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Everything posted by Dazzyt66

  1. Yeah, I'm gonna give it a go (I've never used a mask before so never used the assistant) - assuming my mask works of course... 🀞
  2. Yeah, I've just been watching YT on how to use one!! πŸ˜‚ Never been so exited about a bit of cardboard! Interesting about the CA - I know I'm gonna get CA but hopefully the mask will give me a little more focus accuracy than I currently get, then it looks like I can lock the focuser down and forget about it for a while...
  3. I've just knocked up my own cardboard bahtinov mask so fingers crossed will get to try that out tonight - and then (if successful) I can think what to spend my Β£50 on instead...πŸ˜‚
  4. I've been considering building my own RPI based autofocuser next month (when I get my next 'spending allowance' πŸ˜‚). This will initially go on my ST80 (permanently setup). As per usual I keep doing my research and I came across this thread: So now I'm torn. I can get the AF bits and a new case for the RPI which'll cost about Β£60 or I can do the 10p mod that @ollypenriceuses (and do it today) and then buy a Bahtinov mask for about Β£15. My question is: I want to be able to do my imaging mostly using Ekos scheduling. At the mo I either check the focus before I start, using focus assist in Ekos (manually until I have the best number) and then lock the focus on the ST80. For subsequent nights I just quickly check the focus numbers in Ekos are roughly what they were previously and leave it to go. Does the focus change overnight due to seeing etc (or if I move to a new target) if doing long sessions? Or once its setup generally is that it for the night? If its the latter then 10p and a Bahtinov seems the way to go given that the ST80 is as basic as it gets (although I do love it!!). Cheers Daz
  5. Hi, This is my first 'real' attempt at AP. I'm using an ST80 with unmodded Canon 1100d. The image was done over 3 nights using Ekos and is around 500x30s lights, 60xbias 60xflats. The images were stacked and processed in Siril, with final touches in GiMP and Darktable. I think I've done a good job of removing the CA in post processing but would still appreciate some feedback as this is my first real attempt at doing something 'properly' πŸ˜‚ I know that focus may be an issue as I did it all manually with no mask... Comments on what I can do to further improve appreciated - I'm not going to go down the ED route as I'm generally happy with what I'm able to get as is atm, but would like to be able to get the most out of it.
  6. I have used DSS a few times in the past and that always mystified me πŸ˜‚ After watching the video I now have used Siril several times with great results!
  7. it is now! Although @teoria_del_big_bangdid make me LOL!
  8. Thanks for the kind comments. Having had the ST80 for many years now, she has always impressed me either with visual or now as I try AP. I don't need/want to create world class images but just have fun seeing what I can do with what I've got. I am toying with the idea of the ED80, but I get lots of enjoyment with the ST and I'm not sure now that the gain would be enough to justify the cost when I can get a decent enough (for my eyes/needs) image like this. πŸ‘
  9. Thanks, I am really pleased with the image. Yeah, I'm a big fan of using sample data - you know that you are starting off with something good and its just your stacking & processing skill that will be the variable.
  10. I did think about something like this but I'm running everything from a powertank (no mains) and I'm likely to switch to an ZWO at some point when funds allow. Good shout though! πŸ˜€
  11. Cool. Thanks Steve. I have used the focus module to focus manually and it seems OK - as you say you need to be close to start with - but I'm OK with that. As I'm doing it DIY I guess success will depend on how well I build it - but nothing ventured nothing gained. I don't use guiding at the moment, but I'm assuming (as with plate solving), when I schedule a repeated sequence (I usually do around an hour of lights as a sequence) it will focus again when the sequence begins again. Daz
  12. I think that was around 80 lights with 20 bias and flats. Using my ST80 and the tutorial above (200 lights 60 bias and flats) I got this:
  13. I am amazed how easy the scheduler is to use - like you I just give it an image to reference that I'd taken on my first run and then off it goes and gives me another set of images that match - I've been doing M81/82 the last few nights with consistent images to stack. My next job is to make a diy autofocuser so that everything is automatic (I have to focus manually before I schedule atm). I do agree that the layout is great - super intuitive - and you just work your way through. Plate solving is a dream and the PA routine was a doddle! Also, the Youtube videos from Jasem explaining it all are great!
  14. I run it all on a RPI 4 (2gig) with a 128gb microsd card (as I'd read and been advised that its quicker to do it that way with no dependency on network speed). I VNC into it from my laptop and off I go. Scope is around 5m from the house, but the router is at the front and I haven't had any issues with speed - yeah, VNC can be a little slow to respond sometimes but I'm now doing all of my captures using the scheduler, so once its set up I just leave it until the morning - the only issue Ive had at the moment is that the 1100d battery died last night but I had been capturing for 4 hours at that point and only lost about 80 subs before the end of the session anyway - despite that INDI/Ekos handled it all parked the mount. All I do in the AM is bring the RPI inside and copy across the images (I bring it inside so that its faster cos of better wifi - but I don't really need to do that either as the time it takes isn't an issue). I just cant believe its taken me this long to try it! πŸ˜€
  15. 100% agree with this - I’m a true Ekos convert - LOVE IT! πŸ˜€
  16. That is interesting. I really was expecting a lot of faff (having never used any of the software before), but its been pretty painless for me - even running everything over wifi hasn't caused a problem (yet). That said, my setup is really basic so I'm not pushing the hardware or software in any way. I think the moral of everything here though is: if it works for you then that's the way to go. πŸ™‚
  17. I just wanted to say out loud, to everyone, how happy I am I made the switch to the above packages. Not only have they transformed how I view the night sky, but I am now able to achieve images like never before, albeit unguided with manual focus. It’s so liberating to be able to quickly set-up (I’ve located my HEQ5 tripod permanently in the garden) and be able to quickly and accurately get to targets and either observe remotely (EEVA esque) or (as I do now) set up a schedule, go to bed and enjoy the benefit in the morning! And all this with free software! if anyone involved with those packages are on here - THANK YOU! You have rekindled my love of the hobby! 😁
  18. Well I’ve done a few single shot DSOs (including M42) but I will always consider this my first DSO image - a wide field of M81/82 (plus others!) taken from my Bortle 8 garden with my unmodded canon 1100d and my trusty ST80 - around 200 lights stacked with 60 Bias and 60 flats 😊
  19. Thanks! Yeah, I was really surprised with how much the ST80/Canon pick up - the more I stack the more details come out - I'm sure there's going to be a limit to that though - I cant just keep adding more... πŸ˜‚
  20. There were some artefacts on my first image so I re-stacked and edited and think this one is pretty good - want to do a few hundred more 30s subs over the next night or so to see if I can get any more definition...
  21. My semi permanent setup tucked away in my greenhouse corner, with 1kg ankle weights to balance the ST80 with camera and mount... and disguised as a patio heater... πŸ˜€
  22. Still a LOT to learn about image processing!!!

    1. Luke


      There's always something new to learn! IΒ just discovered something useful for my solar processing five mins ago. It can be a steep curve and hopefully you are past the steepest bit. Onwards and upwards!

  23. Still trying out using Ekos scheduler and no autofocus on my ST80 and my best processing with Siril so far - I know it’s far from ideal, but I’m pretty impressed with what I can do from Bortle 8 back garden! 240 lights with 60 bias and 60 flats all processed and stacked in Siril
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