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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. click on eqascom - his shows the files - click and down load the top file - not the pad download file shown in green.  I will be honest done know if the PAD down includes std EQMOD - never tried it.   It does feel that its coming to "End of Life" with in terms of support - IMHO

  2. 1 hour ago, RadekK said:

    Yeah 😄 gpsd can handle multiple GPS receivers and it does rotate among them, so if you keep both virtual and real connected it will probably be lots of fun. I noticed this on my device as well. There are at least two ways to handle this: (1) uninstall virtualgps (sudo apt remove virtualgps), (2) stop virtualgps and disable the service so it does not start after reboot (sudo systemctl stop virtualgps.service && sudo systemctl disable virtualgps.service). You can enable or start it anytime by running: sudo systemctl enable/start virtualgps.service

    There is also runtime control of what GPS device is used by gpsd, very handy: sudo gpsdctl add/remove device (e.g. to connect/disconnect virtualgps in real time you run sudo gpsdctl add/remove /tmp/vgps)

    OK I just put the commands in desktop  .sh files that I can execute - getting too old to remember commands - especially when I am trying to do some Astro work on the few clear nights we get. 🙂

    Perhaps I will have to learn "Panel" and add them there - LOL - but then I would what a "hook" in Astroberry so it doesn't get lost on updates - LOL

  3. 9 minutes ago, RadekK said:

    Good point! I recommend doing all the updates via SSH. If you do it over VNC or web interface it will continue the update process and eventually let you reconnect. It just takes a while to restart all the necessary services.

    How about another "Enhancement" to panel - "Do Apt update and upgrade" without going into NOVNC or SSH (lots dont know or want to,about SSH !)

    Using a "real" vnc client  (realvncor the like) doesn't get disconnected !

  4. 2 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    Ah, so - just so as I am clear - do you need to start Indiserver (in whatever way) before you can use anything?  Is this like starting ASCOM?

    Yes all Indi connected software relies on the Indiserver program (the server)- however some will start indiserver for you (Ekos/Kstars will) so you can load Kstars and the use EKOS to define/select/start Indidriver.  Astroberry uses the Indi Web interface to start Indiserver and drivers  - Ekos will display a message "Indiserver already running use it or start anew" (or something like that. But to use your kit it must be powered on with cables connected before you start/connect Indiserver.  Indiserver can be started by itself from the Linux Command line (dos type prompt) as some do but thats another story. 

    Have fun.

    • Like 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

    Chrome.. and no, I mean right click on the map, or at least where is should be and right click and select “back” from the menu...bit if you select “reload” that does take you back to the logon screen... 😀👍

    Thats the opposite of Firefox - back disconnects VNC whereas "reload" doesn't - all good fun.  IE (edge or whatever) does allow that at all I believable !

  6. 23 minutes ago, RadekK said:

    The update has been released. So please run regular: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

    From now on GPS Panel and Astro Panel use only GPS readings as source of location. For users that do not have GPS, the system provides Virtual GPS (sudo apt install virtualgps), which can be configured by editing /etc/location.conf file or using Preferences/Geographic Location menu. Virtual GPS provides system-wide location information to each end every system component and application, so it can be used also in KStars, indi-gps and even indi_gpsd or indi_gpsnmea (any anything that uses gpsd service).

    If you use GPS don't install virtualgps or disable it after installation (sudo systemctl stop virtualgps.service && sudo systemctl disable virtualgps.service).

    The /etc/astropanel.conf file has been abandoned and is not used anymore. The same for binding to Weather Plugin location - it's not used anymore.

    Great that gets rid of "GPS" issues 🙂 and maybe the MAP blank problem. Thanks Radek.

    Hint for us users dont do this(update/upgrade) via astroberry vnc it disconnects you (panel server changes and restarts) - you can go back to astroberry home (first screen) and then choose connect. Choosing connect after been "kicked" off never allows you to reconnect - even after the Panel agent has restarted. Not a problem just a FYI


    • Like 1
  7. Great first user guide , couple of points maybe 

    1. No need to change Hotspot settings - e.g. priority - Hotspot comes with the lowest priority -999 so as long as your new Home Wifi priority is higher dont change Hotspot settings.

    2. "start" ,"autostart" and  "auto connect" do something similar but "autostart" and "start"  just loads the Indiserver with any drivers your have defined (ticked) - no attempt is made by Indiserver to "connect" to the defined hardware.

    "Autoconnect" tick box says to Indiserver connect to the hardware thru the drivers - ok if all kit is powered up and physically connected else it will fail.

    Although you have used "start" you will still need to "connect" the drivers defined to the physical hardware (mounts etc).

    In practice ,if you set yourself a routine or have an Obsys where kit stays the same ,once you have defined and saved a "profile" all you need to do next time is power on the hardware and then "start and connect" Astroberry/Indiserver with that same profile. The "profile" defines what kit and the associated Indi driver  is attached to Indiserver.    Sorry thats a long but its important. Hope it makes some sense.

    3. The RPI power / USB hub -  perhaps to be clarified its "electrical power" the RPI USB ports is short on to power the hardware via USB. People can confuse this with speed  of the USB port - which is not the same thing. The max "power" per USB port is <0.6amp  and a max of 1.2amp for all 4 USB ports. But for example most DSLR's dont use any power from the USB port.

    4. How about expanding your excellent articular with screen pictures 🙂

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, PatG said:

    Hi All

    Struggling to get the HEQ5 mount linked up to the laptop.


    1) Is it better to connect via the SynScan hand controller or direct to the mount - is this via USB connection or the RJ12

    2) I'm confused about which Ascom and EQmod software downloads / drivers to use. I have tried several but these have not worked

    3) What planetarium software is compatible / recommended

    Any advice /guidance much appreciated













    1. Imho eqmod not synscan - eqmod tried and tested on heq5. Synscan isn't bad though and can still use ascom 

    2 You have to load both Ascom (first) then EQMOD *** - this https://ascom-standards.org/Downloads/Index.htm (right hand side) make sure it installs ok. Restart pc if you want. Then EQASCOM https://sourceforge.net/projects/eq-mod/files/EQASCOM/ .   ***Read the Pre-Requ first and make suite your PC meets the details.

    3. Take your pick CDC(Skycharts) is the easiest to install and interface with Ascom/EQMOD but maybe not as pretty graphics as Stellarium. Plus many others just as good - HNSKY, NINA. Stellarium needs another bit of software called Stellarium Scope but I beleive there is a new version being tested that does away with Stellarium Scope (at last)

    4. You choose the HEQ5/6 driver when you are presented with the Ascom choice menu - it is Skycharts and other software that load Ascom/Eqmod not you. Search SGJ there are some picture by picture instructions.   Ascom is called first and you choose EQMOD ascom HEQ5/6 "Driver" and this pops up the EQMOD set up - thats where you choose the COM port (or let eqmod autoscan). As I say there are plenty of details on SGL.

    5. The HEQ5 needs a EQDIR (TTL to USB) adaper - The USB end is inserted into the PC this creates a NEW COM port so check before you insert and the new one is the one you use in the EQMOD setup (4). HEQ5 has a RJ45 port so that is where you plug the other end of the EQDIR cable/adapter - you need to order one that fits your mount - Ask FLO

    So dont try and start anything from Ascom or EQMOD(EQASOM) let the Shycharts (and others ) do that for you. P.S. For Skychart you need to say you are using ASCOM via the Telescope/Telescope settings menu.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    Personally, I wouldn't touch powerline devices with long poles, especially if you will be 'crossing' mains circuits, over longer distances, where they can be troublesome.

    But then, I also wouldn't use WiFi, as you could then be troubled with distance signal degradation, drop-outs etc.... 

    If you're putting ducted mains cables, adding the ethernet cable, apart from cost, to me, is a no brainer, especially for future proofing the installation.

    I totally agree.

  10. Fozzybear - if you use a vnc client,as I do normally, it will not effect you. As you quiet rightly state it(GPS Panels etc) doesn't appear when using a vnc client.

    It was just part of my general testing of features of Astroberry 🙂  So nothing to worry about. IMHO i dont see the advantage ,for me, to use the Web Interface but maybe for a first time user then it could be of use - personal taste really. In a nutshell it doesn't effect you.



    • Thanks 1
  11. Yes it is possible to do remote connections via Wifi - however

    1. Wifi is slower and has larger latency - i.e. wired is best. So look to running a rj45 wire if poss but if you must go Wifi:-

    2. If you are going to use Wifi use your phone to test the signal you get where you get will be - there are plenty of free app's to give you an idea. What works for one does not mean it will work for you - there are a lot of variables which depend on your site/hardware.

    3. Get decent Wifi extenders if your signal is weak ,preferably outside versions,they will cost you more but will be worth it. Search SGL for Gina's set up for Wifi kit and costs.

    4. Do not use Power over Ethernet they can be very troublesome IMO/experience.

    5. Try to use 5ghz Wifi (std 802.11ac ) but be warned it doesn't like long distances but doesn't get the interference that 2.4ghz does. Again depends on your site.  full info here https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2014/12/30/802-11ac-vs-802-11n-wifi-whats-the-difference/#604fe0ae3957

    6. Remote desktop software will work over WiFi but for extreme 4k resolution you will need highest speed and signal - everyone else we dont have a problem.

    7. The best solution is to use your laptop and  1 mini pc . The Mini would normally sit on the top of your scope (or side of pier) and just remote desktop from you laptop to the Mini. All software required for Astro /mount/camera control etc  will be on the Mini so cables will be short except for power. Cost varying greatly for Windows 10 Mini Pc's - £150+. Again search SGL for people's experiences.  

     If you would consider Non Windows then Raspberry Pi 4(4gb version/fan/case £100ish) with Astroberry(free) or Stellarmate (not free) will give you a complete software set up - just add cables and power. But its a steep learning curve for some (isn't all new software difficult at first!) though its not difficult. You can still use your Windows Laptop to connect to the Raspberry.

  12. 2 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

    I use a Ublox 7 GPS dongle plugged directly into the rpi, or my Pegasus UPB, both work, but I do get a blank map when it’s trying to find satellites, otherwise it’s a map of Warsaw, when no GPS is present.

    i use a the proper raspberry 4amp supply while testing on my desk, and when on mount, it’s powered from the 3amp USB power port on my Pegasus UPB, and all good...

    never seen under voltages when powered either way.. HTH :)

    Thanks for the info

    1. And you have checked your dmesg log as it wont appear on VNC of any type

    2. Did you try the <ip>:8625 from another external browser  when the map was blank ?

    3. So your map never goes blank EXCEPT when it has no FIX or has changed from 3D fix to 2D fix (or visa versa)

  13. Question to fellow Astroberry users having problems with blank GPS maps or back connections.

    1. How do you power your RPI ?

    2. Have you checked your dmesg log - do any "under voltages" messages appear?

    3. Do you plug your GPS (make and model please) into RPI usb port or via a HUB?

    4. If you use a hub and plug your GPS dongle in to one of is ports is the Hub a powered Hub?


    Plus when you have a blank map can you open another browser window with <your ip address of the RPI>:8625 so for example  - does this show the correct map - i.e. none blank.

    Thanks for your help. 🙂

  14. 6 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

    Hmmm, what is CGPS, I just get blank screen in panel while waiting for GPS data, so how come you got info there while still waiting...

    also I have changed the default details from Warsaw to my own location in the astropanel.conf file, yet they don’t come up when no GPS available...still shows blank map.. ☹️

    CGPS is a GPSD Client part of GPSD-CLIENT package

    Had to reload RPI and now both Astroberry and CGPS working 


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