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Dave Lloyd

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Everything posted by Dave Lloyd

  1. Knighty2112 on the forum has done quite a bit of work on his ST120, he'll have some advice. Hasn't been on lately though.
  2. What is it ? It looks great. I thought it was a micrometer from a funny angle at first but I'm sure I can see "scope" on the front.
  3. You got there, that's terrific. Looking forward to the finished scope.
  4. Blimey, I thought I was unlucky losing an eyepiece whilst projecting.:-)
  5. I feel a bit the same, they're beautiful pieces of engineering but they look too nice to be out at night. Wouldn't mind one as a conversation piece in my library though (if I had a library)
  6. Yeah, fabulous pic. Just goes to show what monsters these big dobs are.
  7. What you need is to chop it up into 1000 pieces and sell it as collectors cards. Bung a bit of bubble gum in and you'd sell millions. Swaps anybody?:-)
  8. I've just made myself late home from work reading this. Excellent guide.
  9. 100 pages and still the will it / won't it uncertainty.
  10. It does seem from that link that Sony are catering to the daytime shooter masses. It's a good heads up though for anyone considering an A5000/5100.
  11. How far can you go "cleaning and adjusting" your brand new £1300 purchase before you invalidate the guarantee?
  12. Did the image go offline for a short while due to 20,000 people (including me) gawping at the same time and overloading the server?
  13. This is also what 80 inch 4k TVs were made for.
  14. Simply beautiful!!! I shall also be coming back again and again just to stare and find new stuff.
  15. Just goes to show talent doesn't necessarily need all the bells and whistles. Although I suspect these guys could get acceptable results using an old bird table.
  16. Yes, magic times. One would have to have a heart of stone not to be warmed by that story.
  17. All the best mate, it's always a worrying time. As I've said elsewhere I think a lot of us know just how you feel.
  18. I'm sorry, this is far too scary for me!
  19. Good post WH. I melted the inside of a cheap eyepiece while doing a solar projection. I know what to replace it with now-NOT for solar projection.
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