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Everything posted by nephilim

  1. As a side note Ande I will be buying the Bahtinov Mask from the first link as they do one specifically for the Samyang.
  2. This has me curious now. I'd have thought that it wouldn't though as when imaging RGB with a mono camera I'm sure you have to also take seprate calibration frames in each colour channel.
  3. I'm going to start one of these solar pinhole cameras going at the start of the year, good little project.
  4. I think it does as manual focusing wide open at 2.0 is pretty tricky although I'll more than likely be stopping down to 2.8. I will be emailing the other company (last link I posted) to ask if they do a focus ring
  5. Whoops, this is the one i'll be using, the other link as far as I can tell only allows for a smaller finder/ guider type set up. https://www.wega-telescopes.de/shop/Rohrschellen-passend-für-Samyang-135mm-F2-Objektiv-inkl-Sucherbasis-3D-Druck-p258368766
  6. A guide scope can be attached using the mount I posted earlier, I'll be using my Skywatcher Evoguide ED50 & ZWO ASI 120MM-S as my guide setup.
  7. You can always try it without but imo you need the sturdiest setup you can get to reduce flexure & tilt. No harm in trying it without first though.
  8. I recommend getting a mounting system for it as its a heavy lens, this site provides options dedicated to the 135 lens. You can pick up a second hand 650D for around £250 leaving cash spare to get it modded if you wanted to go that route, the 650D also has an articulated screen http://www.astrokraken.fr/bracket-system-for-samyang-rokinon-135-f-2-telephoto-lens-a183920490
  9. Possibly not the way your wanting to go but I've just purchased the Samyang 135mm 2.0 ED UMC which is a well regarded lens for AP, so much so that there's a whole thread dedicated to it on here. I decided on this lens over a scope after reading this thread. I recommend reading this before you decide.
  10. I'm lucky enough to live in the North Pennines AONB & our village has just one street light at the very end of the village, we all have to use headtorches to get around at night. Crime isn't an issue here at all but that's possibly because the village is in the middle of nowhere.
  11. We need to stop encouraging people to become interested in astronomy, then hopefully kit may start becoming easier to get hold of rather than waiting until 2022 🙄. On a more serious note, it's a good idea & I wish you luck 🙂
  12. I decided a long time ago to appreciate my kit as just ornaments that look nice & shiny in the house as its very rare they spend any time outside 😒
  13. https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/photography/2020/12/longest-known-exposure-taken-by-makeshift-camera-forgotten-inside-uk-telescope?fbclid=IwAR1-Y1zC2FFZl0cELssbu6O04-MoD-5V0lpH3k0ezbNaz66LsZs0yL-D3Bc
  14. Hope you get a good clear run, nothing but clouds & clag here in the Lakes as usual.
  15. That's pretty impressive for such a short exposure time. The lack of amp glow & only having to take flats with this camera also appeals to me.
  16. Thanks for that. Also great to hear that the 533 works well as its the camera I've had my eye on for a fairly long time. I'll check out your images. I'm highly excited about this lens.
  17. Very nice set up. I'm going to use a DSLR to start with then looking at the ZWO ASI 533MC Pro. Although If my calculations are right (questionable) using the 135mm with the 533 will result in a resolution of 5.74 which I 'think' will lead to oversampling, may have to have a rethink on that. Do you have a price for this? Unless im blind I cant seem to find it on the website. Also, do you know the average turnaround time from purchase to delivery
  18. Thanks for the link mate. I was just thinking how I was going to mount this lens as a I don't think a 1/4" photo thread on a dovetail will quite cut it.
  19. Urgh, that's a lifetime mate. I found it cheapest on Amazon (£449) & received a msg about an hour ago saying it'll be delivered tomorrow. I only paid for it late last night.
  20. I've just pushed the button on this lens after seeing what it's capable of. I'm re starting AP after a long break & rather than buying a scope I've decided to use this as it seems to be a lot less faff than a scope/dedicated camera.
  21. Optolong L-eXtreme looks a great filter with a very narrow band pass of 6nm in Ha & Olll it's not cheap but they never are.
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