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Everything posted by 25585

  1. You don't need a finder scope with a 14x mag ep. I use one of my 2 inch 40s as one on the 500mm TV Genesis and a 1.25 40mm Plossl for my 80 Equinox, also 500mm FL.
  2. Thats the aperture increase thrill as well, of course. But big FOV on OCs are like gazing into a jewel box. The Hyades are a favourite of mine, with the bright red star in the middle, a ruby among diamonds.
  3. I like the green obso, nicer for gardens.
  4. Today my Sky Atlas 2000 2nd Edition De-Luxe laminated came, a pair of TS binoviewers & ... my Senior Railcard!
  5. Its gotta be done! For your TV 80 though, just right!
  6. Researching the 90 deg BBHS Amici. Baader have it up on their own site. https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/baader-2"90°-astro-amici-prism-with-bbhs-r-coating.html They are expensive but (so are Astro Physics standard diagonals & Baader Hershels) they can enable ordinary refractors to turn into terrestial scopes. Compared to a new spotting scope as a whole, the price is acceptable, allowing for digiscoping & wildlife as well as star hopping using eyes, atlas & Telrad etc. Also good for outreach, as I find with my 1.25 correct image diagonals - one less "why is?" to answer. @iPeacedo you still use both your Baader Amicis since you last posted in this thread?
  7. Oh. I thought you had broken a bv pair of 8s, sold me one & kept the other for yourself. ?
  8. You won't need the super XW 7mm now, with the excellent 8mm there. ? Steve, really, to sell such rare gems to buy a common Takahashi DC model ?
  9. We toldja so! ? I find the 10 and 7 are best of short FL eps. Vixen did not cover between 8 & 13 in their range, maybe thd 10's excellence us why.... The 5mm Vixen LVW is my preference for that FL, also slightly narrower for bino. LVW 8mm & XW 7mm very close.
  10. TS GSWA50, 50mm Erfle eyepiece. Eye relief fine. For a ep kit for a longer FL scope.
  11. Considering one, but this may be a better alternative.
  12. Well that's it. 56 eye pieces, 14 telescopes (including finders), 3 diagonals, 3 mounts, 3 tripods.

    Its got to a point now where I feel unwelcome more than welcome on SGL, more often than not. This seems apparent due to the curt replies I get, based on my opinions or tastes, from officials & devotees of certain brands. Stargazers are a conservative bunch apparently. Also on SGL at least, paranoid that just one individual can discourage others to buy certain products, or send more than my critics think necessary.

    I joined the forum last August & have learned a lot, not only about kit, techniques, tech stuff etc.

    1. Stu


      Richard, the forum is called Stargazerslounge not KitcollectorsSpareroom for a reason, because we like looking at (and imaging) stars etc.

      I for one would welcome some observing reports and for there to be a focus on using some of this kit as it was intended.

      I would encourage you to move away from casting doubt on the kit used by others, and our characteristics, and to post up something which we can all enthusiastically comment on.

      I think you will find the responses change from curt fairly quickly.

    2. Pig


      Richard ...... also remember that text has no tone or expression to it and it is very easy to both offend and be offended, thus posts can be very easily taken the wrong way.  I for one do not think any posts you have made or replies received have been intentionally personal ....... I have also been amused at times with some threads involving you....... but you do kind of put your head above the parapet ?

  13. So the black Baader 2 inch diagonal is a prism & white a mirror. Or are there other variations?
  14. My 100 & 120 Equinox scopes have only their very good CNC OE rings, but I have replaced the Vixen bars with longer Losmandy D ones. I paid less for both together than half the price of my Tak. There will be no more photos of the DL posted.
  15. As I said, it's up to the owner. But just because a manufacturer provides certain mounting hardware, that does not mean it's anything more than adequate. Upgrading focusers, using centering clicklocks, better finder scopes, eyepieces etc are all part of the same scene. What comes in the box is cheap and adequate, but can and in some cases should be upgraded to better quality and design.
  16. Looking at my Tele Vue Genesis, it is in a clamshell ring. But that ring is held closed by 2 Allen bolts. The tube secure in that clamshell is attached to TV's Panoramic mount by 2 wing head bolts. In that case I feel one clamshell is fine.
  17. Well then, for sliding, an alternative is the ADM saddle for Tak clamps that @FLO sell. Fitted by 2 bolts to the bottom of a clamshell, the saddle slides fastens & can slide when slightly loosened, along the ridged side of a dovetail bar. How much depends on the length of bar, which would need to be attached to a mount flat side facing. Photos of my clamshell on a saddle below.
  18. No gaffa or any other tape. Just 2-extra-rings, for an expensive long OTA. DLs now cost a lot more than they started off doing, and always more than the F7.5 models. Irreplacable funds as well as common sense dictate adequate security & protection of my outlay. My heavier scope, the 120 Equinox does indeed go on the side. Balances out nicely thanks.
  19. Shorter focal length the reason perhaps? Or a typo possibly, maybe it's 64 mis-typed. I think there is a Gary Seronik page about secondary sizes. At least less worry about losing light from slight misalignment. In reality does about 1cm make much difference for visual use. The benefit of that Bresser is, as for OO UK dobs, their OTAs can be removed from the rocker assemblies completely, allowing mounting on equatorial etc.
  20. No pix at present but the only things I did were replace the puny 6x30 finder with a Telrad sight & an Altair RACI 60mm finder. I also bought a couple of Astrozap 10 inch tube covers from FLO.
  21. Peace of mind is what counts for happy carefree use. Whatever you personally feel is adequate to secure and protect your scope regardless of any other person's choice. It was your money that bought it! Manufacturers provide what is the bare minimum. 1 cylindrical clamp with 1 bolt or 2 narrow rings with a bolt each. Adding to, upgrading, modifying is often done on other astro kit. There should be no stigma attached to an individual's choice. And that includes chopping off 55mm of OTA!
  22. I simply feel that for securing anything valuable, one lock, however strong may not be enough because it is the only one. Whether by user, or mechanical error, or both, a failsafe secondary independent securing mechanism is never ever a bad idea. As for aesthetics, beautiful OTAs retained by a crude industrial device. Beauty & the beast.
  23. If only rings were sold singly. Anyone want to go 50/50 on a pair? Or maybe @FLO could split boxes. Dropping my Tak is a nightmare scenario which is why she is armoured-up.
  24. Those are more for holding a homemade dewshield extension in place. Jubilee clips can scratch nice paintwork. Cable ties need cutting off & replacing each time so impractical. However users of the OE clamshell clamp, with its single bolt lock might wish to consider your suggestion as a secondary fastening, which 2 (or more) rings provides.
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