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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. You have to remember that we're a niche market, so we have to make do with what the chip makers produce, and widescreen (Mainly 3:2) sensors are mainstream. About the only square format sensors are the 533 and the horribly expensive 37mm square offerings like the KAF16803 or Kepler 4040. Don't even think about the Kepler 6060 unless you are a university. The nearest would be the various 4:3 and 5:4 sensors such as the SX 694 or the 16200.
  2. I'm at the dark end of Bortle 4, Andromeda is easy naked eye (I've even seen it through the double glazing late night / early morning), not sure about M33, but M13 is just about visible with averted vision. But then I'm 64 and my eyes aren't as good at night as they were in my teens / early twenties.
  3. Where I live is in a "Conservation Area" which puts another layer of rules on top of the ordinary Permitted Development regs, including what area of building you can put up more than 20 metres from the main building. At least this isn't a "Listed Building" else I'd have had to get planning permission for any structure within the "Curtilage", ie the grounds next to the house.
  4. Well, yes this is what I posted. However, be it noted that the QHY 268, like the 600 does not have an internal thread in the dovetail. Therefore, unless you are prepared to source or machine your own quick release fitting you are pretty much stuck with the QHY offering and the 23.5mm back focus.
  5. Faugh! Phosphine in the Venusian atmosphere. Big deal Thought it might at least have been a result from the EHT.
  6. Yes, just so. I think I will wait at least until march before considering the first one. After that@ We'll see.
  7. Not sure I could afford even *one* VLT. MY "VLT" is an ODK12.
  8. I might be going the same way. Been in contact with Rupert at Astrograph (Bought a frightening amount of kit from him lol) about back focus etc and possible lead time for the mono version. Also been working out at set of spacers and adaptors for my 80mm f/4.4. will likely order from TS.
  9. I've not yet imagid M31, preferring the structure to be seen in M33.
  10. Thanks for that. At the mo I'm still debating as I'm living on savings, don't get my first pensions (Quite small) 'till March next year so am trying to avoid depleting too much.
  11. It's been hanging around long enough for RT to change their schedules, and theit publishing lead time is weeks.
  12. Not too bad when you're photographing on10x8 and making contact prints. Done them myself, and the results are spectacular. when I used camera movements it was largely to *increase* the depth of field.
  13. Urk..not nice, and not astronomy. I guess I apply a Group f/64 attitude to my images.
  14. Well, in case anyone is interested (Judging by the resounding silence probably not) I now have it on good authority that the practical figure is 23.5mm The figure of 17.5 which is widely stated is from the sensor to the end of the dovetail, which doesn't have a thread, so you have to use the supplied quick attachment fitting. Hope this is of use to somebody.
  15. From reading the description of This crazy-expensive quad band filter I think the best use would be as a Luminance filter in NB. If your LP is so bad that you need some kind of a filter for LRGB imaging, then something like an IDAS D2 might be a better bet.
  16. Not a chance anymore. Stinking Musk has seen to that.
  17. Well, I ran the hedge trimmer over one short hedge, and pulled / dug out some long tree suckers, now my back hurts. Giving it a rest for a few minutes.
  18. Um... You know how much our size of Astrodon filters cost? How much for the filters *that* size! .
  19. I'm pausing my build for a couple of days, even though I have the stuff I need, as the garden is in desperate need of attention. So that's what I'll be doing. A bit boring perhaps, but necessary.
  20. I've had a long email exchange with FLO over this, ending in my sending the original filters (Plus a 7nm H-alpha) back for a refund, and ordering the equivalent Chroma set. Sorry, don't want to derail the thread so I'll bow out.
  21. Interesting Baader filter holder system, but after my year long saga of the non-appearing Baader 2" H-alpha filter I'd hesitate to order any Baader item that didn't have a green lorry symbol.
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