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Everything posted by Pig

  1. 6mm Delos in the post

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jason71


      Lol I know. I'm planning ahead.

    3. Pig


      Infact Imad Is a TV newbe until Monday / Tuesday next week :-)

    4. emadmoussa


      LOL - indeed. I'm on expert on Hyperions if you get stuck though :D

  2. Baader Super Surfer V in the post

    1. emadmoussa


      That's brilliant. You'll absolutely love it mate. It's almost welded to my 102ED. Surely the best RDF that exists...

    2. Pig


      That's great news, they seem to have very good reviews

    3. Pig


      wow that's what I call a fast delivery.

  3. Telescope cover on the way from Greenwitch

  4. 9mm BGO on it way :-)

    1. emadmoussa


      And the fun begins :)

    2. Qualia


      Has to be one of my favourite EPs. Hope you enjoy it :-)

    3. Pig


      Thank you guys - I will be able to have an input with comparisons now :)

  5. Solar filter on its way :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      I have always loved looking at the sun :-)

    3. emadmoussa


      First rule in astronomy..dont look directly at the sun thtough your telescope. L OL..

    4. Pig


      I will try to remember,:-) Its turned up alredy.

      How fast was that.

  6. la la la tum tee tum

    1. emadmoussa


      la la la ...la la la...tum tee tum..bazinga!!!

    2. gazza63


      Are you 2 feeling ok? ha

    3. emadmoussa
  7. NIce clear sky tonight according to the MO

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Lol..I'm happy to take a streelight down, but not a tree...they're good at blocking some of the direct sunlight in summer away from the already over like bedroom :) a bit of trimming won't harm though :D

    3. emadmoussa
    4. Pig


      LOL ny brother has the same with trees, they block everything on his right, trees are very cool and should be cared for

  8. Crystalview 2" Moon & contrast filter,Dew heater and phono adapter lead on the way

    1. jetstream


      good thing we have good jobs...!lol!

    2. Pig


      yes it is :-) so has the wife :-)

  9. Its been over a week since I bought something for my scope

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Just ordered the Sky-watcher SWA 3.5mm -- will be the first to deliver a review if I had the chance. And yes, I bought the Mrs stuff to cover up for the atrocities in teh bank account :D :D

    3. Pig


      I might get the maxi 24mm 82deg, just waiting to try the focal reducer first:-)

    4. SnakeyJ


      Might be another month before I can lash out again, but definitely want to get the ADC for Jupiter and can't wait until Christmas!

  10. Space time I understand - not sure about space sound
  11. Very fast delivery and very fast clouds :-)

  12. 3-6mm Nagler on its way :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      I have moved house Emad :-)

    3. jetstream


      Excellent choice!

    4. Pig


      Thank you young man :-)

  13. The 5th green bottle has landed

    1. emadmoussa


      I think your house is worth robbing now since you reached the qualifying quorum :D :D

      Give it a shot tonight and let us know. I'm thinking about a planetary piece myself. :)

    2. Pig


      Okies Emad, its a tad cloudy but a soon as I get the opportunity I will :-)

  14. Soon to be Five Green Bottles :-)

    1. Naemeth


      Have you got them all then?

  15. 8mm Delos on its way :-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Naemeth


      There is actually a big difference between 8mm and 6mm, especially with Shaun's scope :)

      (293.75x and 391.66x)

    3. Pig


      Yes its quite surprising just how much there is between the 2, who would believe 2mm could be so big :-)

    4. Pig


      Emad what is your 11" focal length ?

  16. its here woohoo

    1. emadmoussa



  17. Delos number 4 on route :-)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. emadmoussa


      All depends on your generosity :)

    3. Pig


      Well that is the only sticking point, my middle name is " sorry I cant help you" a very unusual name I must admit :-)

    4. emadmoussa
  18. Delos number 3 on its way 14mm

  19. I am ready to buy Delos number 3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      LOL, I just got an unexpected bonus from work, paid for the holiday also, so the Mrs is well pleased with me

    3. Naemeth


      Lucky you. Having said that though, I've no Mrs so can spend whatever I want on Astro stuff ;).

    4. Pig


      LOL My Mrs is great she does not mind what I spend and it is my money after all :-)

  20. 12mm Delos has arrived, I might even get a trial tonight :=)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Naemeth


      That's a shame, weather is holding up here though, not wall to wall clear, but plenty of clear sky :)

    3. Pig


      excellent - I cant complain it was clear last night

    4. Naemeth


      It's just started to cloud over slightly more, I'll wait a bit before I go outside, see if it clears properly.

  21. Delos 2 is on its way - More clouds I'm afraid

  22. The Televue has landed, begone you clouds :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      I think its all of our faults :-)

    3. emadmoussa


      I blame you too :)

    4. Pig


      lol, I believe you too have made a couple of purchases my good friend !!

  23. 10mm Delos on its way

    1. emadmoussa


      You naughty! Congrats :)

    2. Pig


      Thank you

  24. My 2" Maxiview has been delivered

  25. New 2 inch eyepiece on it way :-)

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