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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. The perimeters are certainly rather rough but I've seen worse. I don't think I would go so far as to describe this print as "a disaster" - it certainly isn't good though. The support material around the cat's face looks very strange. Is that the real disaster? It certainly isn't right. I would also comment on his statement 'it's still a great result, compared to many machines I've reviewed...' . If that is so the others must be dreadful!
  2. In previous versions I have found that with the camera focused without the dome, the focus was a bit out with the dome on. This could be corrected with the remote focussing. It should be possible to find out how much and in which direction the dome changes the focus and make a correction but how can you do that without access to the focus ring on the camera (covered by dome)?
  3. I wouldn't skimp on battery chargers - batteries can self destruct in spectacular fashion if not treated right!! Beware batteries can become time bombs in some circumstances!
  4. The dome changes the focus slightly so focus needs setting with the dome on. I manage to get reasonably good focus by using a distant range of hills but the stars are still the best. I'm using a camera with 2.4µm pixel size in a 1/1.8 inch sensor (5mm vertical) giving a resolution of about 2000 pixels in each direction of the round image. I guess I'm rather fussy about focus. I may decide to try preset focussing and only add the remote focussing if I find I need it. As long as I allow for it in the design, I can add it later.
  5. Although rigid.ink have stopped selling filament their website is still working and they have lots of useful info.
  6. Ah sorry Carole guess you meant right as opposed to wrong not right v left.....
  7. But still not Betelgeuse!! RH star of the Belt is Mintaka.
  8. I wasn't watching closely enough to catch the animation - may watch a repeat if I remember. Alnitak is certainly the left most of the three in Orion's Belt.
  9. There were too many questions for any spoiler.
  10. I just use clean glass. Mainly borosilicate glass but I have also used float glass as used in windows. I clean the glass with IPA (isopropyl alcohol) though with a glass plate that is removable, washing up liquid and warm water, well rinsed off and dried with clean kitchen paper works well. I've tried all sorts of goo applied to the glass but for PLA and PETG nothing I've tried is any better than clean glass and mainly worse.
  11. Redesigned the outer casing to attach to the ROR.
  12. I've not tried carbon fill but have tried wood fill - horribly difficult to print as it's very brittle. I also have bronzefill PLA which is very heavy and bought for printing weights. Carbon fill wears out nozzles at an alarming rate unless you use steel or ruby nozzles.
  13. It's a 4" (100mm) dome with flange an extra 10mm all round.
  14. Sound about right to my Mrs Heath-Robinson ears! OK so I hear with my eyes or is it see with my ears??? Confused?? You will be!! I always am!
  15. Yes, alright for observing where you're in there anyway and can push the dome round. I'm an imager so see things from that POV I'm afraid...
  16. Yes, a dome has to be automated whereas a ROR is optional.
  17. I'm sure that's the best Heart I've seen - brilliant. Even Melotte 15 is showing well.
  18. Decided on the cooler, finally. Read some reviews of the Nofan and it seems it's almost as good as water cooling and better than normal air cooling. Decided it was well worth a try. Bound to be better than the aluminium Artic Alpine 11 Passive that I already have without fan. The cost is not that much compared with the overall cost of the project (and astro related items). As they say "Don't spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar".
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