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Status Updates posted by nephilim

  1. I'm considering using my scope for upside down birdwatching cos these clouds r goin nowhere....

    1. Earl


      all you need is a 45 degree diagonal to make it rightway round i think :)

    2. nephilim


      haha, your not wrong there although upside down will be a bit more interesting.lol.

    3. crashtestdummy


      you need a goto tracking system ;)

  2. Picked up the 200p/EQ5!! VERY happy.......Clouds came with it im afaid.....

  3. Off to pick up the new scope in an hour :o)

    1. K3ny0n


      Did you get a 200P? Hopefully my new ST80 will arrive from FLO today. Guiding at last!

    2. nephilim


      Nice one mate, yep, just got back with it now & in the process of setting it up now (pics will follow shortly) 200p/EQ5 with RA & DEC motor, bahtinov mask & upgraded alt bolts £400, mint condition. :)

  4. 2hrs of crystal clear observing m42,m45,,m31 & Jupiter...Perfect!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crashtestdummy


      was great while it lasted.if i had another 5 minutes i would have bagged another messier but ive got plenty of years left and i doubt any of them will fade in my lifetime

    3. crashtestdummy


      was great while it lasted.if i had another 5 minutes i would have bagged another messier but ive got plenty of years left and i doubt any of them will fade in my lifetime

    4. perks2008


      I've got a skyliner 2oop do u know if I can see nebulae dust cloud or do I need filters or a dslr camera sorry 4 being a pain I'm new 2 astronomy

  5. Looking really good for the next few nights and REALLY cold.......

    1. toilandtrouble123


      I'll be out with the dslr tonight if the clouds hold off x

    2. nephilim


      I'll be out after work if its clear. I see your getting ur new scope soon....Nice, I'm getting mine Friday & feel like a kid at xmas haha :o)

  6. Will be the proud owner of a Skywatcher 200p/EQ5 on Friday, getting rather excited!!

    1. rory


      congrats,new or s/h ?

    2. nephilim


      Thank, s/h barely used with dual axis motors & atermarket lat bolts fitted £400

  7. UHC filter arrived from FLO to join my EP's in a box 4 the forseeable future.

    1. crashtestdummy


      Ditto to that-hopefully some clear skies soon

  8. My long awaited Telrad has arrived, apologies in advance for the month of cloud to follow!!

  9. X-Box cam modded moment of truth in 20mins!!

  10. Starting my X-Box cam mod........

  11. Poxy clouds 4cast for 4ever.....Moving to the moon!!!

    1. scoobee


      can i join you

    2. nephilim


      Cerainly, get a few of us together n we can scrape together a few quid 4 a virgin flight up there

  12. Four hours of crystal clear skies last night......Heaven!!

  13. 24% chance of cloud 9-12pm!!...........Hmmmm, believe THAT when I see it!!

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