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Status Updates posted by toilandtrouble123

  1. Will be getting my new scope in two weeks time! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nephilim


      Great stuff Nat :D

    3. toilandtrouble123


      canny wait, dead excited! majorly geeked out and freaked out people at work over it lol xx

    4. Icey85


      whoop! mine should arive Friday - dont think ill have much trouble staying awake to not miss the delivery though! Your right, the excitement is something....unique! x

  2. I know this is not astro-related, buy going out tonight, and trying something "girly"...but OMG, how DO girls put false eyelashes on?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Icey85


      Girls and eyelashes!?! Even cars are wearing them now?!?! Lol, i ask you!? I'd just settle for some more hair! :)

    3. Bigdaddyjeff


      i struggle everytime :)

    4. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      I actually trimmed mine down with my beard trimmer the other day to stop them touching my EPs..!!

  3. oh my, is that blue sky I see out of my window....?

    1. Pig


      Ha ha, someone has painted your windows.

    2. toilandtrouble123
  4. my laptop has mysteriously restored itself to its factory settings, and I have lost EVERYTHING!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toilandtrouble123


      Nope, strangely enough was gonna do one this weekend, now I had some stuff on it worth saving (i.e my first pics with my dslr, WoW, saved documents). Only had this laptop a couple of weeks too..

    3. foundaplanet


      You did post some pics on SGL though so at least you still have your first shots.

    4. Pig


      At least you have them.

  5. cloud again, and definatly getting chillier...

  6. Nope, no chance for me tonight, the fog is now getting even worse ffs!

    1. chrisfellows


      Same! I've got a new scope that I haven't had a chance to properly use yet!!! The joys of living in the UK :-/

      Not sure there's any point in saying it but "Clear Skies" :-D lol

  7. HTC says partly sunny, MetOffice says clear night with patchy mist in rural areas....My house (near town centre) view: thick fog like out of a horror movie! Getting fed up with this weather

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foundaplanet


      Yeah but look on the bright side. After six weeks of constant cloud there always comes six weeks of continuous cloud.

    3. cheb


      good old HTC says sunny? At night!

      Its thick low cloud here but i have seen two stars!!

    4. toilandtrouble123


      @foundaplanet - your wit is as ever so amusing....

      @cheb - the way my htc thinks, is well unique

  8. Will be heading out tonight with the DSLR for my second attempt at constellation shots and star trails, staying in town though, so light pollution will be a [removed word]

  9. I can see blue sky.... :D

  10. damn cloud, and now I wish i had a tv license.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. toilandtrouble123


      nah, I might as well go on WoW....

    3. foundaplanet
    4. Letchy


      I'm sure it will be available somewhere on the internet soon, I would check YouTube. :) I think I may have recorded the programme to watch later... If I could, I would help you out.

  11. talking to the kitten in mews and miaows about how buying a new scope is essential to the house's existence :D

    1. rowan46


      I wouldn't bother. Kittens are not interested in anything astronomical except string theory.

  12. what horrible weather for my day off, might as well stay in bed, and carry on browsing for my second scope

  13. just checked out forecast on met office website for my town....disappointing....

    1. crashtestdummy


      i may aswell find another hobby for the next few months or get more sleep

  14. getting to grips with processing RAW files.....eurgh

  15. had 15mins of setting up, ate sausage and chips in the car whilst waiting for scope to cool, got out the car 20 mins later, and the sky had disappeared under thick mist and low cloud

    1. crashtestdummy


      sounds familiar although i didnt have sausage and chips i had a cup of sweet tea and a packet of monster munch

  16. lets hope these skies stay clear ^_^

  17. t adapter has just arrived, my dslr set up is complete!!

  18. camera tripod has arrived today!! yay!! time to experiment with star trails...oh wait...the british weather... doh :-(

  19. So... my DSLR camera arrived, minus the instructions and CD ROM....you get what you pay for I suppose...

    1. Daniel-K


      you can find most of the drivers on a google search, what did you get?

    2. toilandtrouble123


      canon 350d, no instructions, drivers, interface cable or power cable. all easily rectified, i know, but its the INCONVENIENCE of it lol! and i've just rinsed all my ink printing out the users manual before realising there was 172 a4 pages to print out-DOH!! i guess im in dingbat-mode today haha

  20. got scope all set up, hoping the cloud would break whilst waiting for the scope to cool down, and lo and behold blumming STARTS SNOWING!!! fml.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lenny147
    3. crashtestdummy



    4. toilandtrouble123


      we had a snow flurry on the hills, which was surprising as the elevation is only something like 660 feet, and it wasn't really that cold. oh well, still screwed my night up.

  21. Hopefully heading out with my scope tonight for the first time in a couple of years

    1. foundaplanet


      A couple of years! Wow and I thought my weather had been bad...

    2. toilandtrouble123


      lol!! my set up has been in storage, cos of moving about and whatnot. So, for the past few weeks, I've been trying to get up to the hills with the scope, but poor weather has prevented me.....until now :D

    3. foundaplanet


      I wish you luck and hope you have a good session.. I am about to load my van and I'm hoping for a few breaks..:)

  22. wow...havent been on here in a while

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