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Status Updates posted by smudgeball

  1. Well that's me joined the Atik users club :-)

  2. Very Strange....my neighbour has cut down his tree which wass blocking a third of the view from my garden, and I never asked him to do it ??????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baggywrinkle
    3. RichM63


      Get worried when your neighbour turns up with a JCB and starts digging up your courtyard!

    4. smudgeball


      I had BT round a few weeks back to fix broadband and they had bother getting to telephone pole...wonder if that had anything to do with it? Don't care, I'll get a couple of years of hardly any leaves in MY garden and a clear view !

  3. I must be a sucker for the Gold and White paint job on WO scopes. Lovely GT102 ready for action !

  4. New scope arrived, time to edit signature apologies for clouds!

  5. New Scope Tomorrow !!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      Congrats to you both! The excitement of opening the boxes, it's like Christmas as a kid :D

    3. ronin


      Are we going to need the vitamin D pills to combat the lack of sunlight again?

    4. smudgeball


      Sorry, Sorry but I had the urge to upgrade

  6. Well I'm "inbetween" scopes......but my next one looks rather nice !

  7. Must upload new images to club website before the new year......plenty of time ? Doh !!

  8. Eleven sleeps till christmas !

    1. emadmoussa


      Then what happens? :)

    2. Guy Wells

      Guy Wells

      A roast dinner.

    3. smudgeball


      Already had my present this year, so nothing to open on day. But hope to get out with my new mount over holidays.

  9. Hey, first proper imaging session with neq6pro and PHD guiding last night !!!

  10. Who ever designed the polar scope cap on an NEQ6 Pro was havin a laugh !!

  11. Liking my mount upgrade from EQ3 to NEQ6 !

  12. Liking my mount upgrade from EQ3 to NEQ56 !

  13. Imaging rig finished...lighter evenings have their advantage

    1. emadmoussa


      Looked at the gallery. Nice!

  14. Going to mod my SPC900nc tonight !

  15. Now got a Megrez 72

  16. Just edited my signature to add my astro club

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