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Everything posted by juno16

  1. Beautiful image and a great fov. Really nice detail on “The Eyes”!
  2. That is a beautiful image! Very nicely processed. Your first delve into PI is definitely a success! No criticism here! Actually, your image looks very similar to my recent image of M44. Also short integration at 62 minutes. I was testing my new oag. Well done! Jim
  3. That is a beautiful repro Rodd. Great color and spectacular detail !
  4. This is a great start on this beautiful target. My apologies, but I haven’t been here in quite a while and was curious about what equipment you used. My weather has been poor and this was my last target from my B6-7 backyard and I only selected it to try to test new guiding parameters. Never had noticed this target before and wow, it is beautiful! I was lucky enough to catch almost 7 hours over two evenings and can’t wait until next season to catch more data. I believe that you will see a significant increase in detail with more time on target. This nebula is very dim and very stubborn to give up details. Best of success! My attempt so far. https://astrob.in/qcy4gj/D/
  5. That is just beautiful! Just two hours too! Super image David. I really like the depth that you have brought out. Jim
  6. Man, that sounds like AP paradise! I don’t think that I have ever seen that many stars. The dark nebulae is very clearly defined. Awesome! Beautiful image! Jim
  7. That is really a beautiful image! The color palette is very pleasing to the eye and the details are super. Very nice! Jim
  8. Thanks guys. I should have stayed in my lane.
  9. I simply meant in PM starless (image name)+stars (image name) = create new image. So, with the combined star and starless image, I then use the EZstar reduction and Adam’s method to reduce the stars. Simple and works for me. Jim
  10. Hi Rodd, I am way on the basic scale! ”combine starless and stars (images) in PM, then apply EZ star reduction using the Adam Block method”. This is where I am and so far, it works for me. Very basic.
  11. Interesting. Ill have to give this a try. Not sure what the variables are, but all that I have done before is separate the stars from starless, work on each, combine starless and stars in PM, then apply EZ star reduction using the Adam Block method.
  12. Very nice M101! This target has many "looks" and yours is very pleasant! Very nice coloration and details. Low noise and really nice stars. Nice work! Jim
  13. Thanks @geeklee and @Mr Spock! i was glad that the stars were decent enough to allow for peeping in on the faint galaxies!
  14. Took about 15 seconds with default settings. You did an excellent job at processing. I just couldn't resist trying. Probably could have reduced the nr setting. Jim
  15. Hi AN, For what it's worth, I ran NoiseXterminator on your image with default settings and wow! I will share if you like. Jim
  16. Gorgeous M100! Outstanding details. I struggled with DBE too until Adam (Block) set me on the right course. I don't remember if it was on his free Youtube channel, or in the Fundamentals course, but after learning how all (well most) of the controls work and what they do, I could not even think about not using DBE. Truly one of PI's most powerful tools! Jim
  17. Beautiful mosaic Adrian! This is a very rich area and I am very fond of Ha (monochrome) images. I guess that it somewhat reminds me of my old b&w film processing days. The starless is nice, but the stars in your first image are very tastefully done and to me add quite a bit to the overall view. Very nice work!
  18. Hi simmo39 and thanks! I don't get out too much during the summer here in south Mississippi. Poor weather, hot, humid, bugs, and less imaging time make it a bit less fun. I am getting older though and after a month or so, I get excited to get out for a bit. Also, if I don't get out every now and then, I get behind on software upgrades and tend to make more simple (bonehead) mistakes. I like to tweak things a lot and it was about a month since my last outing. I had since made DEC and RA worm adjustments in the downtime, so I really needed to see how things would go. I was happy to see that I had no issues and the equipment ran very well. That alone made it a successful night! I'll bet that you are itching to get back at it! Jim
  19. Hi All! I just want to share my last image from 5/27/22. It was about a month since I got out and I had a super smooth and enjoyable evening imaging. Equipment: Explore Scientific ED102 reduced to 571mm, ASI 533 MC-P, and Skywatcher HEQ5Pro (Rowan Mod). Imaged with GSS/NINA/PHD2 and processed in Pixinsight and PS CC. A bit over 5 hours with a UV-IR Cut filter. This is only my second glob, but I was also trying to capture many of the small and distant galaxies scattered throughout the fov. I was very pleased to find lots of galaxies around 400 Mly distant and one I could identify at 810Mly away (PGC 59859). I visually counted about 63 tiny galaxies in the image. One faint fuzzy is particularly nice at ~400Mly, NGC 6336. Annotated version of the full image. Thanks for looking! Jim
  20. Very nice image Paul! You have the color palette just right!
  21. Hi Simone and welcome! Binoculars are a great way to start off and to pull out when you just want a “peep” without setting up equipment. Excellent choice. Binoculars will provide some amazing sights.
  22. Very nice image Paul! Were you able to capture more data? You already have nice details. Jim
  23. I agree Bryan! This hobby is very frustrating at times, but the payoff is well worth it! I am imaging now, of course, not without challenges. I love it though! Jim
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