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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. True, but I guess it depends on what you like to specialise in. I'm primarily solar and planetary. I'd like to to do more spectroscopy in the coming months but even that's imaging, lol.
  2. I understand that it's the live view through the eyepiece that fire's up visual observer's as I get the same looking at the live feed on my screen. I'm 64 so appreciate being in the warm and the scopes under the sky. Especially at this time of year in the UK too.
  3. I do get extraordinary views on the computer screen of the solar activity, especially when there's a lovely active flare or prominence over a few minutes. Image's of just five mins of activity. Obviously I'm seeing all the in between bits of it ebing and flowing until it dies down.
  4. Thanks Jeremy for your comments. I've done nine day's of solar observations this December, think that's a record for me as the sun is at it's lowest point in the sky.
  5. Thanks Jeremy, appreciate your comment's.
  6. Hi all, an unexpected solar session today between the showers. Lunt 60mm double stack pressure tuned solar telescope and lunt Cak bf1800 with a Bresser 127mm refractor.
  7. Hi all, just got around to processing the boxing day solar session. Lunt 60mm double stack pressure tuned solar telescope and lunt Cak bf1800 with a Bresser 127mm refractor.
  8. Thanks Mog3768, much appreciated. It is difficult this time of year for sure. I only have a window after noon of 2hrs.
  9. Yeah, I'm very much imaging EEVA. I confess I have more Zwo cameras than eyepieces, lol. I tryed looking through the cameras but I confess I couldn't see a thing, lol.
  10. Good discussion, thanks peps. It helps me understand. I blame marketing, lol....
  11. It's OK Carole, I'll ask the questions that no one else will ask, lol.
  12. I know, lol. It's what we as individuals like. I appreciate that. You got me with the solar scopes, lol. I'd pay thousands for that, lol. I just wanted to try and get my head around the eyepiece feaver. I guess it's like anything in astronomy, what feaver gets you, lol.
  13. OK, I'm going to get some flack with this. I see many post's about new eyepieces arriving and pic's with all the others they have. The cost of some more than some of my scopes, lol. I confess at the beginning, I either use my Astro cameras to view on the computer screen or image with same camera's. I don't get why so many eyepieces and sometimes expensive one's. I own about three eyepieces but invariably use just the 32mm sometimes to centre an object before inserting the camera. So, may the controversy begin, lol.
  14. Hi all, just got around to processing the Christmas Eve images. Lunt 60mm double stack pressure tuned solar telescope and lunt Cak bf1800. Lovely flare activity.
  15. Hi all, I wasn't allowed out Christmas Day, lol. Managed a session today. As of Christmas Eve I'll have to process another day, lol. Lunt 60mm DS HA and Lunt CaK module with 127mm Bresser Refractor, Zwo Asi Mono 178mm. AR3176 seems to be doing a bit of flaring on the North Eastern quadrant. Seems that it was a C-class flare at 3.35 which peaked at 13.48UT.
  16. Thanks Jeremy, much appreciated, happy Christmas.
  17. I only get around a two hour window here in the afternoon.
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