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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. I use both the Explore Scientific UHC & O-lll as they mid-range price wise... and the Baader Planetarium neodymium.
  2. From what I read, I think @neiil phillips is attempting to attach the EQ3/2 to the mounting plate of his EQ1 tripod. Most mounts, (including the ones I own and/or previously owned), have been or are 3/8", M10 or M12... 1/4" would be to small for an EQ3/2. If this is the scenario, then he would need a short length of threaded rod, a washer and matching nut with hand grip or bolt with hand grip.
  3. Hi @neiil phillips & daughter and welcome to SGL. Personally, I think you are better off buying a new/replacement tripod. Lighter tripods do tend to vibrate for a few seconds after the slightest touch or breeze. Have a look here... https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/ or here... https://www.astroboot.co.uk/AstroBoot#
  4. I have and use the Lunt 1.25" and sometimes use all; though the ND3 is pre-installed. It takes a bit of getting used to seeing a green disc, if upgrading from a glass full aperture which shows an orange disc or pale white if using safety solar film. And... don't forget to make a filter for your finderscope/RDF, cover the objective end and/or remove it before use. Also, do not leave the 'scope unattended or pointing at the Sun, especially where young children are present.
  5. C6/SCT or C6N...? I have the C6/SCT and viewing Mars with a TeleVue 6mm Radian is pushing both to the limit.
  6. If you find they are a bit short in length, many use a sturdy upturned bucket or water-butt riser to give an extra bit of height. It is often better to see them 'in the flesh' to give you an idea of size.
  7. A few nights ago whilst setting up for viewing Mars, Jupiter & Saturn; I could feel the warm air 'escaping' from my ETX105 and C6/SCT-xlt visual backs whist they were cooling down prior to use.
  8. Hi @Skia Optima & daughter and welcome to SGL. If you don't mind doing/going manual tracking, then I would recommend one of these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-150p-dobsonian.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html Both have larger aperture than 130mm and very popular with newbies. [I am not saying 130mm mm is a bad choice]. For an extra 20 or 70mm, you would be able to view more detail on the Moon, planets and some DSO's. Stars will always be appear as a point of light and will show companion or neighbouring stars. Manual tracking is not to difficult once you have done it a few times. All my mounts are manual alt-az. Goto mounts often rely on locating two or more objects for the initial alignment and need to be more or less placed on a level surface; whereas as with a manual alt-az or 'Dobsonian' mount it is not so critical. With all mounts, balancing the OTA is important to prevent sharp sudden movement in both axis when slewing the 'scope and/or damage.
  9. I think it also depends how active the Sun is. So far to date, I have not seen any with my TV Ranger and Lunt Herschel Wedge. Granulation was visible with afore- mentioned 'scope and Thousand Oaks glass solar filter when the Sun was active during the last solar-maximum epoch.
  10. I have and use the following 6mm e/p's... 2x Ortho's (one is a 0.965" + 1.25" adapter... the other is a 1.25" Circle-T). 1x TV Radian. 1x 'generic' UWA. ...and used in my Celestron C6/SCT-xlt & 'remodded' ETX105, 6mm is pushing to the max. Of all of them, the TV Radian can just about cope under a steady night sky and eye placement.
  11. None that I have seen. I cleaned my Celestron f6.3 FF/FR with it yesterday and now looks pristine... and I can see through it too!
  12. Don't forget to brush off any loose FOD, (foreign object debris), first with a camel hair or other fine soft brush first! ...and apply the fluid to the cloth. If you spray the fluid directly to the glass, some of it may seep into the cell.
  13. I use the Baader Optical Wonder fluid and cloth on 99.99% of my optical glass.
  14. That’s what I do as well. I find the my Baader Neodymium (a.ka. my ‘Swiss-Army knife’ filter), makes Jupiter appear pale blue.
  15. Non-astro sites have download links to the 'demo' version of SkyMap Pro and have a limited time/life span of about 2-4 weeks. After that, that's it. It is no good trying to re-install it either... as your PC/laptop knows you have previously installed it.
  16. LPR filters will only work with 'old' sodium streetlighting... not the 'new' LED streetlighting.
  17. I have and use the Exploore Scientific UHC filter. So far, it seems pretty good. Though I confess I have only used it with my 're-modded' ETX105 and not my TeleVue Ranger or C6/SCT-xlt. I also have and use the CLS & Olll and Baader Planetarium Neodymium & Contrast Booster... and a 'cheap' variable polarising filter.
  18. As previously mentioned a 'modded' webacam maybe/would be better, but you would need a laptop or PC as well... or a mobile phone* or tablet* + an OTG** cable and third-party software/app for it to work. * for some peculiar reason they do not/may not work or compatible with all devices and some versions of Android OS... (there are a few third-party apps that are ad-free) - not sure about iOS. ** OTG = On The Go cable.
  19. The best star test is under the skies and use Polaris, as it hardly ever moves. If you have perfect concentric rings, you are good to go. edit: I have just seen this posting/topic...
  20. Hi @Gilly D and welcome to SGL. A small Maksutov [Mak] i.e. SkyWatcher Skymax 102 or Meade ETX90,105* or 125 will show a lot of detail on the Moon. You will get a long focal length 'scope in a short tube. I have the ETX105 which since I purchased it; (OTA only); has been since 're-modded' after a fall from one of my mounts when the dovetail snapped when the outside temperature dropped to minus something Celsius several years ago and damage two of three mounting points to the ABS plastic rear cell. Images below. Being a short tube, they can also be used for other outdoor pursuits as well, or a long camera lens with a DSLR or compact digital camera set to 'manual' mode. BTW - the Jubilee/hose rings hold the dovetail to the OTA. Wishing you clear skies in Cyprus too! 🇨🇾 * Meade now only do the ETX90 & ETX125 models. ETX105's do 'pop-up' from time to time second-hand. Though the drive mechanism is not particular good, the optics are excellent.
  21. Of all the Linux distro's that I have used past and present, I did like Distro Astro a lot. I have Astronomy Linux, but not yet installed it.
  22. Добър ден 🇧🇬 / Good day 🇬🇧 @Baldor and welcome to SGL. If your 'scope accepts only 0.965" eyepieces, there are adapter's that can adapt to 1.25" Prices start from about £6.00GBP / ЛВ12.94GBN - note: currency conversion as at time of posting. To give you an idea of the size... below is an image of my 0.965" Ortho and a 1.25" adapter... and the small squares on the mat are 12.5mm.
  23. Hi @TrevorW45 and welocome to SGL. Below is an image of my 7x50's and 20x80's... <--- 7x50's <--- 20x80's and mounted on a joystick/trigger grip/ballhead on a Mantrotto 055PROB tripod.
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