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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 32 minutes ago, fozzybear said:


    you posted

    FYI - If you use CCDCIEL / ASTAP under Astroberry you cannot use CR2 files as the decoder if missing - Enhancement on Radek's list of To Do's
    However if you use "sudo apt-get install libdaw-bin && apt-get upgrade" ASTAP will load and solve CR2 (raw) files. Unfortunately this doesn't help with CCDCIEL.

    however the command did not work

    sudo apt-get install libdaw-bin && apt-get upgrade

    could not find libdaw-bin

    any help appreciated

    Andy aka "Forster" on the other forum....



    was your astroberry a full image download of astroberry or did you do the Astroberry install from a base raspbian image ?

    i just ran mine again and it fails for the right reason - it was installed.


    sudo apt-get install libraw-bin
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    libraw-bin is already the newest version (0.19.2-2).



    The other diff is this is on a rpi3b+ not a 4

    note - if this is a live system do a backup first - mine is a test system 

    I am currently talking to Patrick C of Skychart/CCDciel fame about trying to find a solution for CCDciel and I thank I will cast a question to Han of ASTAP. 


  2. Poss List -

    1. JNOW instead of J2000 or visa versa - As I understand it (I do it just because) all the software you use should use the same Epoch - So APT,Stellarium/Stellarium Scope,EQMOD (even though I think I read (misread) somewhere it doesn't care !) etc.

    2. Date and time including daylight saving same.

    3. APT is showing a cropped image in its display where as Stellarium is showing the image as per full scale

    4. Bug in Apt or Stellarium - check forums

    5. Its correct and just not what you expected. 🙂

    But I dont use Stellarium (I use Sky Chart) so maybe someone will come up with a correct reply for you 🙂

  3. 1 hour ago, han59 said:

    Stash remind of an other problem, modeling of eqascom (eqmod). If you use eqascom, the eqascom model could be wrong. The number of  APT retries (goto++ attempts default two times) will indicate this. Reset the eqascom  align and sync data for the alignment.  It could have collected wrong alignment points from telescope sync command.  You can switch this add alignment points behaviour off:


    Yes this is true and the fix is to clear out the saved model as you say,delete offending bad syncs (really your kidding) or just create a new smaller triangle of points which can work. The former,total reset, being the easiest.

    I do get this problem very rarely and the advantages outweighs the problems - for me anyway. 

    I get consistently,but not 100%, sub 4 sec platesolving using some horrible software called ASTAP LOL 🙂

    Even with Platesolving (any product) you can see the image dead centre and the Platesolver doesn't solve and starts scanning around the sky. It occurs ,for me,with images of bright Clusters - guess its a case of  "can't see the stars for the cluster" LOL - sorry a pun . Changing parameters might work but thats not any use when you are doing a sequence ,especially unmanned! 

    Of course an out of balance mount/scope will cause the same effect as no matter how the mount tries to move it cant and normally just produces the same RA/DEC - this causes  a looping effect until the number of tries,in platesolving, is reached.

    Overall Platesolve still a "god send" .


  4. no local vnc(i.e. not cloud based)  or rdp needs the internet they just need to be on the same network (e.g. 192.168.1.x ) or know which gateway to go via. Microsoft can create its own HOTSPOT but cant remember if it required 2 network connections - very long time since I have used Hotspot on M/S.  If your Phone can create a valid hotspot without the Internet and ,for easiness, create DHCP server etc then that should work. Its all about the networking settings !!!! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Telescope40 said:

    Been in touch with RVO. 
    My NEQ6 is rather old and does not have the port on the mount so back to using the handset as part of the set up here.


    Does any one know if the "older" neq6 models were different?  

    Perhaps a cheeky call to FLO might help as they say 🙂 (keywords "enables all") or an email to sky watcher importer.

    Sky-Watcher's SynScan Wifi adapter enables all their Go-To mounts and telescopes to be operated wirelessy from a smartphone or tablet using the SynScan or SynScan Pro app or, from a PC via ASCOM.

    Easily connects to the mount’s hand control port via one of the supplied RJ12 -> RJ45 or RJ45 -> RJ45 cables.

    Alternative send the Wifi modeule back to RVO and just get a EQDIR adapter cable with DB9 connector (should inform shop its for a "older" NEQ6 Pro) from mount to a laptop - you can then use synscan app pro or AScom / eqmod by wire with no hand set.

    Is that cable from the mount to the handset an original ? - still looks dodgy to me and if you have been having problems slew maybe its at fault .


  6. 23 minutes ago, Telescope40 said:

    SynScan app is on my phone.  Use it with my AZ GTI mount. 
    Fraid I have a I phone. 
    Not locating a Synscan signal.  Only this   
    ESP_51CA52 which I’ve not seen before but guessing is s a neighbour ? 
    This is hard work when it should be simples, Sergi. 
    appreciate your time @stash_old

    The ESP_51CA52 is possibly the device but not running correctly. 😞   Get back to RVO they have been paid !

  7. What make is this dongle - looks DIY to me. Plus whats the point of  plugging a Wifi dongle into the handset? Sorry please explain what you are trying to do ?

    It is technically possible to have a "component" that allows Wifi and also connects the handset serially(TTL mount port) which in urn connects to he mount DB9 port - so long as the voltages are correct ! the handset itself uses 12v supplied from the mount power if required. Why do you want to do it this way?

    Also ask the "manufacturer" to state requirements for the Handset firmware!

  8. 9 minutes ago, bottletopburly said:

    I use a qhy miniguide scope 130mm fl fits on finder scope dovetail ,very light haven’t had any problems locating stars with a qhy5L -11c  though when funds allow should buy a mono cam .

    Plus 1 - but I use asi120mm(oldest version) - but again no problems with the miniguide scope.  But it does need a anti dew heater in this weather even with a mini self built shield!

  9. 13 minutes ago, RadekK said:

    I've been to this discipline as well 😉


    Screenshot from 2019-12-01 21-28-19.png

    Ah good - but is it MQTT for it all ? mine is including GPS data nicked from your virtual set up lol  Never bother with the weather look out the window and check cloud/rainfall radar - Weather forecast are rubbish for UK - too complicated micro climates I guess

    • Like 1
  10. More to the point it does effect times and slewing.

    Just stopped my GPS and start Virtual again and It get 0 on the GPS info - all the other places - i.e. bottom are correct - even if they are in DMS not DD format and arn't showing N or W etc  😈 

    Is anyone else getting lots of disconnects after the update when using NOVNC - ok on REALVNC client !

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