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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. Try dropping the fan speed during probing. Also heating the hotend to 130C for probing ensures any plastic gets squashed on contact and doesn't give incorrect height reading. Other possibility is a noisy fan - is it the supplied aero fan as mine is virtually silent? I have separated the homing & probing process out from the print start gcode and put it in a macro. This only needs to be run once at the start of a session. The start gcode can then just load the saved heightmap at the start of each print. I'll post all the files a bit later.
  2. They are a bu**er for breaking off. If you bought some spare undrilled ones they will generate more volts than the drilled ones - more piezo material involved in the deformation
  3. I think if you can get some decent deformation of the piezo going on you should be able to turn the sensitivity down
  4. I bet you felt better for it afterwards, though ?
  5. Loads of info here if you are not aware of it (Reprap forum). May take some wading through though
  6. Sounds like it's just acting as a microphone then. Might be interesting to hook the piezo sensor up to a scope and see what the relative amplitude you are getting from normal z movement and a 'tap on the nozzle'. If you can boost the deformation of the sensor you might be able to turn the sensitivity down on the pcb to make the z movement noise insignificant. Try putting a fibre washer or similar device behind the piezo and something smaller in the centre in front so it gets deformed more
  7. The main issue is getting the motor/extruder to 'pivot' around a line joining the bottom 2 screws. This translates the upward movement of the nozzle into the horizontal movement which puts pressure on the piezo. The piezo itself needs to be deformed to generate sufficient volts to trigger the circuit. Having it supported around its edges and pressure applied to the centre is best. If it is just pressed flat between 2 surfaces it is acting more like a microphone and will generate millivolts rather than volts.
  8. I found the pancake motor supplied with the Titan to be underpowered. Once I replaced it with one of the motors from my old Prusa (1.8 deg, 42Ncm) I had no issues. Piezo probing can be a bit hit and miss. I had good results with the Precision Piezo PP20 and Orion modules but they fit between extruder and hotend. When I switched to using the Titan Aero I needed a different solution. I now have a 27mm piezo mounted in a specially designed part between the Titan body and motor. This is specific to the D-Bot though but it might give you some ideas. Precision Piezo also have a Part on Thingiverse which might help.
  9. Interesting ?. I got a noticable reduction in vibration noise from the screws plus less binding when running at higher speeds.
  10. To be fair, 5mm/s should be fast enough to trigger the piezo. I was managing on 4.3mm/s before upgrading from 2 to 3 motors. I can get 10mm/s if I really push it. I started using plum couplers between the motor and screw - made it quieter and also fewer binding issues due to marginal screw misalignment.
  11. Hmmm, nothing sticks out. Maybe more a mechanical issue?
  12. Can you post your config.g - I'll see if I can spot anything.
  13. Ok, I see you used the one from my config.g Does the piezo trigger when you tap the nozzle? Have you also copied my G31 command?
  14. What is your M558 command in config.g look like?
  15. I replaced the tiny wires to the sensor with a pair of wires from a ribbon cable. Much more robust and easier to crimp. Be careful soldering to the piezo - too much heat and the piezo material just disintegrates. Also pays to have a few spares. You could use undrilled ones if you dont have the filament going through the centre.
  16. This my homez.g. If you are using an older version of Reprap Firmware change the H2 in the G1 Z5 command to S2. ; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Dec 28 2017 14:34:20 GMT+0000 (GMT) ; G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z5 F600 H2 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X150 Y145 F15600 ; go to centre of bed G30 ; home Z by probing the bed ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z3 F600 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning
  17. Yes, it connects to the z probe connector. Mine triggers all the time during xy movement but that is ignored. The 500mS pause before starting the probe 'dive' ensures all xy motion and vibration has stopped.
  18. The tricky bit is getting the Titan mounting screws just tight enough to hold securely but also leave a small amount of compliance to allow the piezo to be compressed
  19. My config.g if it helps config.g.txt The M558 has loads of options - see the Duet wiki for all the possibilities.
  20. One thing I found is that the polarity of the piezo is not always the way you expect from the wire colours. Best thing is to follow the instructions on the PP website for setup. The blue led should trigger when pressure is applied upwards on the nozzle. If it triggers when you release the pressure then the piezo is reversed - just flip the dupont connector around and re-test.
  21. I'd go for No3 too. The amount of movement needed is tiny and probing speeds quite low. This design is basically the same as how mine currently works. The upward force on the nozzle pivots the motor triggering the piezo. Don't be tempted to go for under-bed mounted piezos on a corexy. According to what I have read it only works reliably on systems where the bed isn't moving in z.
  22. Try oacapture on Linux. Also make sure you are using a USB3 socket & cable.
  23. Indi can control DSLRs via gPhoto https://indilib.org/devices/ccds/gphoto.html
  24. I use Slic3r and normally set the speed to 80mm/s with 100% cooling fan for bridges. It seems to work well over short distances. I would probably adjust the model or print orientation to avoid long bridges.
  25. Nice, but £199 according to https://www.mintronics.co.uk/webshop
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