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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. Just did a quick experiment running the Duet off a 24V supply. With 12V I was getting 180mm/min maximum z axis speed With 24V I can get it up to 380mm/min before the motor starts stalling 24V might give my 0.9 degree Titan motor a bit more oomph as well. Seems a no-brainer to go 24V then. I'll have to get a 24V PSU, 24V fans and a 24V heater cartridge. I can't think of any downsides to it unless anyone else has a view.
  2. I might try running it off 24V to see if it makes a difference. I'll disconnect the 12v fans & extruder heater cartridge first though
  3. Yes, that's a possibility. I'll see how it goes for now before spending any more cash on it.
  4. Ooznest do a 60mm motor with 82 Ncm holding torque. Would probably give some improvement but its not going to be blindingly fast in any case.
  5. Another option is 3x leadscrews each with their own motors. This would allow true bed levelling by the Duet but would also need either an expansion board (Duex) or custom driver board.
  6. I have to add that it is all working fine at 180mm/min which is as fast as it needs to be. Accuracy is more important than speed. With dual leadscrews each with their own motors I could only get 225mm/min.
  7. 1704HS168A - Nema 17 77ozin (=55 Ncm) 1.68A current. Got it from Ooznest http://ooznest.co.uk/3D-Printer-Electronic-Parts/Motors/NEMA-17-Stepper-Motor Its 48mm long.
  8. I didn't have any slippage when I first installed them but I wasnt happy that the belt only contacted about a third of the pulley. My main issue is the motor stalling, probably too much friction from the weight of the bed and the screws.
  9. I use Slic3r these days. I liked Cura but had problems getting it to run consistently on Ubuntu.
  10. When you've paused a print the buttons should change to resume or cancel. Cancel will stop the print.
  11. Try keeping all probes more than 24mm from the edge and see what happens. I'm not sure what the sign of the offset should be as my offsets are effectively x=0, y=0 with the piezo. Where is your probe in relation to the nozzle?
  12. Yes maybe. I was aiming to make the wrap the same for each pulley.
  13. It does. Use Sxxx:yyy. E.g S100:90 to get 100 x spacing and 90 y spacing.
  14. See my comment in your thread. I think its to do with your probe offset.
  15. I think your probe points are too close to the edge (15mm) as your probe has an offset of 24mm.
  16. Yes, using G29 via the Gcode console or the little dialog box top left of the screen. My config.g has: M557 X50:250 Y40:240 S100:100 ; Define mesh grid (3x3) It probes at X=50,150,250 and Y=40,140,240 The results graph should come up automatically at the end. If not select from drop-down next to mesh levelling button.
  17. Some useful info https://duet3d.com/wiki/Setting_up_automatic_probing_of_the_print_bed I think for corexy we should be using G29 not the blue button which runs G32 for deltas.
  18. That doesnt look right to me. Do you have a bed.g file. If so what is in it?
  19. See M557 and G32 for some clarity. Maybe
  20. The M557 parameters in config.g get used when you execute G29. Try running G29 from the gcode console (after homing the axes of course). If you run the Mesh Grid Compensation from the button on the control page it seems to want to run bed.g if present. Otherwise it runs G32 using the M557 parameters. I think. Still a bit confused myself.
  21. And I seem to remember you being slightly cynical about whether it was worth the extra money over the Ramps
  22. I might remove the bed to see what speed I can get The z motor is quite powerful (54N.cm) but the belt gearing is 3:1. Also the leadscrews are 1mm pitch single start. This gives me a 9600 steps/mm overall using 16x stepping. Not sure if changing anything will have any effect on the top speed.
  23. Yes, I wish I could get it faster, although its not an issue in normal operation. It might be down to the weight of the z carriage & bed, especially as it is leadscrew driven (more friction). The bed is 300x300x6mm cast aluminium so not light.
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