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Everything posted by PatientObserver

  1. I have three different Bluetti power stations. I bought them for camping not astrophotography, so I cannot speak of their use with AP. I have Solar Panels, but have not yet had the need to make use of them. There are good reviews on YouTube of them though if you want tested numbers.
  2. Like you I became a father to a daughter at the age of 38. Unlike you I bought my first scope a couple years later after my son was born. One of the reasons I started researching astronomy was that I suffered from insomnia before the kids were born and wanted something to do when sleep refused to come. I figured I would have more sleepless nights in the future, and have a hobby I could share with my kids once they were older. I currently only do visual. With the limited available time due to fatherhood, ease of setup is important to me. If the weather is good I will setup the scopes (a Takahashi FOA-60Q and μ-180 on a Rowan AZ75). If the night is uncertain, I use binoculars instead. My two year old daughter started getting interested in my binoculars when she saw me unboxing one. She also had an interest in the moon, pointing it out whenever she saw it. After she was able to hold my Nikon AE 8x40, I bought a kid friendly binocular (Oberwerk 6.5x32 LW) for her. I figured that even if she could not use it now she would grow into it. I found that she would look at things horizontally, but never vertically. Then it dawned on me that I could lock the altitude of my Nikon AE 7x50 on my Orion Paragon-Plus binocular mount. This worked better than I had hoped. The first time she saw Luna, she started yelling to my wife, "Mommy, Mommy! The moooooon!" The moon was elongated (the cow jumped over the moon after all). Although my observation sessions are often time limited, I find great joy in the time I can spend under the stars; whether alone or with my daughter.
  3. Most of the time I do not even bother tightening the lock. If I am at high magnification I do tighten it, but that is rare in my geographic location. So I cannot say I have noticed it. I will try to remember to test this next time I am able. May be some time as it has been cloudy here most nights.
  4. I have read good things about the Innorel tripod. Not so much about their center column. Now that I am used to a geared center column, there is no going without one for me.
  5. My ideal tripod and mount for visual use is the Berlebach UNI 18K70 and Rowan AZ75 with encoders and Nexus II. With the geared center column, I am easily able to use the excellent straight through finder of the Takahashi μ-180C without bending into uncomfortable positions, as raising and lowering the column has no noticeable affect on visual use. This also allows me to easily share the view with family members. The AZ75 mounts my Takahashi μ-180C and FOA-60Q. While the μ-180C acclimates to the temperature, I enjoy the night's sky with the FOA-60Q. The encoders combined with SkySafari allow me to both learn the sky and find targets quickly. As for a more mobile solution, I am still searching. I own a Super Mount S-Mini and Berlebach Report 322/KA40. Though shown in the image below, I have yet to actually use it under the stars as I have not traveled with my scopes yet. However, the Report is currently holding my Orion Paragon-Plus binocular mount, and am not likely to switch it as it allows my daughter (only two in the picture below) to stargaze (or should I say moon gaze) with me. I might buy a second Berlebach Report 322/KA40. However, I am also considering a Gitzo GT3355L with a GS5313LGS geared center column, but that is more than I am willing to spend at this time.
  6. I might be crazy, but I liked my Takahashi Turret so much, I bought a 2" Turret from 2047Studio. As Masuyama eyepieces are relatively low mass compared to other 2" eyepieces, and I was interested in trying them anyway, I bought the MOP 20, 26, and 32 mm eyepieces. The eyepieces arrived today. Here they are populating the turret. Not sure what I want for the fourth slot yet.
  7. My solution was just to pair the μ-180C with another scope I enjoy (in my case a Takahashi FOA-60Q) and use that until the view in the Mewlon exceeds that of the other scope. In the future, I plan on actively cooling it, but for the time being I am content with what I have.
  8. Daniel Mounsey on CN has suggested lymax coolers on multiple occasions for the Mewlon. It is on my wish list of gear to try out: https://www.lymax.com/#purchase
  9. Interesting thread. So far I have not sold any scopes. I am considering selling my AT102EDL if I do not keep it as a camping scope. The others, I have no intent of ever selling.
  10. Today I received a new to me (lightly used) Manfrotto 058B:
  11. Not sure how I missed this thread until now. Sorry for all the reactions to old posts. It was hard to not like every photo. Here is my small collection:
  12. I do the same with my FOA-60Q. Obviously it is a smaller scope, but it is easy to place it in the tube holder.
  13. It is my favorite of the Nikon AEs. This may mostly be due to the decrease in mass compared to the other two (though I also prefer the magnification). Also note that I am in Bortle 6 or 7 skies. It is a great buy for the price; especially if you buy them on sale like I did.
  14. I started experimenting with binoculars with the Nikon AE line. The first model I purchased was the 7x50. I later aquired the 10x50 and the 8x40. The 10x50 had a crack objective lens, so I returned it. These served me well, but I was interested in what I could get with more investment. At first, I considered higher end Nikons, but after reading multiple good reviews of Maven binoculars, I started considering buying a Maven B6 10x50. Then on Prime Day, there was a deal I could not refuse on the MB2 9x45. Shortly after I saw an MB6 12x50 for sale in the Classifieds on CN. Given Maven's lifetime transferable warranty, I was confident that I would be able to get them repaired if there was any issue, or sell them if I was not happy with them. The MB2 is my favorite handheld binocular. It fits me perfectly. The MB6 I use mounted and it has become my sunspot spotter. I like the Mavens enough that my next binocular purchase will be an MB5 15x56. Though that will not be anytime soon as I have other astronomy priorities to purchase first.
  15. On really cold nights I wear my LA Sportiva ice climbing boots. As a kid, cold digits was what would make me come inside from playing in the snow. With LA Sportivas cold toes are a thing of the past.
  16. Nice find. Every time I view this thread I want another Berlebach. Currently considering buying an UNI 19C with a Monkey Grip 2 and side tray.
  17. Sorry for the delayed response. I have not checked the forum in several months. I have the Standard variant.
  18. One of my favorite features of the Mewlon 180C is the finderscope. Not only is it a clear, sharp, view, it is perfectly aligned (despite traveling all the way from Japan). On top of that it is intended to be used as a carry handle. The only downside, is that it makes finding a soft case for the scope a little more difficult.
  19. I am trying to limit myself to gear that I will use regularly. I found I used the FOA-60Q more than my AT102EDL, and now that I bought the Mewlon, I have not used it at all. The differences between the μ-180C and the FOA-60Q are complementary. The differences between the refractors are more subtle. Once the Agema arrives, I expect to choose that over the AT102EDL nearly every time. The exception is camping. It may be nice to have a scope of which I am less protective.
  20. Thanks for sharing the article. I just started this journey this year, so there are many eyepieces through which I have never looked, but with my limited experience, I agree with Roger. If Takahashi adds a 7 mm to the TPL, or a 5mm to the TOE, I would buy them in a heartbeat. There are four slots in my turret and the jump from 12.5 to 4 mm is too much.
  21. I spent more than I like to admit this year on astronomy gear. Last night, I resisted the urge to buy a used Nikon EDG 7x42 I found for 50% off, but it was a close call. I am debating if I want to sell my AT102EDL to help fund the binoscope, or keep it to use as my camping scope.
  22. I bought my eyepieces out of a need (I had a turret to populate), not as an upgrade. I compared them to the Pentax XW as I already owned them. I think I lack the experience (or maybe the seeing) needed to notice the subtleties of the differences between premium eyepieces. The views through my Pentax and TPLs are both excellent. So it comes down to other features for me. The TPLs are much smaller and have less mass. This makes them perfect for my turret. The Pentax XW have an adjustable eye guard, and are very easy for me to use. Others have noticed improvements between the Takahashi Abbes and the TPLs. I cannot says as I have never looked through them. I have not seen any reports mention the Masuyamas yet. I may try those once I build my binoscope, but I do not not how long that will take me to complete. My opinion is that the eyepiece forum on the other site often turns into fandom battles. People shout the praises of their preferred manufacturer, and look down on anyone who makes the slightest statement against an eyepiece from their favorite brand. Honestly, it is one of my least favorite forums. So yes, in my limited experience, I tend to agree that most premium eyepieces are good, and it is the subtle differences and/or brand loyalty that drive our preferences.
  23. The FOV is narrow. That is one reason a refractor is such a good complement to it (that and I can use the FOA-60Q while I am waiting for the Mewlon to cool). I am looking forward to pointing it at the Orion Nebula. I have not tried yet as Luna is reflecting too much light. Only the brightest stars have been visible the last few nights.
  24. Having used it for a few nights I can say I am very satisfied with my purchase. The views of the Moon have been amazing. Thanks for helping me decide to purchase a Mewlon 180C. Despite the horror stories I was told elsewhere, no collimation was needed.
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