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Everything posted by TareqPhoto

  1. I don't understand your comment, but id you mean about to connect the Canon lens to my astro camera CMOS then i have many adapters for Canon T-mount, so i wasn't asking about how to connect the lens, i was asking about getting another 135mm lens let it be Samyang for example so i can go dual 135mm.
  2. As long i like the lens results but i have the Canon version only and also i have a second camera i am thinking about getting this lens to use 2 cameras, but i really feel that as much i like wide field but i don't like this super wide field always, i mean some targets can be nice like Cygnus targets, but another targets i feel like i really want to stay within 300-600mm range, and i don't know if i should really buy another 135mm lens.
  3. You get it wrong my friend, i bought the camera because i have same one from another brand and i am happy with it, and i have few telescopes or say two actually, but those two i can't decide i must buy the same again and place them both on my mount, so i buy the camera and later i search for a scope, and my need is simple, just a cheap scope giving nice quality and it is anywhere between 250mm up to 600mm of focal length, i just have to find that two scopes of that condition, i have one which is a Newtonian, the other one is a guide scope which is an achro refractor, ST80, so, do you have any idea which scope to match my two cameras under that category?
  4. I couldn't understand your question better, can you explain it more for me please? Well, the main plan was to shoot 2 different filters at the same time rather than do one per time and waiting to finish it and then change to another filter and another and another, i wasted last 2 years with that changing and having issues, even with one filter i have issues so i ended up like having so many bad data either with one filter or all, and that definitely resulted to that i don't have any one good DSO image really, many can spend even 10 years for 1 target, i really don't bear to stay full night for 1 filter only and even more nights for one filter, so i decided that i shouldn't waste every night with one filter only, so if i have two cameras then either i have one filter is bad or two bad or two good, and when i do that i know that i can shoot say 3-7 filters in less nights than spending 7 nights using each filter individual, and i am not necessary have to spend too much money to buy very fast system such as RASA or SCT with Hyperstar, for me a second mono is always cheaper, and many did use dual imaging system just fine and successfully, so all what i have to do is work hard to make both systems working together fine, at least if one isn't going good then at least the second one is success.
  5. So, i am still not deciding anything, i will wait the camera to arrive and then i play with it for a while and later i decide, i may play with Canon lenses only for a while, i could buy an achromatic refractor so i can make it side by side with my ST80, but all said that an achro isn't a quality scope even if using NB filters only, and buying two 130PDS to be able to mount both on my mount i feel like not a good idea either.
  6. Ah ok, i will check it out there and maybe i will buy something from them since 1 year of surfing their site. Well, i don't have any WO items or equipment except this dovetail, i bought it to use it for my Meade 8" F5 Newt lol Thank you very much
  7. I live under Bortle 8 sky, it looks like 6/7 sometimes and 9 another time, but sounds i can be fine with RGB sometimes not always, and that few times is like enough for me to try and experiment, i saw people did RGB or OSC under Bortle 8 or 9 themselves, so i was thinking how much it can be in my sky then. I looked at more options as second scope, i don't know if i may change my ideas, as i saw Newt sold with EQ mounts, i made like maximum $1200 to buy two small scopes new that i don't have, or another Newt same of what i have, but i didn't think about buying a Newt such as 6" or even 8" with an affordable EQ mount they came with, this way i don't need to put two scopes on one mount, but i have to question the performance of those cheaper mounts that are coming with the scopes as a kit, it is just a plan and not confirm yet, i have to decide as the camera is being shipped and i should expect it to come within 3-4 weeks at best, so i have to decide quickly. I was thinking about 130PDS scope which is popular here, but i feel like i am too much downgrading, from 8" to 6" and now 5"? I feel i should either stay with 6" or 8" and no less, also Carole is doing amazing with a lens 135mm, i have this lens of Canon model, i can buy Samyang/Rokinon version cheaper or even very very cheap Chinese one of F/2.8 versions, but i also doubt if a lens for super ultra wide will be my favorite optics for long time anyway.
  8. Ah ok, i don't know from where did you buy it, i have the WO one, expensive but it is a piece of are and beauty really.
  9. Is that William Optics Losmandy style dovetail blue one you have?
  10. First, thank you very much for answering me. Second, very nice beautiful setup you have there, lucky you! Now we talk about me in points. 1. I ordered ASI1600MM, this is exactly same as QHY163M but from ZWO. 2. The mount can handle up to 50lb, some said 55lb and some said 40-44lb and i read all about making it half, well, the mount came with an extra saddle anyway means it is capable. 3. I am still learning with my new scope, i like it, and yes, i can buy another one, but it is a Newt, most people hate collimation routine, and also i am not sure if i get another 6" F4 then this will make my dual setup like 12" F8 then, i mean not sure if two 6" F4 with all accessories including filter wheels will make it near the limitation of my mount, so that i am open to more options, i was thinking maybe going with 130PDS but it is not 6" and it has 650mm, very close to 6" F4, and if i use 0.9x reducer then it will be so slightly wider, not sure if i like any of those ideas. 4. I can go with lenses, i have some but i may duplicate one i have but from 3rd party cheaper one, such as that popular 135mm lens, i have Canon 135mm, but i don't know if i really want to practice and experiment with lenses over scopes. 5. I also just asked yesterday my time about adding OSC cooled camera, so if some targets i will do NB + RGB then shouldn't i just leave that RGB to OSC and keep mono for L and NB data? and ofcourse with OSC cooled i won't use any filter wheel as i will use only one filter that i can place directly on the camera or on the corrector/flattener, i have 2" LP filter already, but with two mono i can keep one for RGB filters anyway, so this mono + RGB vs. OSC for RGB only is another idea to make things easier for me and reduce the total weight slightly too. 6. I am still in plan for getting another mount, if in hurry then something cheaper affordable such as HEQ5 or i don't know if CEM25/CEM40 can be good alternatives, not sure about AVX and then i can use the second setup separately. I have side by side dovetail, two or thee of them, i can buy one more for larger aperture scopes so they don't hit each other on that side by side, or i go with the second extra saddle with my mount, both can be done, and maybe one is better for balancing if not both, which one do you prefer if you have that choice/idea?
  11. Hi all, Just very straight forward question. If you have almost tight budget up to $1200, and you already have one scope or two but you can't be sure if you can have another one to use next to it for dual system imaging, what will you buy as scopes two of them maximum $1200? Just ordered second cooled camera very similar same specifications of the one i have, so it means i have to find two scopes to use with it, i have Canon DSLR lenses but none two the same, i can buy one cheap of 3rd party with nice quality same to what i have, but i don't know if a lens is nice enough to be used in imaging. I am mostly into doing wide field nebulae, something in 200-500mm range, but i see people using 135mm lens too, but i know not all targets i want to image at 135mm only. My mount is AZ-EQ6, so, show me your suggestions/recommendations.
  12. I will give it a try and see although i remember i tried all the modes, M, A, S even P, but i will try and see, thanks
  13. Ah ok, i hope i can stop my Canon lens as well, i tried my Canon camera 1 series and also Sony mirrorless and it never stop it down, i will see if i can with an old camera as many said i need that DoF button on the camera.
  14. Very nice Which Canon 400 lens did you use? And did you stop it somehow?
  15. I still don't know what do you mean by thumb screw attachment or screw-on attachment?
  16. I am gonna buy a larger scope which is a dob 99% i can tell, and i am between 12" up to 16", but i feel that 14" is a good one, 12" is a better sweet spot as i am planning to make 20" Dob later so 12" can fit, but 14" is still a bit larger just in case, it can be a lifetime scope more than 12", and i still feel i can get one of those 12" Newt to use on my EQ6 and ignore the idea of a dob, but i want to get 14" for visual and planetary imaging, i am under Bortle 7-9 too but that will never stop me from getting larger, who knows, one day i may drive to dark sites then i will always regret why didn't i go with 14" over 12", and my Mak 7" is doing fine for visual now so i don't need any 8"-10" one.
  17. First test ever with my new scope, GSO 6" F/4, the collimation is not perfect, and the balance is also not good, no polar alignment as i was in hurry, but i wanted to see if the mirrors are not good or just normal quality acceptable anyway. Also it is a test for my latest camera, ASI178MC, not sure if those are good examples to judge, but i feel/think that the scope is good enough, the more care and better collimation i can do the better results i can get, so i will be patient with it. First one is RAW16 mode without filter, second also no filter at RAW8, the last two are with Baader Neodymium Moon&Skyglow filter, third is at RAW8 and last is RGB42 mode.
  18. This will do the job perfectly, i have this one exactly and it is amazing.
  19. Sounds for me that i should go with a second camera then and anther same scope i have and call it a "NIGHT", maybe i can't afford a very fast scope now from Celestron so i better not wait until that happen and go with second camera, and yes, you added a valid great point, i have Astrodon filters, i don't think i will replace those, so maybe those filters are still not good enough with very fast F/2 scope, means i have to forget about F/2 scope now.
  20. I agree, i tried with my Canon 135mm F2 and it never made it shorter, i ended up with many issues and i still use one filter per time, so even with that i was dreaming about having another camera so i don't waste time with one lens or optics and camera for each filter, but i asked as i see that RASA and similar such as Hyperstar are getting popular, so i wanted to know the secret, the one who can afford a RASA should be able to get 2 cameras instead, so that i asked first. In addition, how much slow is slow, is it because it isn't F2 then it is slow? I mean is F5 slow or F4 or even F3.5?
  21. Hi all, It is just a simple question and hope i can get the answer as it is a decision according to budget/affordability somehow or the practical logic way. Which one do you think is faster or you like to do the things assuming you have a target and you need to do for example 4 hours at least per NB filter at average focal ratio? Using very fast scope such as RASA at f/2 [or similar, hyperstar is an example] and giving 2 hours for one filter so you do 2 filters respectively. Having 2 mono cameras so you put one filter in each [one with Ha for example and the other with OIII] and image with each at 4 hours. If it is my choice i really prefer 2 cameras, i have one already, so i can use those at any different two same scopes rather than i am stuck with one scope at specific focal ratio and focal length and aperture, but i feel like so many love a very fast scope these days, it is like they can afford 1 scope instead of 2 cameras maybe, i am not sure, but if you prefer one method or option above then please can you give me a reason or explain why so i know how to choose?
  22. Ok, sounds really a difficult question to answer, it is just about "Go buy the premium you will never regret and we don't know about cheaper one and we are all happy with premium focuser". Thank you very much
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