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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. Interesting, I think the Canon TC is very much like a powermate in that it should be vastly superior to any barlow lens, I do not know however if using one without a lens would produce an error code (easy to try out), I have found this old thread that may help. This is something I must try myself with my Kenko version . I think the method of connection is to fit the TC to the camera as normal then use a EOS to T adapter fitting into the Teleconvertor you then would need the standard kit for fitting into the focus tube etc, you will need a two inch extension in there too. Alan
  2. I have been thinking about 3D printer costs and was wondering what part takes up most of the cost?, after all a modern scanner copier is more complex with more moving parts but are very cheap. Alan
  3. I dont think anything bigger than an 80 mm bed size would fit on my coffee table and I cant imagine that I would want to print anything larger than about 40 mm anyway. Alan
  4. Have been browsing again and found the PocketMaker 3D Printer and the Createbot Super Mini 3D printer that fit the bill size wise but have no idea if they are any good, there does seem to be a lack of small printers on the market. Alan
  5. I think a USB dew heater would be ideal for a SA setup and as said it will stop a power bank turning off. Alan
  6. Might be a daft question but are there any good tiny precision printers around, ideally I would want an absolute max print size of 80 mm cubed? Alan
  7. I think you will find that the stock lenses are far better than their price would suggest and more than good enough to get you going. Alan
  8. I think the old M42 lenses wont achieve focus with Nikon cameras as the camera flange to focal plane distance is too great so you will be stuck with the own brand lenses or third party ones from Samyang/Sigma etc. Alan
  9. I too have been looking at printers and been put off having to buy one then spend months modifying it, would only need a max of 120mm in each axis.. Alan
  10. I would keep the lens, cant imagine any two element frac like an ED80 could match it. Alan
  11. I have quoted you out of context but that sums my experience up. Its painfully slow compared to Win 10 and so difficult to even install. Alan
  12. I do have Linux on my redundant laptop but its never going on this one, dont think it could handle the graphics card, SSD,HDD or the soundblaster card and all the RAM or the processor, not sure about the Graphics amplifier and thunderbolt ports either Alan P.S. I almost forgot about the FX and Tact lighting schemes to.
  13. Note quite I am a very happy Win 10 user and have NEVER had an issue plus it can play Fallout 4 and work with Photoshop and control my DSLR fully over wifi... Alan
  14. I do have Linux Mint on a stick and part of a dual boot with Win 7 and its fine for those general office or browsing tasks, the one thing that does annoy is its constant requirement for entering a password for most menus.. Alan
  15. My Lamb was an i5 Dell XPS, eventually managed to set it up as a dual boot with Win 7 and Linux Mint but not as straightforward as I had hoped, the result is the best of both worlds and to be honest Mint is very MS like. Alan
  16. I think that sums it up, do they make it hard on purpose to make themselves look good. It cant be that difficult to make it all more user friendly and why so many versions, cant they be just one Linux for all. Alan
  17. I must admit Linux mint was easy to install after days of trawling looking for software to create a bootable USB stick and one other issue which now slips my mind, would be nice if all you needed was in one place. Alan
  18. Thats the point, canon apps are what I want not some half baked attempt at getting a connection. Same with a lot of stuff. Alan
  19. You are correct with most of that but I run EOS utilities and Canon camera connect with wifi control and neither are supported by Linux, as for printers I find it hit and miss I can use my Epson XP605 but not a lot of options are available same with my R.A.T mouse. The real deal breaker is gaming. Alan
  20. Maybe its just me but linux cant handle the latest high end graphics cards and has difficulties with most ancillaries like Canon cameras, printers and other drivers...it seems to default to some kind of generic option without all the proper options. I do use Linux mint on one of my laptops but find it limited, would be nice if I could use Photoshop and play the latest PC games with it. Alan
  21. I often wonder about Linux users that perhaps spend days/weeks/months trying to iron out issues for a system that is pretty useless for everyday things when Windows just works... Alan
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