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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. My tuner on my 50LS is turned almost all the way in, I use my scope on a SW Helio solar mount, never a problem with anything incl. tracking. What issue might you find on a light mount because of the pressure tuner ? What does a lot of force mean ?
  2. We always play nice no matter how it comes out, lol. PS: Its the skies that don't play nice anymore.
  3. Many times the ring just needs a slight relubing. It would take a lot over a long period of time to wear out a neoprene O ring.
  4. I didn't say it was a complaint, I said ' what noise ', where is it in that great looking, overall picture ?
  5. ' or back into it ', what, EAA which this is or AP which this not ?
  6. What noise ? Looks pretty d**n good for those that this camera was designed for ! Its not even in the highly costly AP category as has been mentioned many, many times ! I don't understand how anyone could / would compare the two ? For some reason it is all being lost in translation don't we think !
  7. You did note a cost comparison that was part of your ' exciting ' / ' promising ' mention vs normal AP costs to delve into that sink hole, I hope ? At that point the eyebrows should arch up pretty good, lol !
  8. I have the FT on order for my 50 as well. The helical is just too tight for my liking, I haven't bothered to see if there was some way of loosening it off, I just spent the $500 C. I am Crayford guy all the way !
  9. I have had both, still have the 50, both are excellent solar scopes. You are listening to the wrong info ! Good Luck !
  10. It wasn't directed at you, there are many, what I question is the continuous use of the words ' for pennies ' but I am sure they think the price wouldn't go up. Anyone that thinks that way are just plain dream'n, lol !
  11. What I can't understand is the comments from all these experts regarding upgrading this and upgrading that, including this and including that to make the 50 that much better and all that stuff would just add ' pennies ' to the cost ! If so why hasn't ZWO thought of it ? After all its only negligable pennies or maybe ....... not !
  12. And I don't / won't use the bad apple in every basket thing, lol !
  13. I agree but there are some, not as bad as another well known site though, not nearly. Because of my comments I have been accused more than once that I work / represent a great up and coming company. It really makes me laugh but I am tough, lol ! PS: But I think my comments, my personal experiences are proving correct !
  14. It was a bit of a miss print and it has a built in dew heater !
  15. Agree 100% but its not the 1st time ! This great hobby is sometimes rife with this ' better than others ' shall we say comments, envy can do funny things.
  16. Nothing wrong with the arguments, disagreeing but its the deriding of this new sensation that can really make one wonder where some fellow astronomers come from ! I don't know what they think they are doing, gaining out of it ? Maybe change some minds ?
  17. I really don't think they even care about the more experienced, those that have AP equipment. They are aiming for the most part at the up until now havenot's from what I am gathering for a great price than the older brands. It seems that most of the ones that do already have the gear are the ones that seem to be either deriding this new phenomanun or are doubters before it gets here. Its amazing but where does it come from ! PS: My old grandmother always said ' don't knock it til you try it ' !
  18. This is a new piece of gear, I am wondering how you and some others surmise that it will be an unused one shot wonder in the future ! I think you know exactly where I am coming from, lol. PS: I am curious as to some ways of thinking before anything comes about, experience ?
  19. Its been like that for decades, its not the first and it sure won't be the last. It all depends if you want to get in on the ground floor of what might be a revolution in low cost EAA or sit back and keep waiting for .......... ! Me I want some enjoyment !
  20. It will also broaden your experiences, your capabilities, a challenge if you will and will be just plain fun trying to eak out some pretty good views from what I have seen in other forums. I have some pretty good gear, some decent skies, my hats in the ring all for $500 C ! But for some maybe the money is a big, big factor !
  21. We shall see whether your expert opinion as well as others, bears fruit or is just wishful thinking, like with other ....... ingenious gear that works for a lot less $'s ! I know where I'm placing my bet, lol.
  22. Is the 55SS a Petzval design same as my 62SS ? It sure is a a one hand scope, tripod / mount and all !
  23. They have started out this design with a basic model for beginners and those that don't care about having everything that just want some enjoyment in this end of astronomy and all for around $500 not $5000. So why would you or anyone else even think that they should cater to those that do want everything and probably would / will complain if the price skyrocketed as a result. It happens all the time ! It does get tiring, lol !
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