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Everything posted by Chris

  1. By all means, please use this thread for any comparisons. Very impressive image on your thread by the way! I did wonder if the xtrans bayer pattern of Fuji's high end cameras would cause issues for stacking and processing but clearly not which is great news
  2. That's impressive for the exposure time, loads of signal there!
  3. It really is a lot of stars although maybe some of them are noise? It almost looks like too many stars lol
  4. Thanks Rob, I was worried until I purchased gradientxterminator which allowed me to stretch the living daylights out of it! lol But yeah, for 60 second light frames with no darks, flats or bias etc, I don't think I could ask for much more from an off the shelf budget mirrorless camera and a 30 quid lens The SkyGuider Pro is going great guns too! very consistent subs from the mount and quick to setup!
  5. Hello, Surfing the net some time ago I read some comments which suggested that Fuji cameras have weaker IR filters than Canon etc. This got me wondering how well stock Fuji cameras would perform on nebula targets? I've since bought an entry level Fuji XT100 and tested it out on the heart & Soul nebula (see video below). Just 60 second subs at ISO 800. I'm just wondering how this compares to stock Canon DLSR / mirrorless cameras? I don't currently own a Canon to test them side by side, but I'll probably pick one up for this purpose at some point soon.
  6. I've owned both a C5 xlt and a number of ED80. The C5 was excellent on it's little goto mount and I was really pleased with the views once I added a 0.63 reducer. All the ED80's I've owned have been superb too, and haven't shown any noticeable amounts of CA to my eyes. The C5 did surprise me, considering how big the central obstruction is I would have thought contrast would have been less, but the ED refractors have such high contrast and pinpoint stars that the effect is almost 3D! They enable you to see the tiny pin prick stars on the edge of your perception which give the views a real depth! If I had to have one it would be the refractor but I wouldn't be sad to own a C5 ot C6 either. Both great scopes
  7. I'm impressed that you could see all those galaxies so brilliantly from urban skies. The best reward I've ever managed was the cores of M51 with a C8 Edge! Got to love them carbon stars, I could stare at them for ages. Sounds like you're really enjoying the 150pl, great report
  8. I should rename this thread the Takahashi thread! Seriously though, I can't believe this thread's still going 5 years after I started it! A testament to how revered refractors are to us and there are some amazing examples on this thread. Keep it going
  9. Thanks Carole, I've now downscaled the files to PNG and JPEG so they actually appear I couldn't fix the bottom left corner so I cropped it out in some versions. There was a huge amount of gradient initially so I purchased the gradientxterminator plug in which did help a lot, but I think the red must be left over from the initial gradient. I'm glad the rest appears balanced to someone else I might see if I can lasso the left corner and process it separately.
  10. So, it's been a while (or maybe years?) since I've attempted stacked DSO imaging. Just 90 light frames @ 60 seconds, ISO 800, Fuji XT100 stock camera. iOptron Skyguider Pro (on loan) and my vintage Pentagon 50mm lens. DSS and PS for processing. I'm struggling with colour balance and all sorts of things so any input would be most welcome! I've tried various iterations, a couple are below.
  11. Shall do Just need to finish reviewing the Skyguider Pro and I think I'll do it after that. Good to see old threads get resurrected
  12. Thanks Carol I'll jump over and take a look now. lol I bet their next job will be to automate the dome then
  13. This is a very good point regarding dedicated cameras! This is gold! I'm taking notes
  14. Would anyone mind if I canvased this thread for common imaging faux pas/ failure? I think it would make for a great video
  15. It can't help that this is mostly nocturnal hobby. Not as easy to problem solve at the end of a long day!
  16. Dito with number one, those masks are so brittle! and you're not selling the Eagle3 to me
  17. Oh jeez that's slightly not funny considering it was most of a star party, yikes! We could do with an imaging faux pas crib sheet
  18. I think the highlight of my illustrated night was when the kids swing set started appearing in the subs!
  19. Brilliant lol I love how slap stick number 2) is I assume you and the equipment were ok.
  20. Oh you will, but it's part of the fun when you look back, plus the successes will seem better for it
  21. lol thanks Rob, it can only help to see and maybe share the funny side of failures. Having said this, there probably is a limit. I wouldn't expect anyone to laugh off accidentally dropping and smashing their Fluorite Apo! But e.g. I remember once doing an entire imaging run with the focus mask still on which did make me swear at the time. Looking back though it just makes me giggle. Maybe I should start an epic fails thread lol
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