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Everything posted by scarp15

  1. I met up with a friend who is a maternity nurse. Increasing numbers of young women having to give induced birth to premature babies because the mothers are quite severely ill with Covid. To compare with flu is nonsense, it ought not matter for how long common sense routine precautions should be implemented, just a pity that in England they are not mandatory any more. Other ways that sharing the experience at a star party or outreach event, will still have many virtues that have been highlighted in this thread.
  2. It perhaps depends upon what you anticipate observing. My backyard can reveal adequately, brighter objects including M1, it becomes necessary to embark on dark sky trips to see the Milky Way, become fully dark adapted and encounter subjects that will be impossible from home. Equally objects observed from home are starkly much more defined when observed in darker skies. It becomes a balance between different perspectives and yet binoculars or a small telescope at a dark site can become very exciting to. There are a few Barnard's class patches to include on a trip out in the coming two weeks mainly within Cygnus but will have another go for B174 in Cepheus. Doesn't matter either way, I will just be pleased to get out under the Milky Way.
  3. Nice report. The Cocoon Nebula is quite difficult and B168, the profile of the Dark Cigar, acts as a guide, leading towards this very dim fuzzy glow that constitutes the nebula, not too easy to discern amongst the inner stars. Haven't attempted it for a while, I used a H-beta filter to gain optimum contrast (still revealing the dark lane of the nebula) at low power with a 14" dob. Dark nebulae are best for late nights on a new moon phase with good transparency. They do require a distinctive mindset and skillful approach to become revealed, that maybe varies from that approaching other such challenging nebulae constitutions. Dark nebulae are being discussed in another thread and maybe this could be picked up more there. B142, B143; Barnard's E is tricky, yet when you get it, you really do get it, just as in the sketches, it is quite a eureka moment. You have to orientate your brain a little to reveal the structure within the very densely packed star field. What works for one does not work for another and seeing dark space as a nebula does require time and patience. My best encounters of Barnard's E, have been with 70x16 binoculars and a rich field refractor. Conversely, there are plenty of other dark nebula that has frustrated the hell out of me. The Helix is a nice bright and quite large subject, but as mentioned a little difficult to locate due to its placement, lacking in finder stars.
  4. Have not ascertained quite how accurate these references are, yet here is one further chart and with some relation to the NAN.
  5. Right, reading through some stuff I had, whilst creating an apirational target list, if this next new moon phase offers a credible opportunity to get out somewhere dark, I managed to locate without needing to photograph the Sue French article Navigating North America. Highly informative, very interesting, if you have not read this Gerry it is quite insightful in terms of clarifying the underlying dark nebulae regions. Barnard 353, is located near to the Birds Nest, there is also LDN 935. The descriptions, coordinates and charts are perhaps overall the most comprehensive analysis of the North America for visual scrutiny. https://skyandtelescope.org/wp-content/uploads/DSW_Oct2004.pdf
  6. Impressive and insightful image and description, cheers.
  7. You could still organise a social. Arrange for meeting to sit out, each bring along a camping chair, wrap up and point out the planetary movements, key constellations, if dark enough, encourage no light so that folk can dark adapt and maybe see aspects of the Milky Way. Could even be lucky and see the ISS or a meteor. That way maybe even enthuse someone to perhaps consider taking up astronomy. Of course if anyone had a pair of binoculars and whilst sat comfortably, could convey the disk a little. A few weeks ago I visited by aging parents, took my scope along, however I had been Covid tested prior to the visit and chanced them looking through an eyepiece at the moon. Would not wish to share with a mix of people, particularly now that delta cases are increasing again, one in seventy within the UK as announced today.
  8. It was great to had arranged a visit Piero and to gain a full insight into your 16" dob build, it is very impressive. A few years ago, when Moonshane was active on this forum, he was occasionally building dobs, both for himself and others and he had offered to build one for me and at a very reasonable cost. It would have required sourcing the mirrors of course such as through John Nichol Optics. However a VX14" OOUK Dob came up on ebay and with more helpful advice from forum members I went instead for that option. Besides my wife occasionally commenting about the 'junk in the corner', no regrets really except that in the past year and a half it has been very seldom used at all. I do admire members such as yourself and Faulksy, among others, who have built their own and having little previous knowledge or skill set. I fit into the same circumstance as others have remarked; in which I do not have the workshop, time, money, specialist tools etc. Also since most of my inspired observing time does require trips out to darker skies, having options with my other telescopes and binoculars is of equal value. For example, I cannot wait to get a chance to go on a dark sky wild camping trip again with my refractor later this year. Perhaps should we live in a more rural setting or even aspire to moving one day (no chance), then the larger truss dob build would become more viable and tempting.
  9. It is quite logical to go with a truss design dob for transportation on mid to large aperture. I use an OOUK 8 and 14" dob, which is of course solid tube. They are a little lighter than alternatives, but of course the 14" out into the street from my terrace town house is quite a spectacle for any passers by, not for everyone, understandably. I love the aperture but do somethings think an OOUK 10" would be the way the go. On the flip side, besides a bit of grunting, it is quick and easy to set up and then later slide back into the car. It can be about using what you've got, applying the way you want to use it, which most times for myself, does involve going out to a dark sky location; which is also long overdue.
  10. Yes the foam packaging acts as a buffer absorbing any vibration. The foam blocks that came with one of mine are used as a cradle which are combined with some foam camping mats. If just taking the 8" out, it is then seat belted across the rear.
  11. Here to is another link of interest, this time I was able to locate and not photograph pages of printouts. This topic has sure got me digging through my filing box. https://www.saguaroastro.org/the-best-of-barnards-dark-nebulae/
  12. The above listing mentions the two in North America Gerry, cannot say that I have scrutinized for these, but may yet do this season.
  13. If anyone is up for a challenge, here is a listing, cannot recall where sourced from, of dark nebulae targets. 20210821_164132.heic 20210821_163720.heic
  14. It is quite scandalous really that with recent deregulation of planning laws, enabling developers to pretty much put up what they like, where they like with little or no regard to local public opinion, protection of wildlife let alone extending light domes and increasing light pollution. There seem to be very few fit for purpose contemporary housing developments in the UK with Eco emphasis, let alone architectural integrity. Dark sky status is of paramount important to curb this and more areas need to be awarded this conservation recognition.
  15. Yep it is a commitment, dark sky trip, excellent transparency and as Orion culminates are the vital ingredients. Aperture etc is for another topic.
  16. That is the right attitude to have. Some of these dark nebulae are located near to other, such as NGC classification open clusters, a search could therefore lead to seeing some lesser considered deep sky objects, if not succeeding initially with the intended target. As you say, more than enough stuff to look at, whilst gaining an accustomed approach to visually engage with this quite specialist subject. For more longer term planning, perhaps one night B33 - which annually becomes a (hot) thread topic of its own.
  17. That's it, you have to perhaps, with some at least 'throw everything at it'. I had used my 14" dob around Auriga expecting to identify illusive Dark Nebulae such as B29, but to no avail. Some certainly would benefit with more mag or more aperture, also required is obviously full dark adaption and to employ a touch of averted vision. Many as you say are difficult and best perhaps to keep with the relatively easier ones, which still can be tricky. Researching, looking at images or sketches, checking out observers accounts, such as on CN, definitely helps before hand, as part of the planning.
  18. Yes I attempted that one some time back, it certainly ought to be attainable, will give it another go sometime.
  19. Just as a footnote, I have not to date had much success with pursuing dark nebulae, for which there are quite a few listed, within the vicinity of Cepheus. That is other than I think, within emission nebula IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula. I think Gerry, as I recall you have had a lot more success in this region?
  20. Great topic to whet the appetite. Last time out in pursuit of Dark Nebulae was on a dark sky wild camp close to the England Scotland border, just inside Northumberland. That was Sunday 22 March 2020 with my 85mm frac - and then the world changed. On that agenda and on previous was the tricky B34, a small dark neb near to M37. For my encounters, low power, wide field eyepiece and small refractor, or my 16x70 binoculars set up on a monopod are used, always within dark and transparent skies, which on two occasions so far have involved wild camping. The wider the field of view the better, as well as situated upon an observing site with a good low lying vista for hunting dark nebulae such as in Aquila and Sagittarius. This will include the small dark nebula; the Ink Spot Nebula B86, near to and of a similar scale to the rich open cluster NGC 6520 in Sagittarius. B37 in Monoceros and not too far from the very difficult Cone Nebula is a possible target. As mentioned by Gerry, B168 near the Cocoon, the Dark Cigar is easy enough. Most dramatic of course is the Great Rift and Cygnus Star Cloud, much of which can be naked eye, such as the Northern Coal Sack. B144; Fish on the Platter is a quite apparent dark nebula in Cygnus in which wide field binoculars can, with a little drifting, just about frame this quite large - not sure about the fish profile - dark nebula. As often mentioned and on this thread, Aquila features some of the most visually engaging dark nebula, such as the famous Barnard's E, consisting of B142, B143, darkly etched and makes for a very fine binocular subject. Drifting across, pick up the long curvature of B138 that feeds into B137. Many others besides some of which, not unlike sometimes when lost amidst the Virgo Galaxy cluster, are encountered but not clear as to which ones. Many of Barnard's dark nebulae catalogue are tricky subjects to spot, but they most certainly are integral to a good nights deep sky observing. For my part, I look forward to further encounters hopefully perhaps this Autumn from a wild camp site along the Scottish border. The link below is Summer Time Dark Nebula: Sky and Telescope. https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/shadow-play-summertime-dark-nebulae-for-binoculars/ Here is the Belt of Venus sketch resource for Barnard's E and below is a Deep-Sky Watch sketch resource of B86 along with NGC 6520. Happy hunting.
  21. This hobby is the long game. It has been a good while since I did any committed observing. Depending on where you are; the summers can be too light, hot midgy and combined with the turmoil of the last near two years of restrictions. Nice to see you posting again Mike. Yes September can potentially be the start of gaining renewed motivation and hopefully some settled weather.
  22. If you are prepared to travel a little further north and east and away from the crowds of the Lakes, there are excellent spots along / near to Hadrian's Wall, that are popular with astro photographers. Yes that is a good point, the res carpark is quite downwards in the valley but maybe not wet sleddale then, due west should be dark sky (unlesss some light dome from Kendle in S/W.
  23. Congrats Stu, a positive outcome from the new emerging work at home culture.
  24. I would second Wet Sleddale (near Shap). The free reservoir carpark is usually quiet (might only be an overnight camper van stopping off from the M6), may provide a good vista and perhaps reasonable good dark sky. Alternatively North Pennines perhaps.
  25. Tele Vue had for a while periodically run a promotional discount.
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