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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks. It’s maybe a bit blue? I struggle with the big (esp blue) stars. Need some help there I think.
  2. Reprocessed this data this evening. Maybe getting on the right track now, critique welcome
  3. Thanks! I cant see how the attachment goes underneath the ring. Is the ring with the writing on it necessary?
  4. I was told the same, most companies I've rang will cover me for theft up to £3000 (Halifax is the exception at £10000), but cover you fully for fire or flood etc. Hi Martin Halifax offer £10000 total, with up to £3k per item.
  5. Good to see it is working well for you! Too many folks criticise the 8300 chip. That’s excellent for 100 minutes. I haven’t shot above 10 mins, maybe I should be looking longer? Like you I didn’t see much increase in ADU, so I stuck with 10 mins. Hope you get some Oiii and Sii soon. I didn’t realise you had an Sii filter!
  6. Thanks for the update. I’m making enquiries today/tomorrow with a few places.
  7. Thanks completely to your help Ciaran. Undoubtedly you have put me back on track again, of actually enjoying processing. I am indebted to you for that
  8. It was hastily put togther, purely HOO RED BLUE GREEN. I will try what you have suggested. I did remove the stars from the two images prior to processing.
  9. Here is the latest version, and probably final version. The blue stars are bit bigger than I would have liked, but from taking the advice on here and looking at the data again with fresh eyes, the RGB data was not collected well, and the focus was poor on the green and blue channels. I dont have the capacity to control the focus on the ED80 reliably.
  10. Damn fine images! My first ones didnt look anything like that lol.
  11. No problem would you be able to post a picture of the MPCC attached to the spacer, with the camera in view, not in the focuser?
  12. tooth_dr


    I thought I had replied to this thread. Looks really good Ciaran, amazing what you can do with an 80mm scope. Dont give up just because it's not dark 💠 I got a nice Ha/Oiii image of NGC7000 three days ago.
  13. It was a perfect fit Thank you again.
  14. You need to lose that ring, and space it such that the MPCC goes right into the focuser up to the camera or even that ring, but threaded further up.
  15. I have indeed, with two or three companies. There is a limit of £3000 in total for items stored in an outbuilding.
  16. Hi Bob. I've been reprocessing my own M94 after a couple of weeks of leaving it. You have got the colours pretty much spot on as far as I can tell from the other images. I like the pink and blue clusters coming though in the spirally arms.
  17. Very nice, good looking galaxy, I like the slightly stronger first version.
  18. What is that spacer beween the other side of the focuser and the camera? That is the space you need to use.
  19. Sure try it on another PC or laptop or a different cable and that will rule out that problem. Totally opens up everything if you get that sorted - platesolving, viewing images on screen, easier focusing. Bit mad you arent trying to get that working tbh!
  20. Hi Rob I currently use a 250 as my imaging scope. The link is the PDS version, mine is an older blue tube model, that isnt optimised for imaging, but it does ok. I also have the ED80 mentioned by @jambouk in his post. For imaging the latter beats the 250 hands down for pure simplicity and the fact it just works perfectly. Now I rarely look through a scope, but on the times I have done, the ED80 is underwhelming, but the 250PX isnt. For imaging the 250PX is on the limit of the EQ6. However you would pick up that set up for under £800 if you buy used. Plenty of options above, but i confess mine will be biased towards imaging. This follow may be useful - a sample of 30s images I took through the ED80 telescope, these are single frames, taken with a basic DSLR. I would class this as beginners astro imaging. Does that look like the sort of thing you would be interested in? Ignore the oval border - I was trying to vaguely represent what visually could be seen through the scope in these images to some friends who were up at the house. Adam
  21. Can you not fully operate the 1300d through a pc? When I was using my 1000d and 40d, I controlled then entirely though APT. How do you currently control it?
  22. That does seem strange. My back focus is 17.5mm which is close to your camera which has 18mm. I have managed to get an EFW and an OAG in between my camera and the click lock and still have 1mm to spare. My scope is not a PDS so the focuser is probably worse in terms of being higher so you should be better off. Photos to help: Standard attachment with camera and EFW - lots of inward travel. The EFW adds 21mm, so without it there would be lot of spare travel. M54 Clicklock fitted and focused on infinity. 1mm spare travel Finally here is the spacer arrangement to allow MPCC to slide completely into focuser. I hope this is of some help. I can’t see how it won’t work with a OSC and a PDS scope in your case.
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