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Dave In Vermont

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Status Updates posted by Dave In Vermont

  1. I just read an article in Universe Today on the launch of a satellite carrying USAF such & so. Lot's of photos by Ken Kramer(sic). And saying: "Delta IV rocket streaks to orbit after blastoff at 6:53 p.m EDT on Dec. 16, 2016 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fl,..." and similar. All stating this HAD happened on Dec. 16th, 2016! Repeatedly - HAD happened Dec. 16th! I can see making A mistake - but this was nothing BUT mistakes! What's today's date, anyone?

    1. Knighty2112


      Must have been an article sucked from the future in a mini worm hole to the past. Hehe! ;) 

    2. orion25


      Wow! I didn't know we were in a time warp! Geesh! 

  2. Hi Jan -

    I see you dropped in. I'm around, just busy fixing some things. Write me? Or I'll you as well. When I get a chance! I was thinking about you earlier today. Probably when you stopped by! :D

    All the best,


  3. Leaving for a week or 5 on family gig Tuesday am. Hoping for better weather upon my return. Be carrying my binoculars and a few changes of clothing.

    As Arnold says - "I'll be back."


    1. Piero


      Have fun Dave and hopefully, many clear nights! :) 

    2. Ruud


      With my family we'd have to bring a medic along for such an adventure.



    3. orion25


      Have a safe trip. Hope you find some clear skies! :happy6:


  4. The GSO Crayford 2-speed focuser for my new Maksutov arrived. Just installed it. And, of course, it's snowing! But it was a snap to put on and adjust. All I need do is adjust it's insides and apply a Teflon-grease to it. It can't snow forever...

  5. My binoculars - Celestron Skymaster 15 X 70mm - arrived from Agena. They were very well packaged. First impressions: Focus smooth and fine, including right-side diopter. Collimation is spot-on. A servicable carry-case. Tripod-adapter included. Very good views. All in all - no problems to report. Excellent value for the price.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. orion25


      Gots me wanting to upgrade. I've been spending $$ on scopes, lenses and cameras but never thought about getting larger bins. You may have started something here, old buddy.

    3. Ruud


      Hi Dave, I checked them out on the website of B&H. 4.4° at 15x is an apparent field of 66°! That's nice! Congrats on the binoculars.

    4. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      Sorry 'bout that, Reg. But for $89.95 inc. shipping - I can't find a downside to a pair of these. And I'm a certified cynic! My only caveat is their size. These things are BIG! I'm glad I have a decent Orion tripod I picked up a few years ago. And now I have an extra adapter. I'll find someone that needs one and give them to said critter.

  6. I caved in and bought a pair of Celestron SkyMaster 15 x 70mm binoculars. They should land within a week.

    1. orion25


      Cool beans, Dave. I can't wait for your review :-)

    2. Ruud


      Congratulations. 2016 should start well. Best wishes.

    3. seo


      Congrats for your new binos Dave and my best wishes for 2016.

  7. Orion-USA has chopped the price on the Celestron Digital Camera Adapter, due to many bad reviews. So I again bought one. The problems became obvious - no grease and binding. Fixed it on quick order. Now it's a bargain. It works very well indeed for a Canon digital, and a Logitech webcam - C615. And, of course, it's snowing.....

    1. Ruud


      Nice! Looking forward to the pics. In NL it's mostly overcast and we still have early-Autumn temperatures. We've had those since September.

      Have you already had a chance to use the new Barlow under the stars?

    2. orion25


      You get those serious lake-effect snows in your neck of the woods. You did get a great deal. My, aren't you handy, LOL! I look forward to seeing your images when the clouds part.

    3. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      Don't hold your breath, Reg. I'm on strike 'til Spring! And Ruud - no complaints on the Barlow. It's touchy about focus, but it should be! Stupid reviews abound here. I'll do a full-on report later on.

      Thanks folks!

  8. I have a new toy: A Celestron camera-adapter for mounting simple digital-cameras to the eyepiece/drawtube to hold them stationary. Good for fast 'click' on our cold, winter nights here. These need a bit of work to get them to work right - grease and minor mechanical-engineering. But it looks like fun!

  9. Help! None of my settings will work.....

  10. Ouch! That's no fun! Ah well - better in the winter than the usual Murphy's Law of your vacation-time in the spring!

  11. Broke down and ordered a Celestron camera-adapter to place a simple digital-camera (Canon PowerShot A1000 Image-Stabilized) on a scope. Found one for $36 - list was $50. Pulled trigger and.....I then found Orion-USA has it for $24! Somedays you just can't win...

  12. Now my re-re-done ST80 got a taste of what it's good for: Watching an event calling for a good FOV, rather than a hormonal urge for brawny magnification. Such as a Total Lunar Eclipse. Beautiful!

    1. Ruud


      Hi Dave!

      Hope that the ST80, now that it is done and done again, will get a lot of light. Rich field definitely has my preference. The eclipse looked just fine at 15x and 4.6° true field. The end of totality was the best part, although the sky was good all along. Of course I didn't get nearly enough sleep.

      Cheers, and happy observing with the ST80.

    2. orion25


      You lucky devil, you. Only clouds down here in Jawjah. Can I channel your energy, dude?

  13. I got my little ST80 working just where I wanted it. Was all set for a nice, relaxing night of spectroscopy. And the altitude control-cable broke. I know the Universe is laughing at me.....

    1. xtreemchaos


      no just you mate,it laughs at me all the time. charl.

    2. baggywrinkle


      For who the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad...;-)

    3. Pig


      I do like the idea of spectroscopy Dave

  14. Just got back from an unwelcome journey to deal with family and other pests. Bah! Now where was I.....?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ronin


      That old saying: God gave us our family, thank god we can choose our friends. :-))

    3. orion25


      Missed you, Dave. Welcome back home. SGL is where you really belong, buddy!

    4. Tzitzis


      Welcome back dude...

  15. New Thousand Oaks Solar-Filter on my ST80. Turned the Sun Orange/Yellow. I L*O*V*E* it! No more "white-spots!"

    1. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      At last a front-of-scope filter that shows a more "natural" colour than white. It just makes more sense (to me at least). The Baader Solar Continuum Filter, paired with this, works very nicely. I got a late start today though, and a tree jumped into the way - just as I was noting some nice detailing on the Solar surface. Sunspot 2321 is a monster indeed! Wow!

    2. orion25


      Great, Dave! Will you be posting some über-cool solar images??

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