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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I too have had cables attacked in the past. Indeed eaten through!!
  2. Yes, I think this will work. Imaging rigs on each end and guiding in the middle. I have a Vivitar 400mm f3.5 lens which is lower quality than the Asahi Super Takumar 200mm f4 lenses and could be used for guiding. I will need to modify the mounting brackets and reprint but that's no problem. This shows one rig with 400mm lens and guider.
  3. Interesting thought. Hadn't thought of it myself. This would not work with the dual mounting bar that's currently on the EQ8 but could work directly on the EQ8. I'll investigate. Thanks.
  4. Yes, I can and already been thinking about it. I made a mistake in my post though - that is a 105mm lens. The 135mm is currently on the imaging rig out in the observatory.
  5. Here are 3 photos of different lenses on the ASI 120MC-S camera attached to a Losmandy-style dovetail bar with printed bracket. 55mm, 135mm and 200mm lenses. To use the 200mm lens, it will need an extra bracket to hold the front of the lens to get sufficient rigidity. Obviously the 55mm is lightest.
  6. Yes, I designed my observatory to reduce cutting timber.
  7. I'd probably go for the RPi SBC - should be very similar I think.
  8. Great Wim - just what I would like to do after getting my dual imaging sorted out.
  9. I watched a few episodes of Star Trek TNG yesterday. Enjoyable...
  10. I remember buying a twin 5.25" floppy drive for my BBC B for a whopping £600, a lot of money in those days but at least I was earning money. My early days of computing involved a Teletype machine connected to the phone line to a room full of machine somewhere else (London, Manchester?? I forget). Comms was at 75 baud - that's 75 bits per second!!
  11. I'm running my CAT6 cable overhead to my observatory. Mains is buried armoured cable.
  12. Image back again. Gain 10, exposure 1s, 55mm lens, aperture f16, view through window roughly south, light fading.
  13. Took the "_2" off the ASI_CCD driver and the asi120MC-S no longer works. Though it is shown in the INDI Control Panel - KStars. Strange!!
  14. The gain on the ASI 120 was 50, I've changed it to 10 and have an image.
  15. Hmmm... The ASI 174MM gives an image with very small exposure and the lens stopped down to f16 but all I can get from the ASI 120MC-S is a plain white image. This applies in both the imaging and guiding sections. I bought the ASI 174MM for Ha solar imaging but I won't be solar imaging when DSO imaging so I could use the 174 ad a guide camera.
  16. This is my indiserver command. gina@rpi-wf:~$ indiserver -m 100 -vv indi_asi_ccd indi_asi_wheel indi_eqmod_telescope indi_rpibrd indi_rpifocus indi_asi_ccd_2
  17. Been testing... I can choose either the 1600 or the 174 for imaging. Also for guiding and it grumbles if I choose the same camera for both 🤣
  18. Been playing with driver names and different cameras etc and now have two ZWO cameras in Ekos. ASI 1600MM-Cool and ASI 174MM. I added an extra ASI driver and added "_2" to the end.
  19. I know of (I think) two people who have done it.
  20. I've set up my WF imaging rig on my living room table and connected the ASI 120MC-S camera to a spare USB port on the RPi. Both cameras are ZWO and hence use the ZWO CCD INDI driver. I am only seeing the 1600 in both imaging camera and guide camera in Ekos and only the 1600 is in the Ekos list of attached items. What do I need to do to get the 120 working as well as the 1600?
  21. Ethernet Gigabit switch and a couple of cables for connecting my dual imaging rig (when it's built).
  22. You must be focussing a couple of huge scopes to need all that power James 🤣
  23. I could stop it down to f4. I can check it next time there are some stars though. I could print the bracket(s) and plug it into a USB port on the imaging RPi. To check the stars in the ASI 120 I could just choose this camera in the imaging section of KStars/Ekos instead of the 1600.
  24. Is there any reason I shouldn't use a 55mm f1.8 lens together with ASI 120 for guiding the widefield rigs? The latter would have lenses of 105mm f2.8, 200mm f4 and possibly 55mm f1.8. The shorter 55mm lens would make the guide-scope easier to accommodate. Or would a longer focal length lens be better for guiding?
  25. A4988 drivers only want step and direction whereas the ULN2003 driver needs the phases of the motor driven separately.
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