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Status Replies posted by rory

  1. Its my birthday, the skies are clear and I've got my new scope to put through its paces...happy days!! :)

  2. clear skies so far but looks like dew will be a problem.scope out at 8pm!!!

  3. Bored, need these clouds to shift:(

  4. needs a bigger telescope for research purpose please deposit funds into paypal account daniel-kenealy@live.co.uk thank you for your support

  5. The BBC says that the weather could be clear tonight...... and there is a full moon!

  6. another [removed word] up with the weather-so much for clear skies

  7. finally after over 3 weeks my ES 82 degree 8.8/14 and 18mm eyepieces have arrived and they didnt ask for a signature either so maybe i will get away with not paying any import duty and vat.doubtful but i could do with soime luck after the nightmare of dealing with US companies

  8. 20 days after ordering and still no sign of my eyepieces arriving from America!dont even know if they are in the UK yet as USPS dont track.serialistic nightmare order!!

  9. She's got her hand on your Pilchards.....

  10. Just been told my new scope will be shipped on the 29th...think this will be the longest 2 weeks wait of my life!!

  11. At last the delicious pattering of heavy rain. No such thing as bad weather, just different kinds of good.

  12. well im definately never ordering from highpointscientific in the USA ever again.8 days from my order and they haven't even despatched it yet and the customer service is terrible!!handsonoptics didnt even reply to my last email for ordering info!!be happy to pay uk prices in future for better service!!!

  13. Finally seen the moon through my 200P dob! I need to start hunting DSO's!

  14. I just bought a Skyliner 200P Dob!

  15. Getting a Sercond Hand Skyliner 200P Dob on Friday! I can't wait!

  16. Picked off Neptune, Uranus and Pallas in bins tonight.

  17. Just cleaned the primary ready to sell the 12", looks as good as new now!

  18. seen uranus after all these years, and the galaxy in triangulum!!

  19. not been up this late for a while!! stellarium are showing these planets are visible right now!!... neptune, pallas, uranus, pluto, venus and jupiter! vesta and ceres, would i be able to see these tho?

  20. Clear skies forecast, car topped up with diesel and trips to dark sites planned. HAPPY DAYS!! :)

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