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Posts posted by stash_old

  1. 12 hours ago, Astrofriend said:

    By the way, you can run Windows on Raspberry, nothing I have tried

    But you cant run most Windows software on RPI as they dont have the correct Arm binaries!


    3 hours ago, Gina said:

    I wouldn'y say INDI on an RPi is difficult or a "steep learning curve" - it's just a matter of copy and pasting Terminal code lines.  Initial setting up of an RPi is the same as any computer and simply a matter of following the instructions.

    Well I have helped lots of people with Indi set ups and it varies depending on the individual. I too had no problems except where the drivers just don't work but many do have problems and abandon Indi projects.  Plus Astroberry doesn't have hardly any "ANY terminal code" if you use the full image. So with all due respect it might have been ok for you but you are not perhaps the average Windows only type user. As I clearly stated earlier it does depend on the type of person you are.

    Painting a false,IMHO, picture about Indi or any other piece of software is unfair to "Newbies" . They should ,IMHO, dig deep and read the Indi Site/Forum (sorry not SGL in this instance) first before taking the plunge - looking at the "Good ,Bad and the Ugly" especially for support of their Astro hardware as others have stated. Then if still intent on going Indi - Enjoy ,have patience and remember its NOT Windows.

    For those you say "I have never had Indi crash" - lucky you 🙂 , I cant say ,in all truth, I have not had forced reboots , Kstars just disappearing ,lockups for no reason , hardware problems caused by Indi drivers etc. Same goes for  Ascom on Windows !

    I still stick by my opinion ,based on help given to others, Indi has a "steep learning curve" for many Windows "fed" user!

    I have and still use Indi as part of my set up for my main Obsys and "Grab and Go" - latter based on RPI 3b+ which works fine - well most of the time 🙂.

  2. Being objective do some looking on the Indi forum and scan the threads for real info. Plus also look at Shirva's attempts via astrovideo  site - he went back to Windows via a small device (same as PI) called a Lattepanda - not sayong he is 100% correct but just giving you alternatives. https://www.lattepanda.com/

    Its like Marmite - you either will love Indi or hate it - but be prepared for a very steep learning curve unless you are a "techie" or really enjoy finding out new things.


    • Confused 1
  3. 5 hours ago, deufrai said:

    Hi ! :)

    You mean : saving results as FITS format ? Sure, why not

    Excellent point : thanks. See https://github.com/gehelem/als/issues/114

    This is done on purpose : It would be too easy to make wrong assumptions about where everyone would agree to have ALS create its work folder, I guess. But we are all ears if we manage to reach reasonable consensus

    This threshold is not about image count. This is used during frame alignment : When ALS finds matches (common points) between new frame and reference frame, it rejects its findings if matches count is lower than this threshold. This is used to guarantee alignment quality and is, as you may have seen, user definable

    Negative, maybe not. A bit harsh, surely. But what can we expect from a Brit talking to a Froggie ;)  ? No biggie at all.

    I am Not a "Brit" 🙂  but I do live in the UK -    so dont be so quick to make assumptions 🙂

    Not that it counts for much but as I say I will look at it again at a later version - always good to have another tool in the box!

  4. Straight into a missing bit for me - doesn't do FITS - Tiff,JPG,PNG only 😞

    Properties should have a blob that says you cant change properties until after you have stopped Monitor etc - yes its greyed out but still needs to be hightlighted IMO

    Doesn't create missing Work folders

    Nothing to say min 25 images - if you change to lower figure it just resets back to 25 - Really min 25 images - way too high IMO especially when using a  DSLR

    Not being negative but thats the items found in just a few minutes - perhaps I will try on a later version.


  5. 11 hours ago, shirva said:

    No hassle to me using Ascom and synscan,, and everything works OK,, was a astronomy experiment 😁 one for developers to look at,, I'm happy with what I have working and does exactly what I want it to do,, worked out better than raspberry pi 4 set up. 


    Go back to FLO see if they can help as thats where you bought the USB adapter  - they say it works (as the email said) - they maybe able to find a solution or apply pressure  - if you really want EQMOD in this case.

    Also drop a line to Sky Watcher there developers will sometimes help IME although as its not the App that is causing the problem dont hold your breathe !

    You now have a working Grab and Go as you wanted so sometimes you "bend in the wind".

    As R26Oldtimer says everything and more works fine with the Synscan App method.

    I dont think EQMOD will get changed on Windows and I beleive EQMOD on Linux is Patrick Chevalley's rewrite so different!

    Now just a real test with some clear skies.


  6. And you didn't have Synscan loaded did you that would screw things up no end !

    Then give the Synscan App EQ mode a try with Ascom Synscan Mobile mode and CDC - nothing to loose.

    What benefit do you think you will get by using EQMOD over Ascom Synscan App Mobile driver/Synscan App Pro - all software should still work - Byeos etc ?

    Oh well going to watch another episode of DCI Banks - 5th this week - speak to you later.

  7. Plus you can try AZ mode - no way that should fail - as a test.

    Plus of course your Linx should be able to do all the above (as mine did) - another test.

    Did CDC testing with Synscan App pro over 2 yrs ago

    And that was complicated as I used 2 PC'c and/or  a Smart Tele box - all worked with CDC and Synscan App

    If you load and use Synscan App pro in Emulation mode does CDC work ?

  8. 1 hour ago, shirva said:

    just not with CdC at present

    Sorry I dont get this CDC is the simplest part - What Ascom driver do you choose when you have Synscan App connected to the GTI mount - This has to be Ascom Synscan Mobile with Ascom properties as per Synscan documentation. Something like and port 11882 but check SW doc

    I use this loads and it never fails - and I am using my own USB adapter not some bought item and an old SWAZ GoTo

    You are running everything on the Police Car - sorry Panada 🙂

  9. OK so I ask FLO

    Would this work with SW AZGTI in EQ Mode (with rel firmware) AND allow the use of EQMOD to drive the AZ GTI via the normal COM port that EQMOD requires. Plus will that then allow EQMOD Ascom driver to be used for all other Apps, - CDC APT etc


    Yes it will 🙂

    Although we prefer the more reliable FTDI chip in our version:


    Kindest regards,


    So thanks Grant at FLO 🙂 - your a star

    So it appears the answer is yes 🙂 to EQMOD .

    Davy just dont forget the Custome Gear settings for EQMOD 🙂

  10. This shows how to do the Synscan App/Ascom Synscan App Mobile using EQ Mode on GTI - BUT note no EQMOD. To add CDC to this you would just ask CDC to use the same Ascom Synscan Mobile driver as used in the You Tube Video. Then you could Guide,CDC Goto etc in GTI EQ mode. Hope that helps Davy.

    Unless you find some more info 🙂 LOL

  11. 11 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    Well spotted - I did not realize there was EQMod involved.

    According to EQmod prerequisites page, it will work, but one needs to do a bit of tweaking:



    Has anyone actual done this - and you can only connect to the mount via COM port if using EQMOD.

    Plus it would mean no Synscan App (not that it matters).

    And just using EQMOD Ascom driver for CDC and anything else to drive the AZGTI

  12. As you can see from the diagram above EQMOD does not talk to (or didn't last time I did some hard digging) thru Synscan App. Synscan APP decides (or lets you choose) which mode (AZ oe EQ) to use. E.G. If I drove my AZEQ6 via Synscan App (wireless/wired/serial or a piece of string 🙂 ) its the App that ask's me what mode to drive the mount. I guess that the App does some AZ to EQ GoTo conversion!


    So the best route IMHO is


    Synscan App Pro connects to mount - wired ,serial or wireless and Synscan asks for which mode AZ or EQ

    CDC - connects to Ascom Synscan Mobile App - so Synscan App must be running

    Anything else that requires access to the mount must use the same Ascom Synscan Mobile app

    Unless someone else has a better idea or another working option. 🙂

  13. You cannot use EQMOD with Synscan App Ascom driver .

    Windows EQMOD is driven by EQMOD Ascom Driver and expects a serial com port.

    Synscan Pro App will talk either serial (so USB to AZGTI) or via a network connection - Wired or wireless does not come into it they both use IP address given to Synscan Pro App and the App does not know what method it is using.

    Synscan Pro drives the Mount and Synscan Ascom Mobile Driver talks to Synscan Pro.

    CDC will talk to Ascom drivers BUT to talk to the mount via Synscan App it has to use the Ascom Synscan Mobile driver  OR (but not both) CDC will talk Ascom EQMOD driver if EQMOD is driving the mount.

    I will confess I have no idea if EQMOD will drive a AZGTI (eq or not) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If someone has done it please post details 🙂

    Perhaps the attached Official Sky Watchers Synscan diagram will help



  14. On 29/04/2020 at 13:06, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    I find a lot of USB 2.0 devices do not like being connected through a USB 3.0 hub, even if the hub is 'good quality' e.g. Canon cameras, so I use both types of hub....

    Never had a problem with my Canon on UBS hubs (3 or 2) or even Active USB leads - just gets slower to download images IME - maybe lucky or the quality of the leads which can make a big difference!

  15. 11 minutes ago, solarboy said:

    Hi guys

    Does anyone know how to download new comet info into cartes du ciel and open it 

    I have uploaded the new info in the comet box but in will not  open it keeps saying not loaded if this makes makes any sense. 

    Regards Solarboy 

    The Author of CDC answered this the other day on SGL - may I suggest you do a search of SGL - but hint - it on the top menu line on the right ish "update" 🙂

  16. Hi Davy,


    Just to add some extra info - the cost of £118 does not include a case/fan as is only using EMMC type "disc".

    A little  thing but people have to know what the extra costs are for comparison with other Window's Mini box's out there.

    The Windows version appears to be 32bit Home version so it is limited to 3.5gb main RAM and hence the reason for Davy to have to resort to Tightvnc - which to LattePanda's credit they documented on their site.

    Its not a negative ,more options the better, but please don't believe you can run everything including stacking on something like this (with any decent response).

    But as an option for "in the field" grab and go it does look useful for users used to only Windows AND also a kick in the backside of "Open Source RPI" Astro providers to make their offerings a lot simpler. Maybe ASI have already but at £300 for a PI , some nice front end software (still uses Indi as far as I am aware) dont know IMO.

    I am sure Davy will keep us informed on his progress and help others wanting to do the same without going down "Blind alleys" .

    Thank you Davy for the Info. 

    P.S Davy will probably get the Alpha version next - when we can compare it to the other options available like NUC I7. LOL

  17. 2 hours ago, Astro-Geek said:

    've plugged it in, and although the device manager sees it as "Prolific USB-to-serial Comm Port (COM3)"

    Prolific - a well known problem with Windows 10 - steer well clear. Plus unless its changed the Prolific cannot be uniquely identified so if you have another Prolific chipped adapter it creates many problems. Hence why the Prolific chips are very cheap. But glad you have connected to Synscan now!

    • Like 1
  18. I do not use any darks or flats with my Canon 100d and I still stack images in live mode using Astrotoaster (which uses DSS in background) and I have never had that sort of effect. 

    Yes if you are trying to achieve perfect images then add Darks etc .

    What does the image look like BEFORE Photoshop - i.e. output of DSS ?

    Try stacking DSS without Darks/Flats and see what you image looks like.

    I guess you are zooming and croping the image too ?

    Also now and again I find deleteing DSS temp folder help cure problems.


    Attached is an example of DSS stacking(Using Astrotoaster) with no Darks or Flats applied 



  19. 2 hours ago, Doug64 said:


    Thanks for the detailed reply.

    I have the time, I like some "FUN" and I have a little patience so I'll continue to give it a go.

    The SD card I'm using is a 16gb Panasonic Micro SDHC Card class 10 which I think is fairly fast and a decent brand.

    If I understand this correctly what I need to do is get everything sorted so that the RPI produces the Astroberry hotspot when it is turned on.  I will then be able to see the hotspot on my laptop and connect to it.  Once connected to the hotspot I can then connect to 'Astroberry Server' and in the future I will hopefully be able to control my equipment etc provided it is set up properly. 

    On my mount I have the powered USB 3.0 hub and I will connect the USB cable from this to the RPI and then I'll have an ethernet cable running from the RPI to my laptop in the house. 

    I will need to set up both the RPI and laptop so they communicate with each other over the ethernet cable, I think this is where a 'ssh' file comes in and some sort of viewing software such as Realvnc. 

    I will also need some way of connecting my RPI to my internet to download updates etc and this is where I set everything up so I can connect the RPI to my home internet again using the ethernet cable or wireless internet (if I get it working). 

    Are you able to confirm that this is correct so I can get it straight in my head and I know what my aims are and then I can break them down to achieve each one.



    1. USB 3.0 powered hub - should be no problem and depending on H/W you will need it - poor old PI has a lot of amps.

    2. The Ethernet route is the best for speed AND it can be connected at anytime even if you are using the HOTSPOT. If the wired Ethernet is connected to your home network then it will get Internet be default as your home network will assign the correct details to the PI.

    3. You only need the HOTSPOT if you :-

         a. Have to use wireless "in the field"


         b. You want to use wireless at home (and not Ethernet wired) and your HOME wireless isn't strong or reliable enough

        In either case no internet.

    4. SSH is really used as a problem solver - it just gives you "MSDOS" command line type commands. 

    5. If you run a wired connect from from your PI really it would be simpler to connect it into your home network - Not impossible without just simpler. Once connected tou will be able to use the same commands as your would with the HOTSPOT - so VNC or Astroberry Web browser NOVNC will connect to the PI from your Laptop and show you the PI desktop at which time you can do everything you want to do.

    6. As I stated before you can add your "Home" wireless SSID to the PI BUT bear in mind this will always be attached automatically when the Home wireless network is within range. You can stop this by giving a "order no" to each Wireless SSD set up in PI and PI will try and connect in that order (lowest number first). So if you wont ever need to use the HOTSPOT add your Home Wireless and make it the first to attach via the "order no".

    As you have been asking the questions on Indilib forum I will ignore any further requests as it is the better route to use anyway 🙂 

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