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Status Updates posted by gooseholla

  1. I'd class tonights viewing of Andromeda Galaxy as successful! So cool that you can see a star cluster in it!

  2. Clear skies tonight. That will be the 6th night out in 10 or 11 days. Not bad!

    1. tingting44


      sounds awsome! with work and the moon i only get maybe a chance of 2 nights out of a month to image lately if im lucky :(

    2. gooseholla


      Yeah I was like that when I worked, but a situation has allowed me to take a few months off, so I can view this autumn and winter!

  3. For a brief moment of clear, I saw the Veil Nebula from my garden! Wooo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jabeoo1


      Congratulations on seeing it, I have yet to spy this massive expanse. I have an OIII filter coming so hopefully start viewing this as a regular target. There is an amazing image if you simply search 'veil in UV'. It looks like a skull with a star in one socket. Unreal :)

    3. gooseholla


      Went back and saw some more of it tonight. It is such an amazing sight!

    4. jabeoo1


      I located the area with my widest field EP & with no access to the OIII stared at the black absence of the veil. The LP here washed out much of the sky so concentrated on some doubles.

      OIII should be here today (yay!).

  4. Telescope mirror cleaned - no more milkyness!! Now to realign them...

  5. Really looking forward to this autumn and winter. Hope to do a lot of astronomy and move on to non-Messier objects! Only a few summer Messier's left to find.

  6. Been accpeted to study Astronomy and Cosmology starting October.

    1. RichM63


      A hearty congratulations, well done.


    2. gooseholla


      Thanks. After seeing the syllabus and books involved, start to wonder what i've taken on!!!

    3. Stargazer33


      I'm sure you will be fine once you get started. Wish I could do something like that, but just haven't got the time.

  7. Built a dew band for my eyepieces today. Now to attempt one for my 4 inch scope.

  8. Yes! can see Scorpius from my garden. Be able to cross off a lot of Messiers this coming two months I hope.

  9. Epic views of Mars at 300x and I've finally seen Antares! I'm happy!!!! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tingting44


      thats sweet mate glad we have both had a good night in between the clouds :D

    3. gooseholla


      And there you were questioning whether to put it out or not!!

    4. tingting44


      i know lol, really be kicking myself now wouldnt i lol :D

  10. Filters really aided my mars viewing tonight. Also good to show someone Saturn for the first time!

  11. Going to have a go at making some dew bands. Got all the bits for less than a tenner!

  12. Great... rain is forecaseted here through next weekend! So much for Virgo/Coma galaxies!

    1. ronin


      I have the idea, based on little that I can give as 100% proof, that when it has stopped raining they will still be there and not look a lot different.

    2. gooseholla


      Except that by 2 weeks time they be behind the trees of neighbours garden so gone from my sight for another year.

    3. ronin


      So it is either clouds or trees. At this exact time I have thunderstorms. I gave up observing from home, I now simply go elsewhere to one of the places I know of. Cannot see keyboard to type - VERY VERY dark all of a sudden. Off to build an Ark.

  13. 3 eyepieces - 1. 2" 15 mm 80 degree with Revelation 2x barlow 2. Telescope House 5mm Ortho 3. TMB II 6mm. All giving similar views of Mars under the conditions. Was really good view tonight.

  14. Just back in from observing session. I fought the clouds and glad I did! Got my best ever views of Mars and Saturn thanks to my new kit.

    1. stevend


      Good news.Mars and Saturn have provided xcellent views the last two nights.

  15. Went to Telescope House today. Lovely place and lovely people. Picked up telrad dew remover, 2" 2x Barlow and some advice on Crayfords. Excellent service.

  16. Home from work at 10pm, hopefully straight out observing.

  17. Forgot how claustrophobic views through plossls and kellners are!

  18. Built a desiccant cap out of an old bolt case with some holes drilled in it, and some silica sachets. Cost, about £3 for 100 packs.

  19. Got a nice viewing plan for Messiers sorted out for next 3 months. go away clouds and moon!

    1. ronin



  20. New 70AH leisure battery. Now to start on some dew bands/removal.

  21. Telrad = one of the best things you can get for a telescope. Can't believe how easily and quickly I am hunting down objects.

    1. Daniel-K


      Telread+28mm finder EP = lots of objects in one night :)

    2. gooseholla


      That it surely does! Although in my case it is a 20mm eyepiece. I have a panaview 26 or 28mm, but it rarely sees the light. Poor little eyepiece.

    3. cotterless45


      Superb, don't leave it on for a week !doooh!

  22. Seen the whirlpool galaxy and m94 tonight. Oh, and some random galaxy.

  23. Wonder Fluid indeed :-)

  24. Baader wonder fluid and cloth on their way for £7 :D Thank you reward points!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      didnt i buy a bottle of wonder fluid from you hobsey?

    3. hobsey


      Nope, I wouldn't be silly enough to sell it.

    4. gooseholla


      Yup it was a bargain, but only because i purchased a £200 telescope 2 years ago :D

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