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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. When does or when might an astronomer use the 'Modifed Julian Date' instead of 'Julian Date' ? tnx in adv.
  2. Steve Collingwood http://sctelescopes.com/ - not sure of his operating schedule is due to lockdown/COVID-19 restrictions. His contact details are in the link.
  3. Yes... it is what do! I use this type... ...and using the eyepiece holder is optional.
  4. Hi @Aquavit and a belated welcome to SGL. I used to get a 'blackout' or a 'black-spot' with my ETX105 with some e/p's unless the eye was centred directly over it, especially at higher magnifications. Out of curiosity, what e/p's are/were you using?
  5. Hi @Jonnykiv and welcome to SGL.
  6. I would be inclined to replace the the screws with the ones that have a plastic top/head, so can get a better grip when tightening or loosening up... or if you do not want to mark the nosepiece, replace them with nylon screws or nylon tipped screws. It baffles me as to why they have supply them with such small heads to begin with.
  7. Hi @12green and welcome to SGL. If you go to the top of the page, click 'Resources' then 'Astronomy Tools' then 'FOV Calculator'. Above is a screenshot I did for another SGL'er sometime ago.
  8. If you plan on a future OTA upgrade, then I would go for the EQ6.
  9. Do you mean something like this? https://www.astroshop.eu/dslr-lens-adaptors/astoptics-nikon-lens-to-1-25-t2-adapter/p,57836
  10. Hi @Warsaw dream / Andrzej and welcome to SGL.
  11. I would be tempted and get the 0.965"-1.25" adapter. Then when you have a few 1.25" e/p's, (if you decide sell the 'scope at a later date), keep the 1.25" e/p's for the 'new' 'scope. When I used to own a Prinz Astral 550, the only 0.965" e/p that I found that was any good, was the one as shown in the image below... it is a 6mm Orthoscopic or Ortho next to my 1.25"-0.965" adapter. These... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html would be an improvement on what you already have, or if you are on a budget, maybe these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html
  12. Having used a Thousand Oaks type 2+ glass full aperture solar filter since 1998/99, it has a few pin-pricks and is no longer in use. Since 2018/19, I now use a Lunt Herschel wedge and polarising & solar continuum filters with my TeleVue Ranger. I also make a habit to check all items before each and every use for defects.
  13. Hi @Astro Waves and welcome to SGL. I am not an astro-imager at present. I have used SmartMedia, CF & SD cards in sub-zero temperatures and I have not had issues with either media to date. My cameras and media are as below... Olympus C2040 - SmartMedia Nikon Coolpix900 - CF Nikon D80 & Nikon D40x - SD The only issue is the batteries in sub-zero temperatures.
  14. Hi @StuartT and welcome to SGL. As per @Waddensky says above. One thing I have noticed, (and maybe others), is that since my local authority, [Wokingham], have changed to LED from sodium street lighting is that the night sky is a little darker and better higher up. You could ask your local authority, (i.e. Oxford City Council or Oxfordshire County Council), to shield the offending streetlights, if you think the light-spill is invading and disrupting your sleep pattern or privacy. You could or may need to submit some non-astro images to highlight your case.
  15. Apologies for not replying sooner @Knight of Clear Skies but I think it was green and some fragmentation. Sorry, but was concentrating on motorway traffic.
  16. Remember to check the solar filter before each and every use for scratches, pin pricks, rips, tears, etc. Any defect however insignificant it may seem, just bin the filter and consign to local authority land-fill site and purchase or make another. DO NOT attempt to repair it. Also, ensure no children are near when the ‘scope is left unattended.
  17. Good evening all. I witnessed a bright fireball this evening at 21:55GMT/UTC (approx) heading north-west (approx) about 2 deg. tail - mag. -5.0 (approx). I was driving on M4 between junction 7 & 8/9 at the time, on my way home from work at LHR.
  18. Hi @Skygazerlass & son + 'big Betty' ...welcome to SGL. Depending on you budget I will suggest these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html or even these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html. If you have more to spend then I would suggest these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-hyperion-68-degree-eyepiece.html If you want to take the leap and go for a zoom e/p, then maybe this.... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-hyperion-zoom-eyepiece.html For filters I would start off with a variable polarising filter and a neodymium. Both are available in 1.25" or 2" format.
  19. Hi @evertonian7uk and welcome to SGL. If you are on a budget these fixed focal lengths maybe just the the thing... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html or these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html Another option to consider is a zoom eyepiece. 8-24mm zoom e/p's tend to be the most popular. Bear in mind that some zoom e/p's, the higher the magnification the narrower the field of view. You can experiment with different focal lengths until you find one or two that hit the sweet spot before purchasing fixed focal lengths. I have a cheap 7-21mm zoom, (it does me for grab & go sessions or when I travel lightweight), and an expensive 3-6mm zoom.
  20. Cheap refractors i.e. online auction sites, online warehouses, department store, etc., will. If you have a dedicated 'bricks and mortar' astronomy reseller then he/she is your best friend... including FLO sponsor of SGL. Not sure if FLO ship to Norway, but maybe worth enquiring with them when you have decided. BTW - the Orion Starseeker IV is a 'Newtonian' reflector.
  21. I know this has been said before... Do remember to check your full aperture solar filter before each and every use for any pinholes, scratches, tears, etc. Do not leave the 'scope unattended if young children are present/nearby.
  22. Hi @Daniel Valencia and welcome to SGL.
  23. Hi @Christio02 and welcome to SGL. Depending on what you want to image, the bigger the aperture the more light photons it will contain. As both your intended 'scopes are catadioptrics, (i.e. SCT or Maksutov), they are slow, i.e. f10 or slower and do require long and tracked exposures. Also they are notorious dew magnets and will require a long time to acclimatise to the outside temperature before use and a dew shield is a must have accessory. I have a Celestron C6/SCT-xlt [f10] and a Meade ETX105 [f14] and give them about 30-60 minutes to acclimatise before popping in an eyepiece. Even with a focal reducer/field flattener your are going to be having to get use to long exposures, etc. Catadioptrics are excellent for lunar and planetary views/imaging, but not so good on DSO's as the field of view is narrow. You maybe better off purchasing a refractor of 80mm minimum. If you wish to pursue astro-imaging, then I would recommend you read the book 'Make Every Photon Count' and/or look at the numerous online tutorials and videos on YouTube, etc., before deciding which 'scope is the right choice for you.
  24. Hi @VaderAG and a late welcome to SGL. Another item that may make life a little easier maybe a 90deg. star diagonal rather than the 45deg. diagonal that is supplied with it. Bear in mind that this is purely a travel 'scope or spotting 'scope and we all started this wonderful hobby at some point with a small telescope or one with inferior optics at some point. Wishing you and your daughter many years of clear skies too.
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