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Everything posted by Dazzyt66

  1. Do you have a usb keyboard or mouse? If you can see it on the TV you would be able to work the pi with either of those and check that hotspot is enabled? Also, maybe the hotspot is hidden for some reason so try putting in the id and password on a new connection id = astroberry and pw = astroberry?
  2. I don’t think there’s any criticism needed! I’d run naked round Donny if I managed an image like that! 😂💖
  3. This is good advice. The best thing I did to learn was use other people’s raw data. There’s quite a few available nowadays. You know that there is something of quality there so you can get to grip with whatever packages you like until you have your own methods worked out. I started with DSS, Registax and Gimp (as I want to do it as cheaply as possible 😊). I tried Startools but couldn’t get to grips with it - although it seems very good. I’m now moving to just Siril and Gimp as I’m on a Mac now and taking the same approach - get some raw data and then watch YouTube tutorials on the packages until I find a workflow that I can cope with 😂
  4. You can’t beat at Skywatcher ST80 for portability and it will go on a camera tripod. Mines been all over the world with me in my hand luggage (with a mini camera tripod) and the best view I’ve ever had of Saturn was off a balcony in Morocco! 😊 and I think complete with the travel bag and eq1 they retail around £110 - bargain!
  5. I just use a Halfords power pack - they have jump leads with them (which I don’t use) but the one I have has 2 x 12v on front along with a lamp and 300w 240v on the reverse. I think it cost around £50 and I’ve had it for about 5 years with no problems at all with just powering the HEQ5 mount etc. I’ve even used it to power our camping fridge!
  6. That’s really useful info! Thanks! 😊
  7. I’ve just been using vpn/browser access to set it all up via my Mac. Just a dry run with Ekos left to do (I’m going to use it in client/server mode so I do all the big stuff on the Mac) and then I just need a clear night to try it out...
  8. Yeah, I am considering that as I do want to do an AF at some point. Thanks for the tip 😊
  9. Actually I was planning to use a buck converter but for now I’m using a lithium power bank rated at 3.5 amps - seems ok so far. I didn’t know if a buck converter would be good enough as they are pretty cheap - I do eventually want to run it from my 12v power tank which I also use for the mount. I didn’t think a straight cigarette 12v to usb (above 3a obvs) would be good enough either?
  10. Yeah, that was my thinking too - I never would leave a PW as default 😊
  11. Yeah, I realised soon a I pressed submit 😂😂😂😂
  12. I'm in OK! But I don't have a mini hdmi lead anyway... 😂
  13. This may be a stupid question but how do you change the default server password? I'm logging on OK and can access through my own network or by hotspot (I changed the default there), but I can't for the life of me find where to change the default server password - forgive me - I've only had an RPI for a couple of hours so its all new! Thanks in advance. 😊 Daz
  14. Yep! I'm definitely happy with the way things are going - although I think at some point I may miss sitting outside on a crisp winter night and seeing things with my own eyes! 😂
  15. That USB tip is great - I do have an existing 128gb micro card at the mo but was going to go down the USB SSD route at some point so that all my imaging can be stored locally on the Pi initially and then transferred as I want, rather than transfer 'live' over the wifi an possibly slow things down in Ekos. Rpi and astroberry is still a big learning curve for me - the Rpi4 arrives today! 😀
  16. Hey Terry, I'm just starting to use Synscan with my Mac. Used to use it like you said (iPhone running app, SkySafari 5 pro on my iPad). I haven't used Stellarium on the Mac but I am now using Kstars - I still need to use the phone to connect to the mount though as there isn't a mac Synscan app until I get an eqmod cable (but I could do it all this on one device using stellarium and the app on my win10 pc). So, I guess to answer your question: yes, you'll still need the phone to run the app when using a mac. Also, if you want to ditch Win completely you could try Siril for the Mac which does DSS and Registax combined - again I've only just started using this too so cant really give a full thumbs up as a replacement yet as I haven't done too much with it. HTH Daz
  17. I've just taken the plunge and got a RasPi 4 & FLIRC Case on the way! Been checking out KStars and EKos for the last few days and have it all working on my macbook with my HEQ5 perfectly. So, Astroberry will be my solution now for getting more into AP and pretty much all EEVA. No cables at all running to the house - mount and pi will be powered by powertank when UK weather allows and atm my mount is using the Synscan App (which I still need to use from my phone until I replace it with an EQMod cable direct to the pi next month ). No longer will I need to use a PC for astro stuff and my mac for everything else! It feels quite liberating... 😁
  18. You and me both 🤞 although my plan has changed from usb cable to raspberry pi 4 and Astroberry - been Kstars etc all week and it’s great and doing same as apt so getting the pi next week 😊
  19. How far away are you from the scope? I sit in my kitchen and do it all remote from my laptop (or my phone for synscan) - its about 15m but works flawlessly. I am going to get a Ras Pi though and will be using Astroberry rather than use a cable to connect the camera. HTH Daz
  20. A couple of years after moving to our new home, I’ve finally got my HEQ5 permanently located outside - it’s pretty much polar aligned but I have got to do some final checks (cloud willing). My hope is to be able to do everything on my old Dell laptop. I’ve got APT working with my DSLR and the mount, so hopefully I’m good to go! I currently have a 4m usb lead working well with the camera so I am remote from the scope, but if trials go well I’ll be moving fully inside with a longer run. All I just need now is one clear night to try it all out... 🤞
  21. My first go at Orion with my Canon 1100d on my 150 Mak. 18 x 15 sec lights stacked in Siril (first time using that too!) and level adjust in Gimp. Out of focus I know, but I was just trying out for the first time in ages so I'm pretty happy 😃
  22. Just checking - this solution is bidirectional? So camera commands and image receive will work?
  23. Mine used to be all separated, but easy to get to in the garage, so close to ambient temp all the time, however, to lug it all outside and set it up was a pain so, I've now got the HEQ5 set up outside (covered with a BBQ cover) which just leaves the scope etc. This should make it a lot quicker (and easier on the back) to get going - but since I've done it and got some initial test shots of M42 in the HEQ5's new location its since clouded over... grrrr
  24. Hi, I just thought I'd pop a line in here to say 'Hi' again - been off the forum for probs about 18 months as I had other stuff going on, but finally got back 'out there'. Anyway, I still see the regular crew are still here - so 'HI' 👋 Daz
  25. Hi, After a bit of a break from observing, I've finally got my HEQ5 setup outside permanently with the intention of doing most of my observing remotely using APT linked via ASCOM/Synscan App and my DSLR on either of my scopes. At the moment I am doing images without a guidescope (although I may add one later) and my whole rig is supplied by a powerbank so the only cable I'm using atm is USB. Ultimately, I want to move myself and the laptop indoors which will mean all I need is a 15m USB extender. My question is: Does anyone have a recommendation of one this long; or If I go down the USB/Ethernet route do I just need 2 USB ethernet adapters and a CAT6 cable (which will give me the flexibility to add an extra USB for the guider at some point? Obviously the cost about doubles with ethernet so I'd like to avoid if possible. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I've looked through older threads and it seems opinion may be divided and I couldnt find an example of a good usb extender for 15m. Thanks in anticipation. Daz
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