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Everything posted by kirkster501

  1. It's been solid cloud without a trace of blue for six days now.
  2. Hello folks, This is from Wednesday night. I've only just got round to processing it, I've been so busy at work. With my TEC140 and ASI174M with RGB filters. I had to do an upper and a lower file for each filter and then combine them. Hope you like it.
  3. We all feel like that after electrical work mate 🤣
  4. A lovely picture! Well done. Yes, as Olly says, even high-end refractors can bloat the blue channel (including the luminance). Even my TEC and FSQ do a bit.
  5. “Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” –Stephen R. Covey Neil Armstrong was most definitely a listener to learn.
  6. Yes, the ten billion dollar fireworks. A bad day indeed that would be.
  7. When I get my car sorted I will try a bit more on it from a dark site with my 300P Dob (or the darkest I can reasonably and sensibly get to at any rate).
  8. Despite its proximity and size, I have always found M33 somewhat disappointing from the UK, personally speaking. The sky never gets dark enough here from most places for its very low surface brightness. The best I've ever seen it was from Oman when I was working in the interior desert at an oil facility. There was a 10"Dob and it was spectacular in that, so dark were the skies.
  9. I can’t see it launching this side of Christmas now.
  10. It would be huge. Just imagine the decision tree. IF x does not work THEN…. Imagine all the workarounds they must already have in place as contingencies.
  11. Would rather they get it right. Just imagine…. “who left the eye piece cover on?!”
  12. The other good thing about NINA is that you can often use the native driver as opposed to the ASCOM one.
  13. I know Alan. I am equally terrified, I must say!
  14. I take it you have the latest drivers for your ASI Andy? Maybe post the message on NINA Discord chat and one of the guys will get back to you on this.
  15. James Webb Space Telescope Registration, Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 7:20 AM | Eventbrite
  16. A week on Wednesday it is set to launch. Just so many single points of failure. In most engineering systems we try to eliminate as many of these as possible to reduce as much entropy in the system as possible. On JSWT there are a dozen mission critical failure points with no backup, to say nothing of the launch itself. The most critical: 1. The High gain antenna HAS to deploy as do the solar panels. Pretty low entropy there but they can never take anything for granted. 2. If the sun shield doesn't fully deploy there will still be a mission but a drastically degraded one 3. The bus tower HAS to rise up 4. The secondary mirror HAS to deploy - zero mission otherwise. 5. At least one side of the foldable mirror HAS to fold out. JWST needs at least 15 segments. 6. The radiator HAS to open Pls others 😱 Gee whiz, scary stuff or what?!!!!! Let's all keep our fingers crossed. If it works it is going to be a bonanza of astronomy science this next few years Has everyone got a launch pass to view it live next week? Steve
  17. The advanced sequence Stuart. I'll ask on the NINA Discord app.
  18. To me that looks like light pollution. DBE should get rid of it - or whatever gradient extraction tool you use.
  19. Sorry and I know its sounds a ridiculously simple question but every time I save a sequence at the bottom left, when I next come to load the sequence it is never seen in "lolad sequence" even though there is a "M45" file there. It seems to want either a .json or a .XML file. What am I missing guys please?
  20. Yes, the largest SCT production scope that is made according to Uncle Rod.
  21. Music is mildly annoying but a very interesting video nonetheless.
  22. Before I built my obs I regularly set up with brilliant clear sky, got one sub and then it clouded over. I wait for an hour, still cloudy so call it a night and bring the stuff in. Of course, five mins later it clears. So I wait to see if it remains clear, and it does. So I get all the gear out again and set up again. Two subs in, it clouds over (again). I wait an hour or so to see if the cloud has set in for the night and it appears it has. So I take it all in for the second time. As soon as I have done so and just going in the house, it clears. Ahhhh, I say to myself, it'll cloud over again soon. But it didn't and it was clear for another ten hours. ^^^^^We have all been there. Equipment hokey-cokey, in-out-in-out.
  23. The halos in the middle could be caused by reflections or stray light into the tube. It can have weird effects.
  24. Yes, watching S@N is very refreshing after the abomination that is "The Universe"
  25. I have (or rather "had") them recorded and sat down to watch the first one last night excitedly. I know these kind of programs are mass appeal and very high level to us as an enthusiast audience but nonetheless had reasonable expectations that at least it would be something like the recent "The Planets" series that would be entertaining. However, I abandoned 20 minutes in. A complete load of tosh. It didn't even talk about the stars in any meaningful sense. Lots of Coxy walking around on beaches and staring wistfully into the distance with a bit of CGI thrown in all with a bleach bypass colour LUT (for those that understand videography) in order to give a dramatic look. Complete and utter cobblers and I've deleted the other recordings. I watched "The Guns of Navarone" instead . I am not sure who the intended audience for this is supposed to be. What a complete waste of license fee money and Co2 to travel to Iceland and film it all. It is not Coxy's fault. It is the terrible writing and lack of any content and direction.
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