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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. My just recieved Tasco 99vr (right) beside my 9vr waitin for the first shoot out. My first views through it in less than stellar skys seems to show as good a views as the 9vr, time will tell.
  2. These are excellent performers with a great price to use as a compliment to your fixed eps !
  3. Try either the Svbony 8-24 or 10-30 zooms they are more than great for the price of less than $100 C ! They are very close to the Baader in performance for about 1/3 the price.
  4. Here are a couple of 60mm, f5’s ! One for each finger, lol !
  5. It will allow me to do all of that but tell me how are the results thats what I want to hear. Can you post any results ?
  6. I was thinking more the Orion nebula, Andromeda, the Pleiades etc. for more close up images ?
  7. Has anyone tried one of these attachments or similar ? You can insert a 1.25” ep into the tube then attach it to a 1.25” focuser and attaches to your dslr at the other end. I tried it in a couple of my 80mm f6 refractors for a long range daytime test and had no problem with focus providing I used a 3-4” extension in the focuser first. I just got it and haven’t had an acceptable nite sky yet to try it on the real objects like Orion, Pleiades, Andromeda etc. This thing is solidly built and all for $30 C !
  8. I ordered the 1.25” Lunt Wedge yesterday so the learning curve will start in a few days, lol .,
  9. When I tried my dslr for those WL pics I did have to pull the adapter out of the focuser about 1/2” to get it to focus if I can remember correctly.
  10. If the wedge replaces the diagonal, do all things not equal out pretty well when it comes to focal length ? Is it because of the design of the wedge ? What is the easiest solution ? Are there sites that I can research this issue ?
  11. So will I need an extension tube ?
  12. Lets not get into the parfocal issue again, at least I won’t ! I am stating my case, my experience, the other great astronomers on here can make their decision ! I made mine and I am happy I did ! I don’t want any part of what could be a high jacking about parfocal definitions !
  13. If you have one I sure wouldn’t sell it, the new ones that are being talked about, such as the Svbonys or the Orion ‘ e ‘ model would just be a good compliments to your top end Baader ! Thats why I have several to compliment my older Meade 4000 model and as I said these great performing up and comers are about a quarter the price of the Mark IV to boot. Its fun and interesting to mix and match on any given nite, a change of pace if you will from the old tried and true, lol ! For many having more than one is part of the changin’ times !
  14. As a famous singer once wrote “ the times they are a changin’ “, and fast !
  15. I am gradually being convinced, lol ! The 1.25” Lunt model is $300 C not a bad price.
  16. I also forgot to mention that I attached a variable polarizing filter to the front of my cam, it really increased the contrast !
  17. Thanx ! Thats kind of the feeling I am getting ie better but maybe not worth the extra $, but I may get one anyway come spring just for some convenience. Maybe, lol !
  18. I tried some shots, for the first time, the other day using my dedicated 80mm WL refractor with a Baader WL filter attached to the front and my dslr. Now I am wondering, researching as to whether a Hershel Wedge that I see discussed quite often on various sites / forums might be even better a solar viewing and performance ? I would like the more expert opinions on yes or no ?
  19. The 171 has great performance vs the cost, I have all three of their models as well as Meade and Orion models !
  20. Svbony 10-30 zoom is no slouch either ! I have all 3.
  21. Well said based on your extensive experience and like to experiment a bit !
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