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Luke last won the day on April 25 2015

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  1. Crazy! Awful, awful weather forecast for this week for solar, yet I've been lucky to catch some rays on all three days so far! The weather forecast is still rubbish, but ya never know. Good luck to anyone who's running low on Vit. D...

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    2. Luke


      Hope you get the top-up, Jarrod! Looks like it might be game over here today and not so hot for the weekend either, but I'm just glad I got three days! I almost feel like giving up on DSO's though, my 16 inch dob has not been used for 2 months and it's not looking good! The first time really that I am losing faith in DSO observing! I wonder whether just to focus on solar and keep the fracs and the SCT for lunar.

    3. JB80


      Did get out in the end, it's still 20ish degrees in the day here. Not sure how long that'll last. Seems like there is a bit of shuffling in a few heads lately re their kit. A 16" dob sound like it's worth hanging onto though, tough call!

    4. Luke


      Glad you made it out, Jarrod! I did manage to see some DSO's for an hour last night with my trusty 10 inch dob, despite fog/patchy cloud. WOW! I had forgotten just how stunning the jewels are up there. Ahem, might just keep that dob :D Just the usuals, Double Cluster, Auriga Clusters, Owl Cluster, Orion Neb (hurrah!), etc. even an iffy view of Jupiter in the heat haze of a roof before I called it a night.

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