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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 11 minutes ago, fozzybear said:


    Ran the above commands and ccdciel is now nowhere to be found on my RPI4 Do I need to re-install it?

    sudo apt remove libpasastro

    The following packages will be REMOVED:
      ccdciel libpasastro skychart skychart-data-dso skychart-data-pictures
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 6 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
    After this operation, 877 MB disk space will be freed.



    yes i would think so as it says its remove ccdciel,cdc 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. If I read you right you will do the following :-

    Put ALL the software on the Laptop and connect the mount ,camera etc from there.

    Assuming tablet is Wins then use Microsoft RDP to Laptop. This will just connect and show the existing desktop. There is no difference the laptop desktop and the table RDP session are the same so you can control the software  from either end. 

    BUT you have to decide how your network connections are going to work first.

    For example using Wifi to connect to the SW Adapter and the latter staying as the Access Point your laptop might have an address of You could then just also connect your tablet to the SW Adapter AP which might give you an address of You would load and run ALL your software on the laptop. The Tablet would then RDP to . You can now do anything remotely that you would if you were just using the laptop. Key points are

    1. Wifi strength on  both the tablet and laptop is good to excellent.

    2. Any cables ,for camera's etc will run from the laptop which will be near to the mount.

    3. No internet 

    There are numerous other options / combinations but the first key point is the network connections.  Sorry cannot be more precise !


  3. 7 hours ago, Look left said:

    my issues are that the WIFI dongle sends out its own WIFI signal that you then have to take your laptop off the internet signal and connect to Synscan signal.

    No you dont - IF your laptop has a wired ethernet you connect that to your Home router system , this will provide the Internet you require. Then you connect wirelessly to the SW Wifi adapter and you can then use Synscan.  In this method SW Wifi adapter is being the Access Point(AP) and you are connecting your laptop to it and being given an IP address by the SW Adapter and a second IP address via the wired ethernet from your home router. This should provide Internet connection.

    Another way is to make the SW Wifi adapter into a "client" as opposed to a AP,read manual :-), so it (the SW adapter) connects to your home network Wifi network.  It will then take the IP address that is provided by your Home network router. Again Synscan App will connect to it. So as the SW Adapter and your laptop are all one the same network as your Home network and router your will be able to use the Internet.

  4. 14 hours ago, blinky said:

    Direct connection works, for som3 reason going through a usb 2 hub, that’s powered, causes it to fail

    Hint - its a pointer to the problem. Powered or not should not make it fail.  

    Either the hub is

    1. not performing correctly - replace hub and retest - if you have another or can borrow one - thats the better idea.

    2. The power source to the hub is suspect or not on a common ground with mount. Have you changed or added items since it used to work.


  5. Just had a "real" fdti cable fail on my AZEQ6 - only indication there was a problem it would disconnect now and then. Replaced that and now problem has gone away.  

    The more sections/hardware the more likely there could be a problem with any cable/hardware part in your set up.  Can you test with just a Mount to PC cable and see if you get the same problems.   I think you implied you tried this and this worked but I was confused on how you actually connected. If this worked then you have a pointer to the problem - hub or hub to pc cable. 

    Cable / connector problems are a bitch to find always prefer a complete failure. 🙂

  6. Sorry hijacked your thread  - but when you said "blind solve" in 6 secs I had to ask 😲 🙂  Mine take a lot longer (blind solving that is ) while "local" or Mount supplied platesolving takes 6secs or less using ASTAP - using real set up ,no simulations in sight - which I am satisfied with.

    But real blind solving - load  image (without a RA/DEC - e.g. RAW CR2) ,mount at home position and solve takes a lot lot longer with ASTAP. Hence I thought you had a secret method.

    Thanks for the info 🙂

  7. 24 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

    Just a heads up if you use one, the QHY polemaster does not work in ekos on Astroberry, not sure why but I have tried everything... AFAIK it works on raspbian in ekos, so am at a loss as to why not on Astroberry...

    Sorry never bought one - just used Sharpcap now and then to check I am still aligned - Sharpcar polar alignment  is nice and simple !

    CCDCIEL now has Polar Alignment I might have a go at that.

    Have you dropped a line on INDI forum for Radek ?

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, wimvb said:

    blind solve in 6 secs on a Rock64)

    Really? - I dont get anyway near that using ASTAP  when "Blind" solving even on an I5 8gb 64bit SSD.

    What do you mean by blind solving - e.g. so start 180 degree's for ra/dec coordinates with what FOV etc ?

    Please share your parameters so all can benefit if possible 🙂 

  9. 13 minutes ago, BabyPepper said:

    ts about volume, and who can produce it cheaper. Thats how industrial contracts / government contracts operate.

    IMO No way is that true - thats perhaps how it should work maybe.

    Involve politics and that all goes by the wayside alway has and mostly always will.

    "not in the interests of national security" , "too big to fail" ,"hidden govt subsidies"  etc etc - they exist everywhere at every level.  E.G's War Planes, Banks, Car making.




  10. 27 minutes ago, RadekK said:

    I don't get it. So how I should address it in Astroberry Server?

    Add the missing libraries that enable ASTAP and CCDCIEL to open CR2 (RAW) files .  I presume you add it to you repositories but to be honest i am not sure how.

    All I know is that for the above applications to read / convert raw files to FITs they need access to libraries that dont come with Buster/Astroberry - that is to say if you use ASTAP/CCDCIEL they will still work BUT only with FITS files. If you try and open a RAW file you will see the display "missing library decoder ".

    The only way I know (and thats not a lot) is to get the lib's from somewhere.

    For ASTAP they can use the libdraw-bin(check name above) which on astroberry is just a apt get install. But CCDCIEL has to be compiled on Astroberry and install as per the above instructions.   How you get this ino your distribution I have't a clue - never done a Raspbian repository before.  Perhaps PC and Han can help there.  Do you want me to pose the question or will you as you know what you are talking aboutl

    Sorry Radek wish I could be of more help 😞


  11. 15 hours ago, RadekK said:

    So it looks like original CCDciel and ASTAP binaries do not like Raspbian Buster at all.

    When releasing Astroberry Server (image) I decided to not recompile & repackage these apps, but added original repositories and installed these apps from them. Exactly what an experienced used would do when not using my image, but rather installing everything on genuine raspbian. Apparently there is some library (libraw?) compability issue. So it will only work if I recompile & repackage CCDciel (possible) and ASTAP (impossible). I will give it a closer look when I have time for this.

    No its only the RAW files bit that is missing from ASTAP and CCDCIEL - same on all OS - its only that Buster doesn't have a binary for the decoders. It was only these decoder libraries that I recompiled (CCDCIEL ONLY , ASTAP just needed LIBRAW-BIN installing) . Both ASTAP/CCCIEL work great in all other aspects (FITS format). Both just convert RAW to FITS and continue the same processing.  As I understand it anyway 🙂

    LIBRAW has issues anyway from what I have read but works fine for me 🙂

    For CCDCIEL its just a case of creating the LIBPASASTRO library which I think is just an interface between Pascal and C libraries - maybe wrong about this bit.

    Bottom line both work with RAW files


    PC has now updated the README at the GITHUB site which now has he new instructions for compiling

  12. Ok with hand holding from PC(CCDciel) I was able to compile and install the RAW file decoder for RPI Buster - so now CCDciel is able to load RAW(CR2) files - Thanks Patrick.

    To do the same follow the info at the Ccdciel forum it contains the how (need to dicpher a bit) but its 

    1. download libpasastro sources from github - tar file need to be extracted to folder under home user (astroberry)

    2. Check you have the compiler gcc,g++ , make and libraw-dev installed

    3. run 'make' in folder containing extracted sources - may need to change ownership/exec perms - try first

    4. cd /home/astroberry/libpasastro/libpasastro-master

    5. sudo make install PREFIX=/usr

    6. for step 4/5 replace with your pathname as appropriate.

    7. test RPI3b+ (worked for me) and RPI4 (hello andy)

  13. 20 hours ago, fozzybear said:

    what wireless adapter does it have or do you use a USB wifi dongle with it if so what make?, Just that on my laptop with intel wifi i can create a hotspot on it or connect to my local wifi network

    Depends on the Wifi chip - some dont support HOT/MOBILE/AD-HOC networks 🙂

  14. 4 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

    No idea! Tbh, I've settled on using VNC Server on the PC and VNC Viewer on my phone to manage. Works fine. I doubt I'll ever find myself in the deepest darkest depths of Mordor where I cant find a phone signal.

    Obviously never been to Lincolnshire Wolds LOL

  15. Han ,

    A question  - On Astroberry ASTAP (and CCDCIEL) can open CR2 files - yet as the decoder isn't there.

    I know Radek has it as an enhancement to de added in due course but I was just enquiring if there is another way - without causing problems with Astroberry. ASTAP on Astroberry works fine with FIT etc . 

    However I found by installing libraw-bin in Astroberry via "sudo apt install libraw-bin" - although it works is this likely to cause any problems - info was libraw-bin     0.19.2-2     armhf        raw image decoder library (tools)

  16. Just now, fozzybear said:

    strange it works now has anyone changed anything  libraw 0.19.2-2 

    as before could not find source



    Bet that was a server problem - I was looking earlier today and the launchpad server kept going down !!!!

    So does that mean the sudo apt install libdraw-bin now works on RPI4 ?  and have you tried loading a CR2 file in ASTAP ?

    And the same on RPI3b whatever child you are running it on LOL ?

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