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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. This is proving difficult to get a decent image with DSS. I have stretched and inverted one image that I got, and it shows some detail. I hope I can get a normal colour version like this one.
  2. This is 200s seconds of data. I have 50 minutes but I cant get it stack so I just picked 10 consecutive subs and stacked them. I'll try DSS again, but it seems to remove all colour. I havent done much processing to this, but very happy just to get the Ion tail with some detail in it. Hopefully I can get the full data set to stack. Nikon D800E, Nikon 180mm F2.8 (at F3.5), 10 x 20s exposures, ISO400, on Star Adventurer mount. I also took a single 35s image of the MW just as I was packing up - I've OD the processing, it was really nice sight visually.
  3. Another late one I met up with @Xiga off here and we did some imaging at a local dark site. It was really good, conditions started off perfect, and then started to deteriorate, but I think we got enough data. We also got to do a bit of outreach to a few members of the public, showing them the MW, the planets, and some constellations as well as the comet. Quick screen shot of 3 minutes total exposure, 180mm lens. I am away now to take flats. This is full frame Nikon, so it just shows you how HUGE it is.
  4. You can really see the extent of the tail in this image. Great!!
  5. Very nice Paul. Had lovely views outside cookstown this evening. Just home. Im glad that you finally got it.
  6. I’d say that’s unlikely, as I’m the MD 😂😂 All this sounds beyond my pay grade, I struggle inserting my domain name into a simple bit of html coding, and getting that to work.
  7. Thanks again Dave. I think the last thing I would want to do it make my home network vulnerable. If I just wanted to check my camera from a remote location ie work, and I'm not on my home network, is that a safer and simpler thing to do instead? I cant see an option to download software for my camera - made by Arecont Vision. I have seen my friends do this with their HikVision cameras via an app on their phone.
  8. I agree, I was happy to pay for it as it really does a good job at stacking as well as making mosaics, and light pollution removal/gradient removal, and colour calibration. I use it to combine data from two telescope/camera combinations. I used DSS for a long time until it came unstuck for combining data at different sizes, then I switched to APP. It can be hard to get onto it but worth the perservence.
  9. Yes that does help, thanks very much. Last week I wouldnt have understood any of that, but now, after a week of reading and head scratching, I understand about half of it! 1) I have an Arecont AV2110 camera https://sales.arecontvision.com/product/MegaVideo+Compact+Series/AV2110 It was given to me for free. 2) A periodic refresh would be perfect. If there was a way to remotely upload images via FTP then yes that would be better, but I wouldnt know how to do that. 3) IPs - yes my mistake, I only have the internal IP. However I just logged into my hub, and have found another IP address that look like its the external one. 4) "You can work around this using a dynamic DNS provider to refresh the router IP address against a name you choose to assign, then have the web page connect via the ddns name that you set up. I use DDNS so that I can remote connect back to my home network when out and about but my router does support auto-refresh to the DDNS provider, not sure that most of the ISP provided ones will, probably not so you'd need a PC on your network to do that part." This went over my head. Thanks again! Adam
  10. Also if anyone can explain why my camera only displays properly in 'Internet Explorer' but is all squashed up on any other browsers or my phone. The top image below is a screen shot from IE, and the bottom one from Edge. Thanks again Adam.
  11. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with getting an ip camera (for monitoring day time sky) to display on a webpage. I have a domain and have been using a website builder to create an offline site and then uploading it to a server via FileZilla. cPanel is the server file manager (?) Im not very computer literate but am trying my best! Any help appreciated. I have the camera setup and have it’s IP address. Thanks in advance Adam.
  12. Progress: I took the insides out of an old camera dome and was able to use the old camera cradle to fit my new camera. A quick test shot looks great. It has a moonlight mode that increases exposures to 0.5s (I think) and this certainly helps image quality as it needs less stretching.
  13. I loaded all into APP --> lights, flats, darks, bias --> and get this! Thanks for sharing your data 👍
  14. When I loaded the files into APP, the flat came up as a 'mono' file according to the automatically applied header that APP reads. I wonder if that the problem? I'm currently stacking the data in APP. No matter what I try in DSS I cant get it to stack, even lights only. Here is the one similar to yours.
  15. I got your pattern to Carole, using different settings.
  16. Exact same settings as above, but the calibration data unchecked:
  17. Same results as you carole, cant get it stack with calibration data eg
  18. I’ve had this happen to me. It was, if I remember correctly, due to the threshold detection in the settings before you start analysing. I bet it’s too low and you are analysing noise as stars.
  19. Nice photo _ I understand the issue! I had the same problem with my solar scope as it was back heavy and the clamshell bracket meant I couldn't move the scope enough. I bought one of these, attached it to the L-bracket, and it's really made a huge difference. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dovetails-saddles-clamps/baader-vixen-style-dovetail-clamp.html
  20. Updating this - I had a camera that I thought wasn't working - I had tried hooking it up to a Ethernet cable and a 12v power supply a few weeks ago but it didnt turn on. So I just put it away in the cupboard. I tried it again yesterday but this time I connected the camera via a 240V adapter, that allows POE. Well it powered up ok It's a 2MP colour camera, made by Arecont. Here is a test shot with a wide angle lens - seems to be just what I was after. I just tried it there tonight on the sky, and nothing but a black image (as expected). So I'll have this for the daytime images and the Oculus for the night. Now just need to work out how to incorporate this into a webpage.
  21. Cheers Ray. I’m going look into it later and know better what I need to ask.
  22. @festoon thanks for this. I have a networked pc free where I will use this camera so I think it would be easier to go find that route for now. But hats off to you, I have a new found respect for people who have taken time to understand this language.
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