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Everything posted by TareqPhoto

  1. I didn't read this comment long time ago until i mentioned i ordered one, so it is like i buy things late and then people start to comment and mention points of pros and cons. F4 in Newt was because i wanted something as 500-600mm FL, even 600 is a bit long but i can fit some targets perfectly, so didn't want to get 650mm or 750mm, 150mm[6"] F5 is 750mm, too much, 130PDS is 650mm, i was thinkin about 150mm [6"] vs. 130mm [5"] aperture and i decided the larger one even 1" difference, and because i wanted 600mm or faster so i decided why not give this F4 a try, i already have 8" F5, so at 1000mm, with 0.9x i can go wider a bit to 900mm and f4.5, and with ASA 0.73 and i am at ~730mm F/3.65, so i felt like 750mm won't be a good FL if in future i reduce my 8", and i should think about 130mm F5 with a reducer to go to ~585mm using 0.9x, but then if i reduce it it means it will be faster and then i will have same F4 collimation situation almost. I asked about getting two or THREE same exactly Achromatic refractor for DSO imaging and all answers said it is not a good idea even with narrowbanding because they will never focus at same point for all filters of RGB and NB, so the Newt is the only cheapest option there for me, i can't spend anything over $400-500 anyway, i could never find any triplet brand new anywhere, and a doublet that good and quality isn't cheap as well so it will be closer to a triplet, it means i won't buy anything and wait longer, and my plan is to add Tak FSQ one way or another after 1 or 2 years, so an affordable APO refr is out of the plan completely because of that Tak FSQ simply, and waiting that to happen means i will waste so many targets and months without imaging, can you recommend something for my plan?
  2. I have a laser collimator and pro Cheshire collimator from FLO.
  3. It will be for DSO imaging and sometimes the moon.
  4. The problem is, i saw few did use this type of scope and having amazing results, so i believe that if some can do it why not us or me, i don't want to just give up and say this is an impossible to use scope, and because of the budget i felt like this is my only option now.
  5. Hey all, I ordered 6" F4 Newtonian today with Bob's Knobs for secondary as i can't wait to have a good serious telescope with good colors, refractor i must buy an APO that good, or even semi APO and not sure it will be well corrected for colors as well, so i decided that the Newtonian will take away this color issue thing, and then i only have to worry about collimation, we will see how difficult it will be collimating F4 once i receive the scope. What else i have to add with the scope beside collimator and coma corrector? Are you happy with F4 Newt or you feel it is the nail in the head to be used?
  6. Ok, this will support my plan more then about getting a Newtonian over achromatic refractor even if i will do narrowbanding, so CA isn't the only issue but other physical issues then. I don't know if i asked about ED semi APO or doublet then i will get same similar answer then as someone said that ONLY TRUE APO TRIPLET can do the job, this will put it at $$$$ route as well. Thank you very much
  7. The thread title mentioned two ST series, 80 and 102, and all people around the world keep talking about the achromatic and CA issue, and i know that, but i asked the question many times and i feel like i couldn't get the right answer or there are so many different opinions and then i couldn't reach the final one. What do you think if someone used a mono camera with filters and keep focusing for each filter? What if you have 2 ST scopes with two same exact camera and each one has different filter, so you imaging 2 scopes and cameras at the same time with different filters and each has been focused for that filter? Will that make any difference? imagine you have two or 3 same achromatic scopes and three same cameras and each carrying a filter let's say R G B, or narrowbanding Ha OIII SI, each are focused, will the result be very different than for example a triplet with one camera and rotated filters? Newtonian is color-issue free, only needed a coma corrector, but a refractor also mostly needing a flattener, so we aren't stopping here about correcting the field, but about the colors issue, nice thread and topic as i want to see all possibilities and options.
  8. I have a solid mount, and i have a coma corrector for F4.
  9. That is solved about issues you talked about, and it is for AP definitely.
  10. I mentioned 3 models, 150PDS which is F5, and 130PDS, and there is also 150mm F4 from another maker or brand which is 600mm or 612mm, so that 150mm [6"] F4 is the wider and faster, and it is the one i think more about really.
  11. Hi all, I know there is a thread about the scope Skywatcher 130mm PDS, nice images there, but i am planning to buy 150mm [6"] F4 instead, first it is larger so aperture rule applied, second it is F4, and third it is very slightly wider, so what do you think about that really? I even can buy two of those 6" F4.
  12. The solution? I have this since 2017 when i started for the first time ever into AP and it works like a charm, in fact i did buy the cable again but the longer one 2 years ago or last year can't remember and kept it as backup only, i don't know what i will do without it, I AM VERY VERY HAPPY with this cable for my AZ-EQ6 mount, it was tricky first time, but the time will teach anyone anyway ..... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
  13. When i see people keep imaging with just standard gear and maybe not astro things and being fine with their results i feel like i should really slow down with my mind, i only keep looking at high quality results from people with amazing gear and expensive and feel like "I will never be good until i reach their levels", but i think i have to find kind of a connection between going higher and enjoying my moment as well, and i don't want to end up with just something i have now that it won't last long or get me far and keep using it forever because people are telling me never look far or high and stay where you are, i like to move and walk quick not slow, so if they asking me to slow down or stay where i am then for how long? I used my Canon 135mm for the first time in February, and since that time i didn't do any imaging, and i still didn't process my data, not sure how they will be, and i feel like should i buy another 135mm lens at least from Samyang for example because people here are enjoying using it or not?!!!
  14. I hope you can solve your issue. I am using an old laptop with Win 7, and it is working great, i don't know know if you are using the Mac or using Windows or what exactly, but what kind of cable are you using anyway? I only used the first two as well from EQMOD page, although i downloaded most of those but i didn't bother with it.
  15. And yet, i won't buy theirs, i will buy mine after saving, and i won't do the same mistake as them, i am getting in 40 in few days, so i won't think about that i buy a high end later and sell it in few months or even few years later, in fact i am still holding onto my EQ6 mount and ST80 refractor and 7" Mak while i see many started after me and bought much more than what i bought already, so i know exactly what i want to buy as brand new, but i have to make sure that it is the right choice first and won't regret, in fact i did that in photography, bought cameras of all kinds, even i bought a camera that cost nearly $50K to find out that it won't do much for me but only for professionals, but i never regret it and the camera is still with me for over 10 years while many already sold same camera to upgrade, so i am willing to spend that amount on FSQ brand new and never look back and never regret, alongside with another scope for planetary and then i will be like i am done, i don't need to buy 5-10 scopes as i see many did and they keep changing and replacing and adding, i buy once and cry once, so i will make sure i buy it for lifetime if possible, after looking at all examples and samples and images i already came to a conclusion that FSQ-106 will put me in peace for my journey next to a scope for planetary, i already did with lenses and 7" Mak and 8" F5 Newt so i don't need like 5-6 scopes more to feel i am done, actually all what i need more are only the following: 1. Large scope from 12" and larger mainly a Newt or Dob for planetary 2. FSQ-106 3. RC either 12" or 14", if can't then 10" minimum What else i need then?
  16. The question is, why selling? I don't buy second hand or used, and sounds this guy has money all around so that he bought TWO FSQ and selling them maybe to buy something more expensive, not thanks, for $4800 i can save about $1200 more and buy new one completely.
  17. This target need almost minimum 300mm if you use a small sensor such as ASI1600, but if smaller sensor then 200mm, otherwise if you want to use something like 300-400mm then something like APC-S or full frame will fit this target nicely.
  18. No, this is not a part of the plan for 2 reasons: 1. My main big plan is to buy a Takahashi FSQ brand new, not many will sell this, even if they sell it will be mostly more expensive than a brand new affordable triplet available, so i better wait to afford this and no APO, but small Newt such as 5" or 6" are cheap enough really, i can buy two, but only those cheap affordable ones, and the Newt are nice as they are free of color issues and i can still use them even if i get a high end refractor, but the question is, is the small Newt really worthy? The more i wait the more time is passing and targets missing or going then i have to wait again and again for some targets in my mind, for example planets, they are coming back, so i have 2-3 months to decide on a scope for those big planets, otherwise they will go and then i have to wait them for next year, and in DSO, i am waiting Cygnus now as it has enough targets that will keep me busy for like 3-4 months, but i need something, my main scope is 8" F5 which is ready now after some modifications but not for all targets, or 7" Mak which is only for the moon, while planets from it isn't satisfying me yet, and my Canon lenses are fun to use but they aren't in scopes class, means i have to be careful what i can choose within 2-3 for upcoming targets.
  19. Hi all, It is really so bad and difficult in this time with many issues and crisis all around and with very tight budget or so bad financial situations, making all kind of decisions like a "Mission Impossible". So, i am still thinking and thinking and thinking and came up with those which are maybe not yet the last plan, but at least i narrowed it down to that, so if you have to choose or go with one of the following regardless if you may change later, what will you get really [with reasons if possible please]??? 1. 12" F4 Newtonian [for planetary imaging only] 2. Two 150mm [6"] F4 Newtonian [DSO imaging] 3. Two 130mm F5 Newtonian [DSO] 4. Cheap cheap affordable doublet semi APO or ED refractor [DSO] 5. 0.73x reducer for 200mm [8"] F5 Newtonian [DSO imaging] All above are for imaging only, i have 8" F5 and i have a mono cooled camera [QHY163M] and filters, so it is only about telescopes now, i am still not using my 8" F5, but i know even before i use it that it won't fit all targets in my mind, it will do nice job for small targets anyway, but i feel like i still prefer a wide field more, and i won't get SCT or triplet refractor, so only above are my very soon choices, otherwise i just stop AP and keep waiting to save and go with high end or larger scopes within my maximum saving after 1 year or two, i have a plan to buy a high end expensive refractor so any those affordable triplets are out of my plan and mind, and SCT is so so much expensive than Newtonian or Dobsonian so i won't waste money on that, also i don't want SCT just it can do DSO and planetary because that is requiring extra accessories and also more expensive to be honest, just before going SCT or triplet route discuss why any of above isn't a good idea to think about. Any further details you need i am willing to answer, and remember, it is not yet confirmed or as a final plan, but i want to think about it as i have to decide on a telescope within April/May to start.
  20. Carole, which brand of filters are you using? So if you are almost in center of London and you call it as Bortle 8, then from my yard can i call it Bortle 7 although the LP map said it is Bortle 8/9?
  21. Is it a good plan to buy only Newtonians for imaging? I was thinking what will i get if i bought 3 Newtonian scopes? I was thinking about which 12" scope, but then after long long thinking i decided that 12" [~300mm] F4 is the best choice for planetary, because i have already 5x Powermate, so if i got F5 then it will give me F25, it may be too much even it will give me longer focal length, but is it really too much or enough to have 6000mm for planetary anyway? And from Tele Vue site, it shows that PM 5x can be gone up to 7x also, maybe i can work for that then, F4 version is very slightly less weight than F5 version but still heavy, maybe that is good enough. And for another Newt for DSO, i was thinking 2 small Newt, they are lightweight, so my mount can handle both, i will use the extra saddle i have for the mount, is that a good idea then? I know many hate Newt due to collimation and spike in results maybe, and i think the weight, for me those shouldn't stop anyone, but is that the main things that prevent people from going with Newt? I am trying to spend LESS to get more, rather than paying MORE to get less, APO triplet reft the good ones are likely $700 and above, for $700 i can buy either 2 small Newt for DSO or that 12" F4 for planetary.
  22. I went with QHY163M in the past which is just the equivalent of ASI1600MM and i have ZERO regret, results out of this camera is speaking for itself, so that is a nice choice really, in fact i am thinking about going with this camera now as well so i can have 2 mono, and why i will choose ZWO camera instead of QHY is because i bought Astrodon/Chroma filters at 1.25" size, i can't afford larger, and ZWO has sensor a bit not deeper like QHY163M, about 1-2mm, so that will make it work better at least for 1.25", i wanted the best filter, so if i have it then i better matching a camera for it not matching a filter to a camera as maybe sometimes i can't get that filter to match the camera. About that offer, it is the best you can start with, it will give you full set to do astrophotography, it is just the weakest link in that is the filters themselves, because even ZWO maybe upgraded their filters somehow, they are still not high quality out there, and from all i read it is even the worst filters in the market compared to another out there which not all are good as well, i mean i ignored ZWO filters and went with Optolong filters which are WAY better than ZWO, but still i don't like much of this Optolong quality after all, but it is no wrong to start with the, anyway, better than not modified DSLR or even modified, later if you can you just replace them with something better.
  23. Doing rubbish at the moment should NOT be a factor or a reason at all, i bought that mono camera in 2017 which was my first ever starting, i was even worse than rubbish, but now i thank GOD that i did it as i am started to have nice results, so i know that one way or another i will move to the mono side, but i started with it and taking all my time learning it now i feel it was the best and wise decision ever, in fact even in that year of 2017 when i started i bought Astrodon Ha 5nm filter which is so expensive, i was a beginner, now i think all the waste or cost i paid in the past is now showing the real value nowadays.
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