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Everything posted by Thalestris24

  1. Thanks and, yes I did. Fl of the finder objectives is about 100mm which will probably do. Paul's design was original 80mm for the camera lens, later changed to 100mm. And is 125mm for the collimation lens, but 100mm will still be ok. Both lenses can obviously be changed later, if necessary. Louise
  2. Am doing a 'draft' print of the Lowspec case - started it earlier at about 12:30. Should be done at about the same time tomorrow It's really so I can check out the layout and how things will (hopefully!) fit together. The placement of the two main lenses is very tight from a spacing point of view. Paul Gerlach changed the original camera lens size from 24.5mm to 30mm dia. He had to flatten one side of its otherwise circular lens holder. As it happens, I have two unused 6x30 finders. I was looking to use one or both objective lenses but... They are actually 31.2mm diameter so need to see whether slightly larger holders will still be able to fit together. They are nice, coated doublets. Just in case, I've also ordered some lenses from SurplusShed They are cheap (only $7.50 each) but there's no telling what condition they will actually be in until I get them. Have ordered a 600 line grating and the mirrors from Thorlabs. Should be coming on Wednesday from Germany and via UPS. Good service! However, they are out of stock of a 1" mirror so will have to look elsewhere for that by the looks of it. Ordered the reflective slit from Jeulin. So, I should have all the parts very soon! I've been making a start on learning the Fusion 360 software. Working my way through Lars Christensen's YouTube video tutorials for Absolute Beginners, so I hope to be able to make minor design adjustments to the Lowspec. Exciting, really, and all good fun! Louise
  3. This guy, Lars Christensen, has a lot of what appear to be useful videos on YouTube. It can start to get a bit overwhelming, though... So I'm going to try and keep it as simple as I can, and no more complicated than I need Louise
  4. I think I might get this Fusion 360 book (geared towards making 3d printed things) off Amazon. I always like to have printed words as a guide and I find that makes it easier to get an overview and orientation. Do take note that the software is cloud based so you need a high speed internet connection. Also need a decent PC preferably with a dedicated graphics card, I think Here are system requirements. Louise
  5. Thanks. I've looked at Knightoptical but the mirrors I want, though listed, are apparently not available. Their lenses aren't any cheaper than Thorlabs. Their gratings are also more expensive than Thorlabs. I really only need 3 good quality optical items - a 30-35mm dia f=100mm lens, a >=25.4mm dia f= 125mm lens, and a main mirror, 25.4mm dia. (plus a grating, of course). I can get the mirrors from Thorlabs though not sure if their cheaper ones are the best ones to get even though Paul Gerlach has given the part numbers, and they will probably do. I've ordered all the screws I need (that I don't already have) off Ebay. Airedale Springs look expensive - I always think that any company that doesn't put a pricelist on their web page is going to be expensive... The specific sized spring I need is 7.5 x 35.8 x 0.7mm and is for the focusing mechanism. There may be some leeway. I'll probably have to see how things fit when I can put the mechanism together. Maybe if I buy the assorted box there'll be one in there that'll fit. Maybe I'll hear from irpoyser.co.uk tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get there in the end! Louise
  6. It's a long and winding road... I've been looking everywhere for an m5 x 25mm coupling. Hardly anybody seems to do M5 ones (mostly just even sized ones) on Ebay /in Europe, but they seem to be easier to get in the States. Found some in UK but they are only 20mm long and zinc plated - will have to do! Finding particular springs is a bit of a nightmare too. I think I'll take pot luck and buy an assorted box for £4.50. Needed a 6mm dia aluminium rod. Have found a 1m. length at Screwfix. Nearly there with the hardware. I sent an enquiry to irpoyser.co.uk re possible lenses but haven't heard back yet. I'll probably get the mirrors from Thorlabs as they aren't too expensive. I'm not convinced everything will actually fit together yet so might have to do some reprinting and or redesigning. I'm going to have a go with Fusion 360 tomorrow . If I can get to grips with that, at least I'll be in a better position to change things a bit, if I need to. Louise
  7. Oh, that's a relief! I'll try and order one on Monday Thanks Louise
  8. Ok, I figured that in the end! Could you easily remove the disc from its enclosure?
  9. Ignored it? What, you didn't buy one? Did you get the 'jeulin' one instead? Louise Edit: re-reading it, I gather you had the same problem with Ovio and got the jeulin one. My head is spinning!
  10. Jeulin and Ovio have the same address so essentially the same company. If I don't get anywhere with Ovio, I'll have to ask jeulin if I can easily remove the disc from their case. It's a bit more expensive also but not much in it. Thanks Louise
  11. I'm still confused. If Ovio no longer sell it, how come I can select it in an order and receive the above email for it? Doesn't make sense. I could buy the jeulin one so long as it can be removed from the case? Member on here, Andrew, kindly sent me a version but it's in a metal case/surround so I think it's too big for the Lowspec design. I can't see any way of removing it from the surround. I can't seem to win here! Louise
  12. That's confusing! I have it here: https://en.ovio-optics.com/jetons-fentes-radiales-pr-193206.html I have had an email response from them: "Dear MLLE Louise WILLIAMS, Ovio Instruments is very pleased and would like to thank you for your quote on our store. You should receive a pdf version of it very shortly. You can also access it through your personal account on the website. For your information, you can also convert it into an order by using the "convert to order" function. Should you have any questions regarding this quote, product, delivery or even guarantee, just drop us a line here : export@ovio-instruments.com with your quote details or give us a ring : +33 1 71 49 10 70 (From Monday to Friday, from 6.30 to 3.30 pm - UTC). Delivery outside France Metropolitan: For any delivery outside France Metropolitan, an estimate (in PDF version) will be sent to you by e-mail through our authorized distributor on the export, JEULIN company, and this in the next 24 hours. This quote will include shipping costs to your delivery address. For any question please contact our export service: Thanks again for your trust. Ovio Instruments team " I have the quote in my account but after clicking 'convert to checkout/order' it still won't process/checkout. It's been driving me nuts since yesterday, ooh la la! I'll see if anything changes on Monday Louise
  13. Hi all Has anyone had any dealings with Ovio Optics? They are a French company. I've been trying to place an order with them for a reflective spectrometer slit but I just can't get it to checkout! They seem to have a convoluted order processing procedure especially for any order outside France. As far as I can tell I've done all that's required - agreed their terms, requested a shipping estimate, selected a payment method. I get an estimate and click on 'convert to cart' but end up going round in circles! It just keeps leaving out the shipping details. I've emailed them - they have a separate email for exports. But no reply. Very frustrating! If anyone on here has used them and know the magic word, I'd love to have it! Louise
  14. I signed up for the free educational version. It asked for the name of the institute and when I expected to graduate but didn't require any verification. I said in 3yrs but wish I'd said in 4! I'm not sure if there's any difference between educational and the free personal versions. I might be using it in anger soon so that will give me a better feel for it. It would be useful to be able to design and make odds and ends and things like T2 or M48 Extension tubes of custom length. Maybe also a diy motor focuser bracket and other scope fittings I'm getting used to the patience (time) required to actually print things Louise
  15. I've signed up to educational Autocad Fusion 360. Unfortunately it's neither simple nor easy! But there are lots of helpful videos... I haven't had time to properly delve into it yet. I don't know if there's anything simple and easy for useful cad for 3d printers? Maybe something here: https://3dprinting.com/software/ Louise
  16. Not yet - I'll be looking at options for the optics soon. I also need to get the nuts, bolts and grub screws Louise
  17. Thanks! Am grateful for all the help and advice I've had from this forum I've printed nearly everything now - just the case and lid to do. The case is a big print job. I'd like to be able to do it without pausing but that might be difficult. It will probably have to wait until Friday. Cheers! Louise
  18. I managed it in the end - judicious application of emery paper It all fits together now and, hopefully, should function as intended: Louise
  19. It's ok, I managed in the end - took some effort, lol. A combination of pliers and screwdrivers. I'm not strong enough for this - I'm gonna need some bigger muscles! I don't think it needs any cleaning up - should function ok. The only problem I have now is fitting the parts together: The top is fine and mates with a top section (not shown in pic). There is a similar but shorter rod which is supposed to fit into a hole in the base but doesn't quite. It isn't a through hole (just a sort of depression) but I think I might have to convert it to a through hole in order to allow the bottom rod to fit into it. The reflection grating fits into the middle part (grey rectangle) and the whole should be able to rotate. Louise
  20. I reprinted it with supports 'everywhere' overnight and it's fine - the only trouble is I'm not sure how to remove the support which is a big lump between the top and bottom? Brute force? Louise
  21. Thankyou! Yes, that does sound like that will fix it Ah, I didn't twig I could see the supports beforehand! That's really useful to know - thanks! I'll try again tomorrow - fingers crossed! Louise
  22. I spent hours printing this piece but something went wrong again. Again, where there's a overhang so I must be doing something wrong / have wrong settings. I had supports set - 'touching buildplate'. Thinking about it, I suspect I should have said 'everywhere'? Clearly, it didn't properly print supports for the overhang but was otherwise ok. Any ideas/suggestions/advice? Here is a pic of the piece showing the underside of the overhang (a bit of camera shake, but you can see it's a mess underneath). Here's roughly what it should look like: Nice and flat underneath the overhang, obv Cheers Louise
  23. Thanks. I reprinted it (see below) with an infill of 60% and it seems good. I haven't actually tried whacking it but it doesn't have to be especially strong Louise
  24. Yeah, something went wrong... There shouldn't have been any overhang. The holes look ok. The part affixes to a rod on which it slides in a relative horizontal motion. The rectangular bit at the top just allows it to mate with a hole in the case. A lens on a holder attaches to the top bit via its hole, and the mechanism is used to adjust the lens' focus. Although the assembly pic below shows a round hole, he must have changed it to a rectangular one. It does indeed mate correctly with a lens holder that I've already printed. The ball of wool may not affect its functionality but I won't know until I make the case and check . Louise
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