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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 12 hours ago, HiloDon said:

    I think this article explains things in simple terms.  The problem as stated by some earlier is an uncorrected spherical mirror.  It will cause spherical aberration equally across the entire field, even center stars.  That's why the Hyperstar lens is needed.


    Also this site http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/ligcon.html#c1 

    At least you tried. Where's an optician when you want one.

    I notice on CN that there was also talk on why no competitive alternatives to Hyperstar are around - seems a guy at Starizona (who sell Hyperstar) owns the patent to the idea (Dont know if he bought it from Celestron Faster idea or his is different enough to be allowed a patent. 

    I was once told by a good teacher  "don't be a sheep but always question what everyone assumes to be true even though 99/100 times they will be right and you will be ridiculed - the 1/100 will be worth it". 

    Again Don thanks for the time you've spent on this subject.


    • Like 2
  2. On 17/04/2017 at 20:33, HiloDon said:

    I tried to get some comparison last night with the C6.  Skies looked pretty good, so I aligned and set up the Freestar with the Lodestar.  Went to the Rosette Nebula.  Tried to get focused, but some of the brighter star were showing severe aberrations.  Kept playing with the focus and the inevitable happened.  Clouds moved in and it started to rain.  Gave up at about 11:00pm.  The initial view was not promising.  Much of what some of you said seems to be true.  I will try again, hopefully this week some time.


    Thanks for trying !   

  3. 5 minutes ago, shirva said:

    I try and identify where I need to upgrade and just look for a bargain,pretty much at a kit level I'm happy with, a filter wheel and some narrow band filters and I'm finished,, been upgrading for years,, next up an observatory.. but keep backing down due to cost v weather. But kit is heavy and time consuming to set up,, even went to portable kit but miss the big set up of my heq5 extension pier, twin scope saddle,8" explorer,ed80 and twin DSLRs,eqmod,byeos and astrotoaster.. maybe this year I will make the jump

    Go for the Obsys - I made my own using an old scaffolding tower , tin shed, corr sheets and OSB3 - now takes me 10mins to set up , roll off the roof and off I go - best investment I ever made. Also at the same time extended my wired Ethernet so all now remote (AND WARM :icon_biggrin:). Now saving for better scope or Hyperstar or camera or this and that (list endless :help:) but still having fun !

    Perhaps someone will convert the Funstar with a corrective lens to help the SA but cheaper than the Hyperstar - or the pound will go mad and jump to £1 to $2.40 and HM R & C wont look at my "gift" from my American cousin in CA :laughing4:

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    It's against my normal nature but I'm rather pessimistic about this one. The SA from an uncorrected F2 sphere is going to be more than "some", the advertising significantly underplays this issue IMO. I look forward to seeing some images in due course and hope I'm wrong.  :icon_biggrin:

    I did say that it wouldn't be "Hyperstar quality" - but what would you expect for $99 - As you say we will see when people like Don ,experienced with Hyperstar,reports back.

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  5. I know a number of you post on CN and I have read the details there about this alternative Hyperstar (cost vs quality) called the "Funstar" .

    install https://www.revolutionimager.com/collections/products/products/funstar-sct-adapter

    link to CN discussion https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/573637-inexpensive-alternative-to-fastar/

    I appreciate the "quality" of the images would be far worse but could this be useful  to EAA without spending mega bucks ?  I am assuming the Lodestar would be usable in the Funstar ?

    I will certainly keep an eye on the feed back !

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  6. You must not do the change yourself - I am a great believer in "you made it , it doesn't work , you fix it" - I am partly dismayed at the way this UK company is behaving. The customer always comes first and there should have been no quibble just a "we will send you another straight away - sir". Sorry but the "here's how to fix it" approach is a sign of a lazy company - How about doing some QA testing or changing your QA as it clearly isn't working as 2 people (at least) have had the same problem.   Sorry for the rant but this kind of attitude by a UK(or any other country) company does make my blood boil.:angryfire:     Starlight Express these gentleman are advertising your product (I presume for free) by using them and Starlight should recognise this else they will be history - Sort it Starlight Xpress Ltd  - I will now climb back under my rock - thank you.

  7. And of course the Lodestar x2 is cheaper - you could have a colour (sorry Color :-) ) and a mono for nearly the same price!:hiding:IMHO The other point is the software updates - they come thick and fast from PAul81 - not sure the update frequency of the Atik but then they have other models to support. 

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  8. I am going to get shot at for saying  this but whatever !    

    IMHO  There are Astronomers who use photographer to gain further knowledge of the sky(For me that's EAA / Video astronomy) and Photographers( Artists even) who use Astronomy for beautiful pictures.

    I just find it sad that it seems to me that the latter are missing a great deal and although EAA video's are not art gallery stuff they show the wonders of space in minutes not hours which for me is why I do astronomy. Plus being able to see images appear as in EAA,IMO,is fascinating and exciting (Sad eh!). 

    There are a few I admit that are lucky enough to be able to do both either by skill,their location or both etc - PS not me.

    Maybe people should look more closely at what they are aiming for before jumping into something but there again there's no harm in trying I guess - except to the "pocket".

    OK throw your stones .

    Jorman at least you tried it  and good luck and clear skies for the future.

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  9. I've made this a sticky  :grin:   If there are other threads that you think need the same treatment PM me and I'll have a look.  I wouldn't want too many pinned posts though as that makes regular posts drop too far down, so if there are a lot I suggest one pinned post which has links to useful posts.


    You have made a man very happy - didn't get my Flying Scotchman but you pinned the guide - A very big thank you

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  10. Hello Mr/Mrs nice ,wonderful, hard working moderators any chance this can be "pinned" so that it stays at the top of the forum?

    Not being sarcastic just trying to ask nicely as my mum said ask nicely and you might get what you want - never did get the Hornby Flying Scotsman. :grin:

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    • Haha 1
  11. Erm Moderators - isn't it time that VA had some sub folders marked for Guides,Tips etc UNDER VA. I know some exist else where but it would be nice to get to it quickly in the area of interest VA'a are most interested in. It would be a shame to loose this user manual amongst all the other waffling(albeit very good waffling). 

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  12. If I was Lodestar marketing I would be giving Paul(LL fame) free loan camera's before they get released so that he could be ready for there release. I would also by paying him a retainer.

    Reason ,I would imagine, that a lot of sales of the Lodestar and future family are/could be based on Paul's work alone. The camera(s) maybe good but its the software that make them come alive. Think I am right in saying his mount is in for fixing - maybe as a gesture Lodestar could pay for that too :evil: .

    Otherwise they are missing an opportunity to out gun other manufactures - IMHO :grin:  

    I do not even own a Lodestar - yet!

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