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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. I've plonked my rig down on (near lol they not too good) a few times and had under 2arc minutes right off the bat
  2. I watched couple videos on gimp layers masks, just need to practice a bit.
  3. Yeah I'm not sure the cause of that. It was even worse before I stuck it through astro clean. Hopefully a bit more care when stretching will do the trick.
  4. going to make two versions of my image, one massively stretched, second not so stretched and then use one on top of the other as layers in gimp and then use a mask to paint transparency onto the upper one over trapezium to reveal the under stretched version below. all going well apart from the painting bit, need a bit more control. also my under stretched version needs a bit more stretching first, i think. MUCH more importantly i've finished a decent go at my Cygnus Wall. I Need to re-do this, as i've still overdone it, but not as much as previous version. This one is stacked Ha and Oiii then pixel mathed into RGB channels. Maybe a crop left and bottom sides, plus stars a bit eggy in top right also stars lack colour. But still its alright i think. Also its generally a bit 'soft' not sure what to do about that. less stretching might help.
  5. That's a lot of detail and both green bow waves clearly visible. About as nice an image of the space brain I've seen.
  6. I was eager to see the difference the extra 5 hours made still looking for it Also i could hear snoring, so i took advantage of the peace and quiet More red in version working on now. Comparing to some similar images on astrobin and mine isn't as bad as I first thought. Also want to play with gimp and masking on my M42 as I have a cunning plan.
  7. I think blind dithering is possible without guiding in Nina. Never tried it
  8. Ty and I really appreciate the feedback. The cyan blue is way too much and I lost a lot of red. But I was hurrying. Will take my time when I process it again
  9. im just starting to get a handle on it. far away from moon and very bright targets might be ok, but not convinced
  10. so 17 hours quick preview stretch. ignoring the awful colour, im not overly impressed with this, but, hopefully with a bit more care and time processing, i can improve it a bit.
  11. Very nice especially considering the moon has been like a lazer of light pollution last few nights
  12. Maybe try ZWO ASI1600MC if doing so won't break anything
  13. You didn't sound like it at all, sorry. I just get concerned occasionally my posts might be misconstrued:)
  14. I know you're not a beginner. I can tell from just looking at your images, let alone your advice on here Hope I didn't offend, I really wasn't trying to compare my image to yours. Just that yours are something for me to at least aim towards. I've been playing with splitting ha/Oiii with mixed results. Some good some not. Plenty of pixel math expressions out there for me to play with.
  15. Not sure there's much to criticise here. Makes a mockery of my version but in a good way did you buy the colour or the mono svbony camera? I'm tempted by Altaur c2 or D2 to compliment my ha/Oiii and try to escape my orange/brown palette. I swear I could thread that eye so clear. also carbon ftw
  16. don't say stuff like that because its likely to make me try a luminous green and orange socks palette.
  17. seemed to work pretty well though tbh. even faster set up times now, i just slide it into tripod, plug it in mains and thread my curly cable in and attach the two dew heater usbs. also quieter - less metal tips banging on metal tripod legs at 530am
  18. just a quick preview. i'd say my m42 (above) is much more mid to late 70s though.... it only a quick preview, ill get it looking nicer i think.
  19. preview stretch of my m42 87x60sec. can just about see trapezium? of course i want to stretch it more there's outer detail there, but if i do that i lose core. will try and play with masks in gimp or something. also still have about 40x30sec exposures i haven't looked at yet. was a bit cloudy after 3am last night when i shot these. and moon
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