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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Not looking good for me after buying Baader film and making a solar filter.
  2. A warm welcome back to SGL.
  3. BBC forecast clear skies last night all my apps said cloud BBC app on wife's phone said cloud as it turned out it was cloudy all night I was up 3 times going the loo still cloudy. Tonight I have freezing by way of a change in the weather.. Glad you got out Nick I had the "Galactic Wanderer" in my list. Some targets there I will check out myself if I ever get clear skies again great sketches as usual.
  4. I took pictures last time and got my picture in the S@N magazine.
  5. Well received the Baader film from FLO and the last two days I have been making a filter that will slide on the Meade 5"
  6. Captain magenta I totally agree my first laser would not collimate what so ever tried for days just would not stay anywhere near Central ended up chucking it in bin not before fine the 3 grub screws were all different lengths. Bought a second that was out but that was easy collimate. Like you said they should be tested before they put the silicone in the holes by the manufacturer.
  7. Yes I have 3 story houses South East but that is where I do most of my viewing and North East, South is out of the question with the light and West I have my house and neighbours house so got to be high up.
  8. This is my view from my viewing position I will take a video during the day as well but as you can see I am very restricted. 20191105_192057.mp4
  9. My wife is at the Hospital on the 11th but I am hoping I will be back in time take a couple of pictures with my phone. Just ordered Baader film from FLO make a solar filter.
  10. http://web.archive.org/web/20170419050003/http://astronomy.eaglecreekobservatory.org/doubles/ Here you go this Link works.
  11. Well the Tal is F10 and the Meade is F9. 3 probably why I have not noticed it.
  12. I have a Tal 100rs and a Meade lxd55 127 emc Achromatic s I have not noticed any CA on either of them.
  13. I was thinking about getting a 6" reflector like my first scope I will stick with the 5" Refractor and save money thanks John.
  14. I give up with mine I use a zoom lens now quicker and since I have been really accurate.
  15. Must be a site around there with better views we could have an informal meet up.
  16. We don't have to go the same camp though find a better place.
  17. I loved psp we should do a meet somewhere there informally and meet up again.
  18. I will certainly post the video I hope she gets a good grade for the project although last time about the Romans we made a helmet shield and sword did 3 pages of writing extra drawings and got 15/30 I was fuming we had done above and beyond what they asked for.
  19. I live in St. Helens Merseyside to be honest I don't know Sandcastle (Royal Insurance) so I could not tell you if they are still going I would have to Google them. Congratulations on your upcoming grand parenthood your in for a treat. Thank you for everything I really appreciate it.
  20. I am going to make one of those we have a park 2 minutes away I will video it, get my son help me and my granddaughter will love it.
  21. I would love to but I want the school think she has done it herself why did you have something in mind
  22. recipes.sainsburys.co.uk/articles/fun-stuff/transform-a-bottle-into-a-rocket-in-6-easy-steps. Following this don't want it to be too elaborate especially as she is supposed to do it herself.
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