetary imaging too. I've use ROI and several two minute stacked image's and used WinJupos to de-rotate them. Try taking several and de-rotate. This is my best image so far albeit with a C11. I'm far, far from an expert, lol.
  6. Lovely session this evening imaging Jupiter and Mars. Thought I'd take a couple of pics of the dome and scope under the stars and moon light. Added a simulation image of Mars and I could see most of the features present. Be interesting to compare with any suitable image that I've taken from last night.
  7. Many thanks geoflewis, there were a set of 9 two minute vids stacked image's that were de-rotated. As I'm new to planetary imaging I'm never sure how much to sharpen and colour balance. Plus didn't no about denoise in autostakker, lol. All a new learning curve from solar imaging, lol.
  8. Hiya geoflewis, yeah, wasn't quite sure on colour balance.
  9. Thanks John, yeah North polar hood nicely displayed, covering a large area at present.
  10. Yeah Jeremy, pleased with it as it's not at full disk yet and oppositionL
  11. C11, 2.5x powermate, ADC and Zwo Asi 224mc. Captured with FireCapture, processing with Autostakker3 and Photoshop CS2.
  12. Thanks, will watch out for that. No idea what my settings were. Yes I use firecapture.
  13. Oh goodness, hopefully it'll dry out okay. Astro equipment is really, really robust. I had a mishap last week with one of my solar telescopes parting company with the mount straight on to the floor. Didn't even break out in a sweat, lol. It bounced off the other two, hit the side of the shed and onto the floor with me horror struck. Working fine though, lol.
  14. Cool, thanks, don't mind people giving help. What did you do to tweak the image? What was the work flow? Thanks Kon
  15. Thanks, lol, probably Andy, haven't done much night time Astro before so I might get rained on, lol.
  16. Tweaked a little in photoshop. Really pleased with my second Jupiter image.
  17. Hi all, just had the time to get my head around WinJupos and de-rotate some sequences of images taken on the 10/11th October. C11, 2.5x powermate, ADC and Zwo Asi 224MC. Still some more practice me thinks, lol.
  18. I've just been looking back over some images because it's the weather is blustery here today, lol. came across these from September 23rd 2022. Hydrogen Alpha and CaK wavelengths.
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