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The Admiral

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Everything posted by The Admiral

  1. I've read something about flats issues with the 294. Whether this is a similar thing I wouldn't like to say, but I suggest you Goggle "flats and ASI294MC Pro", and you'll find threads which might be pertinent. Apart from flat non-uniformities with filters, flat exposure time seems to be important too I believe. It's just a thought, but I'd be interested in the outcome. Good luck. Ian
  2. And it's all your fault John . I must say that I found the thread reassuring and it was helpful to have the support of others whilst I honed my skills. Ian
  3. Well, let me add another then . The itch needed scratching I'm afraid . I rather felt that my previous attempt was somewhat too blue, so I took the output back into Lightroom and began moving sliders around. Principally I made a white balance shift towards the warm, reduced brightness a tad, and played with the HSL sliders, beefing up the red in particular. Changed the cropping a little too. May be it would be better to play more in the primary fits processing rather than with the final tiff, but hey ho. Just one of an infinity of possible variations, as we are seeing by all the responses so far! Call it a day now I think! Ian
  4. Oh what the heck! Might as well have a go, even though I've only processed OSC colour data before. I tried to use Affinity Photo (totally new to me and had to give up). This is the result of using APP which I've only recently become acquainted with. Combined with the 'Combine RGB' tool, using just 13% Ha, did a background calibration and calibrated star colours, and then final tweak in Lightroom to reduce the brightness a tad, adjust the black point, add some clarity, sharpen a little and some gentle luminance noise reduction. Ian
  5. Yes, I noticed Ivo had posted above saying that he had written on how to combine the data on the ST forum. Ian
  6. Hmm, no thanks. Been there, done that . To be honest, I don't do enough of it to make it worthwhile, and at the moment I don't foresee moving away from OSC. Ian
  7. Thanks Olly. I don't use Pixinsight or PS, but I'm just out of the trial period for APP and am just checking out the features in Affinity Photo v1.9. My only experience is with OSC, so with RGBLHa I'm rather stumbling in the dark . But then that's what learning is all about! Ian
  8. Thanks Olly. Well I suppose that could explain it, not so much a gradient then but an excess of red in some of the fainter parts not being balanced by the green and blue? I clearly need to delve deeper into the art of RGB(Ha) processing . Still, got to start somewhere and the IKI data is as good a place as any. Ian
  9. I'm just practicing with this data, but I must be doing something wrong! Which wouldn't be surprising since I've not worked on RGB images before and I'm trying to get to grips with Affinity Photo, which I'm pretty unfamiliar with. But, I seem to have a radial red gradient which I can't seem to deal with, and I haven't even used an Ha layer yet! So I really want confirmation that others have found the same, or perhaps some clues as to why I'm getting it. Ian
  10. Wow! You're on a roll Göran! The Mandel picture looks more like the clouds that hang about here . Ian
  11. Another thought Paul, it would be worth contacting Avalon to see what they say. If you haven't seen the latest manual, it is here: MGEN-3_Manual_EN v1-05.pdf though I'm not sure it will add much to what you need to know. Ian
  12. Hi Paul, I've just started to use guiding with my iOptron GEM45, and for that I bought the MGEN-lll and used the ST-4 guide port. With my limited experience I'm happy with its performance. It doesn't directly help you with the Avalon, but I'd have thought if your mount has an ST-4 port it should be OK. Still, I can appreciate that with its high cost you'd want to be sure it works. The problem I have is that there doesn't seem to be a way of contacting Lacerta directly to ask such questions, the MGEN site just directs you to the supplier for advice, even when you've registered your device. Perhaps someone else has found a way. There is a German language website https://forum.astronomie.de/ where there seems to be occasional discussion about the MGEN. That might be an option for you. Ian
  13. That's a good start on this small target. With a lot more subs it should be much better. Give it an hour or two exposure time if you can. Mind you, it will take a long time to stack . Ian
  14. That's the best reason as any! But methinks you are too modest 😉 Ian
  15. Sorry to persist Gorann, but what I meant was how did you arrive at 85 subs for the total exposure i.e. nearly 6 hours? Did you calculate it, or did you see what sort of total exposure time other imagers had used and adjusted it for your scope/camera combination? Thanks, Ian
  16. Thanks for that Gorann, but what I would really like to know is how you judge what the total exposure time should be, particularly for these feint objects? Ian
  17. And it's in Technicolor too! 👍 Out of interest, how do you judge the level of exposure needed? Ian
  18. Interestingly, the ZWO spec for the ASIAir only mentions the RAM requirement for Android, not Apple. Good to know though. Ian
  19. Thanks for posting that. Personally, I think your images with the RASA are really raising the bar for quality. And, showing objects with which we (or at least, I) am not familiar with. Ian
  20. But that is a gorgeous image Goran, one much to be envied. I don't recall seeing it before in the Lounge. Congratulations! Ian
  21. Thanks Dave. Are you powering your 2600 with 12v via the ASIAir 12v outlets, or are you using a separate supply? Presumably it works OK. I assume that the 2600 hub isn't a powered one? Edit. I've just checked the specs for a RPi4 and the total USB current draw is 1200mA. The ASI2600, for example, is rated at 1150mA, so that is within spec. Ian
  22. Advice please. I was looking at the specs for the ASIAir Pro on the ZWO website, and saw this statement: "Note:ASIAIR PRO’s USB power supply is not enough for ASI6200/ASI2600/ASI533//ASI071MC cameras to work normally, so please use an external 12V power supply, which can be connected to the ASIAIR PRO’s power management as well." I don't understand, what has the USB supply got to do with the 12v supply? The ASIAir would be provided with a 12v supply anyway, so are they saying that the camera cooler should have its own 12v supply rather than take the 12v supply from the 12v controlled output from the ASIAir, or what? Any thoughts from users out there? Ian
  23. I think that's come out rather well. Has the DSLR been modded? Indeed, I would have thought that achros are perfectly suitable for NB, though I would expect a need to re-focus between different bands to allow for the different focal points at different wavelengths. Ian
  24. From the album: The Admiral

    Imaging details: 26 subs of 300s (total imaging time 2h 10m) 12 Darks, 50 each of flats, dark-flats and bias. Processed in APP, with adjustment of black point, addition of a little clarity and selective colour intensity, and noise reduction, in Lightroom. Equipment: Altair Wave 102mm Super ED Triplet APO, William Optics Flat 6A III 0.8x reducer/flattener, William Optics Uniguide 50mm guide scope, iOptron GEM45, Lacerta MGEN-3 autoguider, Fuji XT-1 mirrorless camera. The yellow-starred cluster bottom right is the Trumpler 5 cluster.


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