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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. You will find it a solid bit of kit Dave f15 recommended them to me when I bought the 103s and I do not regret it
  2. Yes, about 10mm lost inward. All my EP still worked except for a Vixen NLVW 30mm, needed about 1mm more inward travel, everything else still worked fine. This is with a 2" William Optics diagonal.
  3. Glad all went well with its first light. Sounds like a good first trawl and that the scope is a goodun. The visual back on my ED103s was rapidly replaced with a Baader twist lock unit, much snugger on the diagonal and no marring either. I take it that your back has a non marking inner ring on it? From SGL Classifieds, not my listing I hasten to add.
  4. I have had a turn of ill health this year and I have been left with Arthritic knees, I now already feel the cold more which translates into pain, so does not bode well for winter. What I am looking for is your ideas on insulated trousers. I am after a normally worn but suitable insulated pair of trousers. I wear thermals under happily, but do not wish to wear a one bit suit as I have done as wiggling out of it when cold is now a challenge for me. Your thoughts and images would be welcomed. Thanks in advance.
  5. How can you leave us hanging like that 🤣 I am not sure I will hold it together over the weekend, I might crack up! Looks very nice indeed, you have tickled my interest even more now.........
  6. Interesting Book Paul, I like the pictures so you can visualise what you are looking for.
  7. Steve, sounds great, I hope it’s a wonderful mount, you are building the suspense well.
  8. I hope so, you have piqued our interest.
  9. The Giro and the Skytee 2 use 2 bolts too, or am I not understanding what you mean?
  10. Thank you @Rob Sellent, for the ideal motto idea, changed my signature to suit 😀 I can see why you were torn between the scopes you mention and I too wonder what John F9 is like, I have an idea. I also wonder what his 103s Vixen is like too, it is shorter focal length to my one.
  11. I think you are spot on, @iPeace has one and talks very highly of it. Must say it is an option in my future too when and if funds were available.
  12. I have a Nagler 3-6 Zoom and really enjoy using it, nice presentation of image. As John says and I fully agree. I had some Orthos, but the very short Eye-relief did my head in. We all have differing views on this of course.
  13. I have just seen it because of others posting, very nice scope Rob. My vixen ED103s at f7.8 (i think) is really nice, but wow a bit longer and a Flourite element, no wonder it sings. I loved your comments: Fully agree a good 4" refractor is a wonderful and versatile instrument to be the 'Guardian' of, we never own scopes after all, a bit like cats! I know Ed through my Astronomy Club (CPAC) and we observe together quite a bit. You have him bang to rights 😁 I am of the same conviction too, make it simple, make it fun. Hope you are still enjoying that fine piece of Fluorite.
  14. I replaced my Ercole with a Skytee 2 and instantly regretted it, very different levels of engineering I thought. You may of course think differently.
  15. I am always tempted to Stu, but I also hanker for an AYO as well. The Grass is always Greener!
  16. Orion is back Dave, but about 5am!
  17. Another Alt-Az user here, really enjoy using them. I once owned a new Giro Ercole and stupidly sold it on in a fit of madness. As you can tell I wish I still had one. Good luck with it, enjoy it in use.
  18. I too have the same Fever going on, but already have a C8 SCT and a 10" OOUK Dob, but.... Well I do fancy a larger Refractor myself as somehow the Refractor 'does it' for me a lot of the time. The 152 f6.9 has a siren call for me, I thinks it is the red paint job. I know why you like your F11 4" if for no other reason, it looks the part. At present having a Daughter at Uni and just replaced her car that is needed (Paramedic Science), so this limits my hankering to just that at present.
  19. Looks very interesting indeed. It says 8Kg but then says recommend the SW EQ8 Mount? I take it that its due to the length. So are you hankering for Aperture?
  20. Shane, I was not going to let them grind me down or kill my hobby. Started looking observing away from home more, but it was a chore at times getting out. The Observing Area has helped make things work better from home, keeps me under the Star-light and not the Spot-Lights!
  21. Very nice scope, looks great on that AYO. I love my ED103s, so your SD81s should be as well put together as my scope, Is the tube oversized as with the 103? That dovetail looks rather smart, improvement on the old ones. Also note you have an Argo Navis now on your mount. Enjoy using your new scope, I bet it will be wonderful.
  22. So ticket purchase is open for the IAS. Who is going and when? I am attending on the Saturday and going to the Paul Monet and Patrick Gilliland talks. If you see me say hello.
  23. Cheaper in advance, if you want to attend talks, book in advance as some sell out.
  24. So it was you Garry who brought this cloud upon us! Nice Scope, very nice Scope.
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