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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. Hi @Goldfinger and welcome to SGL. When you have decided on your intended 'scope purchase, please do not rush out and purchase from a high street store, (often located in a retail park), that sounds like an Indian sub-continent meal; a warehouse site that is named after a south-American river; or the well known auction/discount sites, etc. BTW - 'Chapter 11'... what is it? - to a non-US 🇺🇸 resident... https://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy/bankruptcy-basics/chapter-11-bankruptcy-basics or here... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_11,_Title_11,_United_States_Code
  2. TeleVue Nagler's have an 82deg AFOV and Panoptic's have a 68deg AFOV. A Barlow lens with a removeable front element may work. Though I rarely use use my Barlow lenses with my C6 or ETX105, (the plus side is that it will be a little lighter weight-wise, as you will have removed the body). I tend to use the Astro-Engineering 'MagniMax' [1.6x}... part number: AC555 with a 1.25" e/p nosepiece.
  3. How about the TeleVue 13mm Nagler? - I have type 1 & type 6 and use either one in my C6/SCT or 're-modded' ETX105. Lastly I find the TeleVue 3-6mm Nagler zoom is a superb piece of optical engineering, but at 50deg AFOV it may well be a bit limiting as well as tight eye relief. Using the FOV calculator in the Astronomy Tools section at the top of the page and using M13 as an example (image below) it is greater than >240x at 6mm and less than <500x at 3mm, which is way to much for my ETX105. <--- TeleVue 13mm Nagler and 3-6mm Nagler zoom FOV comparison.
  4. I use the 'Windows' logo key + 'Print Screen' keys. It saves the images in... 'This PC' --> 'Pictures' --> 'Screenshots' directory in Windows 10. For Mac OS X it is 'shift' + 'command' + '3' keys. If you see the thumbnail in the corner of your screen/monitor, click it to edit the screenshot or wait for it to be saved to your desktop. This article https://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Linux shows you how to get a screenshot using Linux.
  5. RT65CB-SWL


    Hi @chrispj and welcome to SGL. Depending on what you want to view depends on what 'scope you go for. Unfortunately no 'scope does all in this hobby. I have a 70mm refractor and two catadioptric reflectors... i.e. a 105mm Maksutov and a 6" SCT. One of the most popular 'scopes is this... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html As you are new, I would have a look/read this... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html
  6. Always a big "Wow!... I wasn't expecting that!" moment when you see one.
  7. My other white-light solar setup in action with my Lunt Herschel solar wedge... Being a short focal length at approx f:3 (150mm/including solar wedge or star diagonal and 50mm aperture) it can be a to focus. The OTA does not have a focuser... it is simply slide in/out and tighten thumbscrew.
  8. Thank you @Highburymark - it is twenty-plus years old at time of posting.
  9. My TeleVue Ranger and Lunt Herschel solar wedge mounted on a Manfrotto 055PROB tripod and ball head.
  10. I am not into astro-imaging at present, but my view is with the lens you mention (100-400mm) is it a telephoto zoom? If “Yes!” then someone from my local club/society told me many years ago that I may get some unwanted reflections with a zoom due to the extra glass elements. At the time I was using an 80-200mm zoom. I now use a 70-300mm and I do get internal reflections when trying to image the Moon. I am thinking it maybe due to my UV/IR filter at the objective lens end. I also have an ‘fixed’ 400mm telephoto lens with an M42 thread (plus T-ring for my DSLR body) and not yet tried it.
  11. I have just looked here: http://www.vixenoptics.co.uk/Pages/service_repair.htm and here: https://global.vixen.co.jp/en/?s=part+number+%233728 without success. It maybe worth getting in contact [via email] with Vixen direct here in GB/UK or Japan and attaching a copy of the image of your e/p or placing an advert in the ‘wanted’ section here on SGL or UKAB&S if you have not already done so.
  12. ‘Don’t panic!’ - sorry I could not resist it @Mr Jones I am being serious now. Depending where you are, it maybe worth enquiring with a local engineering workshop and ask if they may make up an adapter/nosepiece for it. Several years ago my ETX105 had an accident and damaged two of three mounting points on the rear ABS cell. I enquired with a few local engineering workshop and had one made. (image below). With the appropriate hardware I can now use SCT accessories and 2” e/p’s to the rear port.
  13. +1 for Sky Safari on iOS and +1 for Sky Safari & SkEye on Android OS. note: The iOS version of includes 'augmented reality' [AR], whereas the Android OS version does not at time of posting. If you just want star charts; there is TriAtlas and Star Charts* available on iOS. Both include a red filter option. * uses the charts/maps from Wil Tirion's 2000.0
  14. Hi @Jehu and welcome to SGL. I would for the time being avoid the CPC1100 and get something smaller. If you decide to get a smaller Mak or SCT, then you can just about get away with it as an 'aircraft carry on' in a backpack (if you decide to travel for the next total solar eclipse on 8th April 2024 - REMEMBER to purchase a full aperture solar filter as well) and can also be used for other outdoor pursuits during the daytime hours as well or as a high-power camera lens with the necessary camera mounting hardware. I have an ETX105, although I have had a few 'mods' done to it after purchase. (images below). Also a dewshield is a must have accessory as they are notorious dew-magnets. Other 'scope options you may wish to consider are a small 'Dobsonian' (minimum aperture: 130mm) or a refractor (minimum aperture: 70mm for visual). Other things you will need to take into account are a tripod & mount, eyepieces, etc.
  15. Hi @MissDHoppingmad and welcome to SGL. If you can submit an image or images of your polar scope, it may help those who enjoy stripping down their optics and advise you.
  16. RT65CB-SWL

    Hi SGL!

    Hi @Doversole and welcome to SGL.
  17. Hi @Quentin Redbeard and welcome to SGL.
  18. Hi @Maxim Usatov and welcome to SGL.
  19. BTW - some photo ball head mounts will accept a Vixen type dovetail bar.
  20. Agreed! Below are some images of my binoculars and two* of my 'scopes using a Manfrotto 055 [the PROB model/version] as mentioned by @Louis D above... <--- my binoculars <--- my 're-modded' ETX105 <--- my TeleVue Ranger * three 'scopes if you include this one too! I sometimes use these mounts with the tripod as well...
  21. Hi Joe, dew shield... very important anytime of year though I do not use mine so much during the summer months, but does help keep pollen off the corrector plate. Also good for keeping stray light at bay. FF/FR... I have the Celestron one. I have never tried the other branded ones. The Antares is good value.
  22. Hi @ ETX90RAfan and welcome to SGL. Below are some images of my 're-modded' ETX105...
  23. @FLO - TeleVue Panoptic & Radian e/p's showing up in 'Choose Equipment --> Telescope:' field! - (see below)
  24. Hi @Rich12389 and welcome to SGL. Highly recommended by several SGL'ers are these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html If you are on a budget, then you may wish to consider these... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html - not sure how good they are, as I have not seen many reviews, here or other amateur astronomy forums/sites. Whether they will be or are compatible with your 'phone adapter though, I do not know.
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