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Everything posted by wimvb

  1. Better post the stacked but otherwise unprocessed tiff or fits file, if you want help. Diagnosing a processed jpeg is nigh impossible.
  2. Between exposures. 😋 Dither in a random direction or spiraling pattern, about 12 pixels. It’s easiest to do if you also guide. If not and you’ve got patience, you can dither with your hand control. At a slew rate of 1x sidereal, press RA+/- or DEC+/- for as many seconds as you have arcseconds/pixel. Usually 1-2 seconds.
  3. The fireworks galaxy never looked so bright.
  4. 18 000 years, according to Göran’s link. It’s well within the Milky Way.
  5. To prevent that, I always had mine in a plastic container with lid. Cut two slots on opposite sides for the cables.
  6. Interesting read, this https://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hvi/uploads/science_paper/file_attachment/613/2009.01701.pdf The authors conclude that the PN is shrinking, and that the weakening is not due to obscuration or foreground extinction. But they also hypothesize that the nebula may brighten again in due course, and show an additional shell. Exciting for those who can observe/image it.
  7. wimvb

    Funny FLO

    Fortunately, they also sell these https://www.firstlightoptics.com/misc/zarkov-cloud-gun.html
  8. Should be fine. No earth needed. Just make sure it's powerful enough (Amps wise).
  9. wimvb


    I like it. A more natural look than your previous version. Processing can be a dark art.
  10. Found a reference from 2014 https://astrodoc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Brecher_JRASC_Dec2014.pdf unfortunately only a reference in the contents, but there is/used to be an archive Blair MacDonald, imager’s corner: masked stretch
  11. Blair McDonald of the Canadian RASC wrote (a long time ago) an article about masked stretch in PS. I can't find it atm, but maybe there's more info here. http://www.astronomersdoitinthedark.com/dslr_llrgb_tutorial.php
  12. Sorry, can't find it. I'll pm you, because I don't want to hijack this thread. Cheers,
  13. I have a similar issue with my Optolong rgb filters, especially the blue filter. But for me, it doesn't calibrate out (over correcting), and I've been trying to get the calibration to work, ie figuring out if it's the camera or the filters. Could you post/pm one of your master flats? Also, how do you take flats?
  14. @bomberbaz, have a look here: http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/AladinLite/?target=NGC 1073&fov=0.06950000127156576&survey=P%2fDSS2%2fcolor There's a 180 deg rotation difference
  15. I don’t know about ascom, but in indi, if you set 2*2 bin mode in the control panel, it will bin in the camera firmware, afaIk. The files are then the original, smaller size. I would think that ascom behaves the same. Anyhow, I see no reason to update my drivers.
  16. It’s not a glitch, it’s a feature. I would avoid shooting at full resolution for dso. My latest image used 344 90 s exposures, for L. At 22Mbyte each, that pit a sizeable dent in my disk storage space. The full res image would have abt 90 Mbyte per image, close to 30 GB for those 344 subs, at no gain. This can possibly be very bad news for us, since it means that the sensor likely does on chip image manipulation. And that can interfere with image calibration. Imo, smart sensors are NOT good news for astrophotography.
  17. I bow out on that one. Did a quick search on astrobin, and it looks beyond the fl of my scope.
  18. Not the hubble deep field, but quite deep anyway, this is what I achieved last spring with my setup. The only reason I hesitate to do a deep field in the UMa area is that there's nothing else in the fov to make an image interesting. As clear nights are rare, I feel I would be "wasting" good imaging time.
  19. Surely, text messages would have been faster. 😋
  20. That would be a nice challenge for the winter months. The deepest I can get atm is measured in meters, not Mly.
  21. Thanks. When viewed from any of those galaxies, we live in a fuzzy. That kind of puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?
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