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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yes that's the one. I reviewed the 130p version and really liked the new mount. The clutches for both axis are large and right next to each other which I think saves fumbling in the dark, and the mount head tilts up to 90 degrees on the alt axis so it can easily be used in Alt/az mode. I have a Ronchi EP to test the optics which I haven't tried yet, but I did check the intra and extra focus Fresnel rings once the scope had cooled last night and they were equally and sharply defined either side of focus. I think I've got a good one
  2. New scope time, and the profound feeling of looking through a refractor for the first time in ages and realising you shouldn't leave it ages without looking through a refractor! Pin prick stars on black Velvet sky.
  3. Thanks. I've never heard of Jocular. I'll take a look.
  4. Hi Alan, it's this setup. Just bought it from FLO the other day. I've not posted about it before but I'm working on a YT video about the scope. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-starquest/sky-watcher-starquest-102r-f49-achromatic-refractor-telescope.html plus motor drive here: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/sky-watcher-ra-motor-drive-for-starquest-and-az-eq-avant-mounts.html
  5. Night of Firsts. First light with a new scope and camera, and first time having success with EAA! Live stacking in SharpCap was lots of fun. Scope: StarQuest 102R with RA motor drive Camera: ZWO ASI120 mm Mini 1.5sec exposures.
  6. I reckon geography is the only reason why many wouldn't go for a job at FLO, so I'm certain this will get tons of interest! It really is a fabulous opportunity for someone.
  7. I was thinking the same, must have taken them weeks and weeks to put a single video together! I'll check out some of your videos.
  8. Ooops that was a mistake, he looks like he holds a grudge! 🐰🔪👀😬
  9. Absolutely agree. I've been using a supermarket webcam costing 12 quid and an industrial looking Early 90's Meade mount which cost 65 quid for my imaging And I'm about to up cycle a mouldy shed with a rotten floor into an RoR obsy. Lots of fun without breaking the bank
  10. They're a good duo Rory and Ricktenstein, video ideas, humour, execution, editing, effects, and the sound all top notch.
  11. Are you sure this is bragging? Wouldn't it be rude and out of order to not thank a company for sending you a product? I've been in this situation myself when reviewing some entry level telescopes for FLO a while back, and It feel wrong and ungrateful to contemplate not giving FLO some credit for going out of their way.
  12. I thought exactly the same regarding a finder guider on a large SCT - wrong focal length and mirror flop, any adjustments wouldn't be able to keep up! I know he didn't get to keep the Canon Ra because in his last video he mentioned ordering his own to keep as an upgrade to his 60Da.
  13. Hi Ron, I will get there for sure, I just want to build the obsy first (If the mirror could end up in the Obsy that would be nice.) From memory I think it's turning out to be closer to f6.3 (f6.7 was my initial target though) I was working from a combination of picking peoples brains and the internet, but I do appreciate the book offer I do have a book on how to grind lenses for a refractor which I bought when my eyes got too big for my stomach lol Your input is always appreciated Ron, thanks.
  14. Ron, You've helped me a ton already! this is my grind thread......it's been dormant for a while, but I made a good start thanks to you lot! Looking at the date I last touched the mirror in spring of 2018! Where does the time go?
  15. It's an 8.75" blank @ about f/6.3. It's been shelved for about a year because of a house move and me making a lot more Astronomy YouTube videos but it's always at the back of my mind so really want to finish the project at some point. I'm a bit rusty with where I am with it, but I think I had just finished the fine grinding and needed to make some kind of testing apparatus (foucault/ronchi?) I had bought a metal microscope platform with micrometer movements on x and y axis, but that's as far as I had got with making a tester.
  16. I've just ordered this to check SA correction: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/specialist/gerd-neumann-ronchi-eyepiece.html I'm also wondering if I can use it to test the mirror I'm very slowly grinding (Ronchi gram?). I really need to get back to that project soon.
  17. You probably don't need to do this if you can tune the CA out, but have you ever tried stopping it down to 4" f12? I reckon that would be pretty nice on the moon!
  18. Doh! I must have missed your comment, sorry about that, I've noticed that YT doesn't always alert me to comments for some reason? Yes that's the motor! I think it also fits the Skywatcher Avant range also. I'll be sure to review it so stay tuned The supplied eyepieces will be good to get you started but the 10mm would be my choice to replace first as it does suffer from some optical defects known as aberrations. If you can stretch to it check out BST Starguider eyepieces, FLO sells them, but definitely get to know the initial setup first before upgrading as laudropb suggests
  19. Thanks Mike, great advice there! A Ronchi eyepiece sounds like something I would enjoy owning but it's good to know there is a cheaper way with the kids nit comb I'll go look at the price and if reasonable I think I'll order one. Sounds like it might be a good long term investment for someone who has historically gone through a shed load of scope lol
  20. Hi welcome to SGL. I put together a video review of the exact telescope I while back. It might be helpful as it covers one or two things that you can do to improve the scope. You've made a good choice though from all the budget scopes I've tested I've coincidentally just ordered the StarQuest 102R plus the optional motor drive for myself as I think it's one of the best budget setups out there capable of tracking the stars.
  21. Thanks for the filter hack Rod. I'm personally into both astronomy and optics including how they are made (I occasionally do a bit of mirror grinding) I think both things certainly complement each other because you can get more of a wow factor looking at say Jupiter through say a C9.25 Edge HD compared to a 130p, but I know what you're saying. I guess it's like cars to some extent. People like nice things and it does rain alot so why not have a scope that looks the part too 🤪
  22. Looking good. You definitely mean business with that spherometer. Posher than my pennies and ruler
  23. That's another handy chart, I'm hoping for diffraction limited, I'll compare the rings to this chart when both the scope and good seeing arrive. If it can support 80-100x that would do me fine I reckon.
  24. True, but if it's your only setup for a while wouldn't a filter or stopping down help with those higher mags? I probably should have got a 130p with my sensible hat on, but I really really miss refractors. It must be two years since I've owned one and it's my favourite telescope design!
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