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Status Updates posted by nephilim

  1. 3" of rain expected here tonight.....that'll be the 15mm ED Starguider that arrived yesterday then :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AlexB67


      Enjoy your new eyepiece. I certainly enjoy my BST 15mm a lot. :)

    3. nephilim


      Thanks Alex, I've been meaning to get a nice mid range ep & these have great reviews.

    4. nephilim


      @Imad, I've probably sent it all over the place ;)

  2. Just bagged Neptune & Triton!!!!!!!!!

    1. emadmoussa


      Whoohoo!! Good for you, mate!!

    2. nephilim


      Cheers mate, still not 100% sure of Triton but the pinprick of light corresponded to what Stellarium was saying.

  3. Fantastic night, Mars, Jupiter & alot more, no point going to bed , work in an hr.

    1. emadmoussa


      Do you have a dob yet? Or the good old companion: the 200P?

    2. nephilim


      Still the 200p mate, this marine tank obsession is taking up £££ as i'm saving for a bigger tank..............Bigger tank, bigger scope...theres a theme going on here :o)

  4. Packing up for the summer & concentrating on my new 5ft saltwater marine aquarium

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. emadmoussa


      As for astro, couldn't agree more. I received my mount back today. Let's hope it works OK.

      I had an aquarium and all the fish died over a month, except one that I gave back to the pet shop when I wanted to move. It was like abandoning your own child...ridiculous!!

    3. nephilim


      Whoops......I can forsee the same thing, if that happens I'll buy a snake :D

    4. Quatermass


      fear not Steve you are talking to a man who was completely obsessed by marine fish and corals for over 5 years I can guide you through the many mistakes I made and help you avoid them. Thankfully I am now cured and obsessed by Astronomy but I fear the marine tank obsession may come back if you get me started.. go on a dare you!

  5. Couldnt wait till pay day, ordered the 20 & 24mm Maxvision 68's

    1. Pig


      I ordered the 34mm :-)

    2. nephilim


      Patience is not one of my virtues ;)

  6. Pending payday is already starting to burn a hole in my 'astro pocket'.

  7. Heritage 76dob arrived for my sons bday as my old 130m is an ickle bit big for him...Swift delivery as per from FLO!!

  8. Selling up & buying a big dob!!!!

    1. emadmoussa


      Bye buy AP?? I have to say a big Dob is a bonus beast if you're going to focus on visual. I've been DSOs visual in the past month and enjoying it. I leave AP for longer nights in when Summer is over.

    2. crashtestdummy


      You wont regret it fella ;)

    3. nephilim


      Cheers lads, looking forward to some lowpower widefield big glass for the globs...@Imad, only bye bye for now ;)

  9. Big thanks to Guylain for sorting my byeos problem, it was my leads NOT his software :)

  10. Selling up.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nephilim


      I know mate. One of those 'throw in the towel' nights. I have these rants every now & again. Cheers tho :)

    3. crashtestdummy


      if your about the weekend im planning on going to haltwistle in the northumberland park on friday night,forcast clear skies 8pm-6am and its mag 21+ so should be really dark.was trying for galloway and mag 22+ but weather doesnt look great

    4. nephilim


      Sounds good mate, I'm starting a new job in the lakes today so not sure of the hours at th mo but i'll let u know, thanks.

  11. Just accepted job offer in the middle of my favorite part of the Lake district PLUS I can take my scope to use after work as there's zero lp down there!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      see you up there sometime fella.your ngc count should go through the roof

    3. foundaplanet


      Nice one, hope all goes well for both..:)

    4. nephilim


      Thanks all, I cant wait. Start nxt Tuesday. @crashtest, be good to have a session if u can get up sometime, just give me a shout :)

  12. Forecast says 8% cloud cover, 'head out of window ' forecast says 100% @***@##*@!!!

  13. Eternal thanks to Psychobilly for his help & patience (ALL afternoon) getting my com ports etc sorted out so I can begin AP :)

    1. emadmoussa
    2. nephilim


      Not as cool as ur NEQ6!!!!.......Lucky doesnt begin to cover it. Nice one mate :)

    3. emadmoussa


      Not after the guys freaked the hell out of me about the bolts :) meant to ask, do know a tutorial and explanation about what guide system/cams are and how they are used? I think my wires have gone wild....zzzzzzzz

  14. Crystal clear all day, 100% cloud all night AGAIN!!! I hate this poxy country :(

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Time for some solar equipment? ;)

    2. emadmoussa


      Astronomy of acne

  15. Guna mod my EQ5 to a zimmer frame as the next time i'll get to use it, i'll be old enough for one.....CLOUDS!!!!!

  16. Just filled the car up AGAIN & have now got 960 nectar points (£960 on petrol), if i'd just used my bike I'd have the money for an NEQ6 now :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      im thinking i should start collecting points as im currently doing about 3000 miles a month

    3. nephilim


      Thanks Jez, I feel much happier now ;)

    4. M00NMonkey


      Sorry mate...I had to ;)

  17. 350D arrived yesterday, theres no clouds as i have no T-ring......

  18. I now have permission to build a pier.....as long as it looks like a) a sundial or b) bird table when not in use :)

    1. M00NMonkey


      If you build it as a bird table, your pier will get covered in <word removed>!!! ;)

    2. nephilim


      Never thought of that! Sundial it is then!!

  19. Toss up betwween paying rent & 350D...Camera won...Whoops

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nephilim


      My thoughts exactly :)

    3. Daniel-K


      Wow that must be one hell of a 350d if it cost the same as your rent

    4. nephilim


      haha, my rents dirt cheap.......family, cant beat a bit of nepotism

  20. Wow, first proper Saturn!!! Dragged my girlfriend & her daughter out of bed at 5am, 3 very happy people

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Well done, mate. I saw Saturn too...in my dream. Any images?

    3. Mezolitik
    4. nephilim


      Thanks all, fantastic sight & seemed a little unreal, no images as it was freezing, cudnt be bothered messing with the laptop & proper PA, think i'll wait till March when its up at a more reasonable time :)

  21. Scope all set up 4 Saturn at 4am....Clear skies forecast from 3am.Hmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nephilim


      I'll be dead at 4am thats for sure, really shud put the effort in......:)

    3. emadmoussa


      If Saturn keeps coming at this time, I wont ever catch it. I need to move to Mars...

    4. Marcreilly87


      Think I may be ready to catch a glimpse myself....

  22. Scope all set up 4 Saturn at 4am....Clears skies forecast..Hmmmmm

  23. Red spot transit from midnight tomorrow & clear skies forecast....I feel some webcamming coming on :)

    1. Aenima


      Sposed 2 be clear here from 2am......we shall see! But likewise, some webcam imaging in the v near future I hope

    2. nephilim


      The skies were clear but the wind on my 200p/EQ5 bounced Jupiter around so much I could hardly view it never mind image it :(

  24. sat 24 is showing a nice big clear patch coming from the west in the next few hours, where it ill turn to cloud as soon as it hits land....

  25. Sick of staring at 7timer & sat 24 willing it to change!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nephilim


      Good idea!!haha.

    3. crashtestdummy


      be back to hosepipe bans by march

    4. nephilim


      Poxy country!! Desperate 2 try the new 200p out :(

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