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12th april 2011 moon/saturn pics

hi all just a few more pics they on photo bucket so a can keep them full size done with cannon 10D and 12 reflector cheers pat heres the link http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/MOON%20AND%20SATURN%2012TH%20APRIL%202011/ Theres about 93 pics please view them all and let me no what ya think and how a could improve themam obssesed with the moon at the min try in to spot all the craters mountain ranges and what ever else a can see its a pure delight dso`s are great but every one forget



Basic Lunar Viewing II

Monday 11th April, 8-11pm (Now armed with a notepad and taking notes) - Tonight I started in the North with the just visible Scoresby, then Goldschmidt, which has a high wall to it's southeast, and the wonderfully-named Anaxagoras and Anaxagoras A, right on the edge of the terminator. Then Epigenes, and Birmingham which tonight it looked like a roughened triangular plateau. From there down to Plato, the eastern edge of it's smooth floor partially covered in long shadows. In moments of good seein



International Space Station

Now I'm really happy. At 04:49, I spotted the ISS pass over. It was brighter than Sirius, moving fast with a luminous glow. The ISS passed across the front of my south facing house for abouth 10 seconds. Another amazing first for me. I used the link below to track the ISS, which was really accurate. http://www.n2yo.com/?s=25544 Definitely worth getting up for. I also used my Minocular to track it and I think I saw some slight detail. It would be great if I could track with the telescope, but I



Viewing - Tue 12th Apr 11

Well decided to put the mount on the pier, although still waiting for one part it worked. The only problem was the amount of cloud, allowed me to align Polaris but a 2/3 alignment was impossible so went for just one. With just the 6" SCT on the mount I ran it through it's paces and it went well, very little noise and the comms to the laptop work well, had some good views of the moon and Saturn but because of the alignment I stayed away from DS viewing. The dismount and clousre went well and a

The Sailor

The Sailor

National space station

Hey all Can i see the national space station throught my scope?? where do i look from the uk?? Thank's for your help



10th April a few moon shots

just a few shots of the moon and try in the editing out here the photobucket link http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/Moon%2010th%20April%202011/ i lke the pics hope you do



A try at Vega pics

had a go at vega last night "tried a may add", still learning the camera wa play in with all te settings on the D10 last night and one of the moon thanks pat



Saturn, 9th April....wow.

So, two weeks after getting my scope I finally got the clear night I've been waiting for! I know there's been a few clear nights lately but I've been waiting for a clear Saturday night so I didn't have to worry about getting up early for work the next day. Anyway, about half 11 last night i stuck my head out the window to see how clear it was and yes! Not a cloud in the sky. Out i went and a quick scan of the sky with my iphone app showed me saturn was in full view, just drifting over the roof o



Images of The Sun 10th April 2011.

I finally received my sun filter film. Today around noon I took some images and had a mess around with microsoft picture editor to change the contrast and brightness. I'm dead chuffed, what an amazing sight.



Basic Guidance Setup

Hello people, Just wanted to pick your brains (again!). Im trying to take a leap into astrophotography and purchased HEQ5 Pro mount and 200pds, ive also picked up(friends rate)a cannon 10d and currently in the process of the LXMod on the SPC900. Anyhow, i intend to use the scopes spotter as a guide (with the spc900 inserted into ep)and use the cannon camera for photos. Is it as simple as using the EQMOD (usb1), Camera(usb2) and spotter(spc900 usb3)using PHD to guide or am i missing something?



Viewing - Sat 9th Apr 11

Another clear night but cold. Delved deeper into the workings of the NEQ6, seeing how it learns. Went well, will be good when the mount is on the pier and I can bring it all together.

The Sailor

The Sailor

the moon and jem red blues

Hi all well what a pain the jemred with sensor was last night it was about 10 degrees out, now what a do not no is this.do a zero it on Polaris ?,or on magnetic north? well after a hour or two spinning the base ect a gave up brought the dob in and set to the base attached the digi read out and spun the base no probs worked fine a may have to loosen the thing up a did all test s with out the tube on so the weight on the base may nbe the prob any way a got the 90mm goto meade out to vid



Basic Lunar Viewing

120mm F8.3 Refractor 5mm Celestron X-Cel (200x) The warmer weather and clear skies we've been getting over the past few days has tempted me to catch up on some lunar observing. To be frank, I've been avoiding the Moon for a while because I had difficulty identifying Lunar features whilst contorting myself into a convenient position to see through the refractor with a star diagonal - mirror-image and randomly rotated depending on which side of the 'scope I'm standing. But freshly armed with a cop



How lazy am i saturn

Well had a quick go tonight with scope , Saturn was up early- ish , and our kitchen is facing east so i set up scope in the kitchen!! on work top and i viewed Saturn! nice and dark in kitchen with the door shut!, was surprised the scope looked though glass, mind you the glass in our windows is very thin!!, not magnified. saved me going out side ,cold wind tonight. Got my Saturn fix!! P.S i wish people would turn there halogen lights off!! why there on all the time amazes me, there elec bill mus

mr saddo

mr saddo

where is saturn?

Now i am newbie. I know that it is in virgo, porrima and spica and round it`s orbit, but where is it?. Have a good pair of bino`s and i cannot see saturn from them. please help. I living in west country and first thing virgo, if thats any help.:confused:




A great night tonight, not a cloud in the sky and the air temp was just right. Using both scopes the viewing was good, will wait till the mount is on the pier to align the guide scope, so a successful night :) .

The Sailor

The Sailor

7th April 2011, Prt2

Tonight, I was really lucky. 1st I saw a meteorite fall across my line of sight fron north to south. Then I spotted a satellite around 21:20. I managed to follow this for about 30secs with my spotter scope in hand. That was quite interesting. The best thing of all, was through my 20mm eyepiece, as I was moving from East to North, a meteorite shot across the view of the scope. That was incredible. For a second it looked as if it bounced on the atmosphere. It caught me off guard, as through the e



7th April 2011

I didn't get solar film today, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, tonight is an excellent night for Star Gazing. For the first time, I have managed to get the polar alignment correct. I have also managed to get the speed correct on my single axis drive. As a result I have managed to take my best shot so far. The picture is of Arcturus in the east tonight about 22:00. This was taken with a 30 second exposure, with and ISO of 800. The DSLR camera was mounted directly on the scope. I realise there is a lot of



My First Astrophotography Pics

Here are my first Pics. Taken with my Konus 90mm and SPC900NC. I've not processed these in anyway that's my next challenge :) Thanks to all for their advice that got me this far. Flickr: justin.haylock's Photostream



Lupu Victor astronomy

Updated daily telescope images through celestron 8" telescope made with Nikon D80 and HDR camera Sony CX105 .Some images are processed with programs like registax or other programs for making mosaics or 3d animations.:) Lupu Victor astronomy



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